Hashtag Feature ideas


Dancehall ah mi everyting
Oct 31, 2015
@cook @Brooklynzson

Thank you for the hashtag feature, I think it has a lot of potential.

Here are some improvements that I have been brainstorming. :thumbsup:

  • In the alerts. Instead of telling me someone posted with a hashtag I watch, it should also tell me what hashtag was posted in there.
    • That way I know how important it is (based on my interests on the topic)

  • In the alerts it should also tell me the title of the thread that the hashtag was posted in.
    • To weed out the trolls that might post hashtags in threads that don't relate.

  • I think it would be better to separate the hashtag alerts from regular alerts. At the top right corner, where you have the Username,Inbox, and Alerts; Why don't you add a hashtag tab between Inbox and Alerts?
    • In this Tab you will be able too see the hastag alerts, and you can manage the hashtags your watching.
    • It would promote more extensive use of the feature because.
    1. People won't get overwhelmed with hashtag alerts and accidentally scroll past mentions, quotes, or thread alerts.
    2. It would make the feature "official". Think about it, everyone who posts on the coli goes to the top right of their screen. Those who weren't aware of the feature before, will now be aware of it.
    3. It's more user friendly (if thats the best term) People can properly add or remove the hashtags they are following, without having to wait for someone to post them in a thread
    • What I DON'T think you should do, is make a tab where people can browse all the hashtags created, and can see who follows them.
      1. I believe that would remove the novelty (if thats the best word) of the feature. People tend to place little value in things that come easy to them. The experience of finding a thread, finding a group of people that agree with you, or are also interested in a topic, and adding the hashtag you find in there to your list. After a while you cant help but feel content in the fact that you have turned the tables. Instead of looking for new threads that your interested in. Somehow, you have found a way to make the threads come to you :banderas:
      2. That experience is much better than scrolling through a directory opening hashtag after hashtag, trying to find one that leads to a topic you find interesting. And then having a bunch of alerts from shyt you don't have a real interest in.

Those are just some ideas I have. Let me know what you think :thumbsup:
If i don't explain something properly just let me know.