Guys....Do you think that the world will enter a world war 3 soon?

Exiled Martian

Was young I couldn't do good, now I can't do Bad
Sep 13, 2013
Swag-hili Shores
As the title says
I am not promoting this view, just interested in constructive opinions. Please state your reasons if you think either way. I just have a few friends that think we will enter one next year or 2015. Economics will take us there....Personally I can see it happen, & it may be more of a civil world war. It seems every government is getting more and more corrupt,and more and more is being uncovered thanks to people like Edward Snowden? Also that Wiki leak geeza. Seems like it's not just one government being corrupt, it's all of them, collaboratively being corrupt against their own people. It's bound to break at some point and shyte will go down hard. Though I think this could take a while, since the general public either does not care or is not informed. It's actually more in the media's hands than anything. They need to cover this stuff more deeply....but w eknow thats not gonna happen right?!

What do you think?

“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” ― Albert Einstein

^^^^ Also anyone care to break this down to me?
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May 21, 2012
from the home of coca-cola, i'm not referring to s
As the title says

^^^^ Also anyone care to break this down to me?

He's saying that WW3 will be so devastating to the planet and humanity if there's ever a WW4 humanity will be back in the stone age caused by the destruction from the 3rd world war
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Exiled Martian

Was young I couldn't do good, now I can't do Bad
Sep 13, 2013
Swag-hili Shores
Nothing will happen.'re right! but recall that one man managed to lead the worlds most powerful nation into two wars with one attack and a good deal of luck, and its changed us into a frightened people with a government who does not trust us. One man, one act. Bin Laden's laughing in his grave. Make no mistake, nations can be led by the nose. Our most recent societal change is one of fear, and manipulating that has always been most effective.WW2 of course was just a restart of ww1, at least the European part.

The real threat of global WW3 chaos in the future is I think more likely to come from technologically sophisticated anarchists...The funny thing about the US, though, is that they seem perpetually keen on keeping wars going whenever we can. There are many reasons for this, sure--MIC--but I think what really keeps the public numb about it is the fact that none of these wars were ever fought on their soil--save for the ambush at Pearl Harbor which was not a battle, and that little skirmish on the Alaskan hill. The US, in reality, knows absolutely nothing of war. Not a damn thing. The other big countries know all there is to know about what it means to live through war.....I don't see the US country as precipitating something on the scale of a WW, but it does concern me that they are too far removed from the realities of real conflict. It's all too easy to drop bombs and knock down doors out in the deserts & mountains when those places exist only in civics books for the majority of our population back home!

Exiled Martian

Was young I couldn't do good, now I can't do Bad
Sep 13, 2013
Swag-hili Shores
He's saying that WW3 will be so devastating to the planet and humanity if theirs ever a WW4 humanity will be back in the stone age

Props for the breakdown... I figured it was something along those lines....but I just wasn't too sure what O.G Al was getting at with that statement!
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Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
I don't think so, as in I don't believe great powers will be fighting each other directlty on worldwide scale, which was what World War I and II were about. There is hardly no chance of seeing the US, Russia, China, UK, France, Germany, Japan etc facing off each other: they are all too linked one with the other now, and given the arms at disposal they know damn well that no one can "win" with nuclear warheads involved. No superpower really has any sensible reason to invade another country, and there are no ideological battles anymore.

What is more likely is another form of the "Cold War" (which was only cold for Northern countries btw) in which random rebel/terrorist groups pop up here and there and act as proxies for states/companies. That's already been going on forever.

Exiled Martian

Was young I couldn't do good, now I can't do Bad
Sep 13, 2013
Swag-hili Shores
I don't think so, as in I don't believe great powers will be fighting each other directlty on worldwide scale, which was what World War I and II were about. There is hardly no chance of seeing the US, Russia, China, UK, France, Germany, Japan etc facing off each other: they are all too linked one with the other now, and given the arms at disposal they know damn well that no one can "win" with nuclear warheads involved. No superpower really has any sensible reason to invade another country, and there are no ideological battles anymore.

What is more likely is another form of the "Cold War" (which was only cold for Northern countries btw) in which random rebel/terrorist groups pop up here and there and act as proxies for states/companies. That's already been going on forever.

Half heartedly agree with you on the on the first point, also I think in light of much of the documents now becoming declassified (Cold War Docs) , there has been shed loads of of truly scary moments revealed that went down that no one ever knew about.The only reason the average citizen doesn't think about it, today, is because those threats of nuclear annhilation never came to pass thank *INSERT HOLY DIETY* that the work done deep behind the system to prevent those things from happening was very real, and very serious.

Apparently there were at least 3 major incidents (one that comes to mind being the miscommunication between, I believe, NORAD and one of the major Russian nuke sites about what had been launched (nothing had), with both parties in charge prepared to empty house on each other, if not for a wiser and cooler Air Force captain and his Russian counterpart (apparently, they always kept in contact to calm down these moments) realizing the glitches and preventing the launches) where, any one of which having gone the opposite direction that history took us, would have made WW1 and WW2 look like Operation Sheepskin

Coming back full circle to your first point, by WWIII I meant a full nuclear exchange of ICBM/SSLM/ATG strategic MIRV nuclear warheads between said Great super powers! I guess the universe isn't infinite & neither is earth. Mankind is doomed from one disaster or another, the "Great Powers" as we know them won't exist a generation or two down the road & even nuclear weapons will be surpassed by something better (or worse depending on your perspective). There is a VERY limited window for your nuclear WWIII scenario to come to pass. Hell, maybe we'll live long enough for WWIII to be conducted with energy weapons located on Mars :bustback::bustback::bustback:


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
Half heartedly agree with you on the on the first point, also I think in light of much of the documents now becoming declassified (Cold War Docs) , there has been shed loads of of truly scary moments revealed that went down that no one ever knew about.The only reason the average citizen doesn't think about it, today, is because those threats of nuclear annhilation never came to pass thank *INSERT HOLY DIETY* that the work done deep behind the system to prevent those things from happening was very real, and very serious.

Apparently there were at least 3 major incidents (one that comes to mind being the miscommunication between, I believe, NORAD and one of the major Russian nuke sites about what had been launched (nothing had), with both parties in charge prepared to empty house on each other, if not for a wiser and cooler Air Force captain and his Russian counterpart (apparently, they always kept in contact to calm down these moments) realizing the glitches and preventing the launches) where, any one of which having gone the opposite direction that history took us, would have made WW1 and WW2 look like Operation Sheepskin

Coming back full circle to your first point, by WWIII I meant a full nuclear exchange of ICBM/SSLM/ATG strategic MIRV nuclear warheads between said Great super powers! I guess the universe isn't infinite & neither is earth. Mankind is doomed from one disaster or another, the "Great Powers" as we know them won't exist a generation or two down the road & even nuclear weapons will be surpassed by something better (or worse depending on your perspective). There is a VERY limited window for your nuclear WWIII scenario to come to pass. Hell, maybe we'll live long enough for WWIII to be conducted with energy weapons located on Mars :bustback::bustback::bustback:

I understand what you're saying, but you actually proved my point in a sense. There's a reason those major incidents did not lead to full-blown war: at some point, someone in the chain of command realized the utter insanity it would be to go on. So yes indeed, it was close, BUT THE NUKES WERE NOT FIRED. That's the point. It could've led to WW3, but IT DIDN'T, and not just by chance. You even explain what prevented it: communication between two "mortal" enemies, the US and the USSR. The people in command might sometimes seem like hotheads to civilians like me (liek when the US invaded Irak), but at the end of the day they do what they deem better for their country. And NO big power today has ANYTHING to win by attacking another one. The US might attack Syria, Russia could invade Moldova, China could take North Korea over, ok. But no way the UK is attacking France for example. It goes against their own interests to go against another "big" country today, too much to lose, too little to gain.


Waxing Intellectual
Apr 14, 2013
Phi Chi Connection
Despite following different political doctrines, most world leaders have mutual interests. So, no...

Civil wars, scattered regional conflicts, and terrorism will rise however. World War, nah.

As the standard of living rises across the world, people become less concerned about multinational affairs.


All Star
Oct 16, 2012
There is a trade/currency war underway now, personally I believe this is how WW3 will be played out, in economic and political fashion and it will involve the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) working together and with other countries to end American economic dominance and to collapse the dollar. If a real war is fought I believe it will be completely staged by these countries just to gain more control and to put a world government in place. But ultimately I believe there will be mayhem and controversy on a world wide scale as the global economy sees basically a reset, but like a poster before me said I believe it will be more along the lines of civil unrest and civil wars between governments and their own people. But at the end of the day what the hell do I really know?
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Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
I seriously believe there will be no more wars fought in the level of WW2 or Korea because of the way the world is constructed. These countries of the world relies too much on each other and media plays an important role in our lives around the world rather rich or poor.

You will see economic wars being fought such as the BRIC vs the dollars. The rush for allies and partnership will be increasing thoughtout the world because of this.

Why do you think America been secretly meeting with Iran the past year to come up with a deal. This was all economic in the future you will see and to keep Israel in line.

All chess you will see and by the way Russia is a poor ass joke and if it wasn't for their nuke pile they will be Cuba.
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Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
If Israel launches a preemptive air strike on Iran's nuclear facilities then, yes.

Iran,unlike Palestine,has stockpiles of accurate surface to air missiles that can reach Israel's capital tel-aviv.
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Jul 17, 2013
there won't be no ww3.

I came to that conclusion by seeing how the Libya situation was handled. China and Russia explicitly said no to that war but the oil companies and banks still went in. when the war started they didn't do sh1t.

russia has some gas interests in syria but war is on. putin did his best to stop that to no avail. the media is deliberately keeping ppl out of that war. when they're done with syria up next will be Iran..

they'll just convince us and the rest of the world the war is necessary and go in as usual..

china and russia are north korea status when beef is on. It's only ww3 to the ppl dying.