Heavily armed white man arrested on NC A&T campus


Jun 9, 2012
This is from his facebook page. Seems like he has some mental health issues I would guess paranoid schizophrenia and believes he's being stalked by some individual or organizaiton.

Brandon Bentley
I was moving my belongings when I noticed a group was following me maliciously so when I pulled into sheets I saw a car that flashed its lights. I thought it was admiralty law I was following him to safety. Everything I own was in that car literally everything I have been moving stuff all day by myself. You simply don’t understand the facts, ma’am I’m not a threat to anyone. And there was not even any students on campus because it was 3 AM anything that I can do to assure you that I’m not a violent person. I’ll do I sincerely apologize that you feel this way, but there’s more to the situation than what meets the eye, and if he’s allowed to get away with it, he can do it to anybody else, including you on the target of narcoabuse in cyber stalking I’m really I’m doing this for help cause I’m afraid for my life my case involves corruption, criminal organizations, and a group of people who are in possession of military grade spyware the same spyware that I believe was being used to blackmail this officer, the one in possession of it was Sabastian Hartley, and he’s made death threats against me all of this is going to come to light light all I’m asking for support. I’m still wearing my jail bracelet because they can track me because I’m not a threat to anybody and if you don’t believe me then racist questions to your possible connections to the situation because this is a large large group of people my life is on the line here if I go back to jail I’m not gonna make it out of there. You got understand I’m doing this, because it’s my only choice I have information on a lot of people who want me dead Literally just trying to live my life. I have my record stands for itself. I’m not violent. The people who know me know that. I’m not that kind of guy.