Here’s Why You Don’t Like The DC Extended Universe Movies (VIDEO)

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
DC Films' Character Problem (video essay)

In case you were too busy to watch the entire video, the general idea behind it was that the characters were never really given the opportunity to develop. In Man of Steel, Superman is never really pushed as a human being to reveal his true nature as a character, and never actually changes. In fact, the same could be said for most of the characters in the film. They're static, not dynamic, which is something that's a big no-no in storytelling for most leads. Even Batman, who has an arc, admittedly has a bit of a silly one — an arc that audiences won’t really get behind, as they already know Superman is a force for good.

Now, I’m someone who thinks Batman v Superman: Ultimate Edition is a genuinely great movie. There’s a lot of great stuff in there, and at the end to the day, I think it gives us a pretty interesting perspective on a story. It’s problem, however, is that it’s more focused on the idea and the premise than it is on the characters. Now, perhaps in a standard standalone film, this is okay. But in a cinematic universe where you want to see these characters actually cross over, it’s kind of important that we actually care about these characters, and that they stand on their own merits. DC can’t continue to give us half-baked characters, and then expect us to care as much when they join up.

As the video pointed out, Marvel made sure to give each Avengers a previous character arc, and a journey that we, as audiences members connected with, before they joined up. DC’s approach, plays out more like a really long novel than a series of smaller ones that interconnect. We don’t know where this journey may take our characters, and it’s taking them a long time to get there. It doesn't give us a cohesive, fulfilling experience that we want at the theaters.

Now that’s not to say these films have no merit. As I mentioned, I enjoy them all for different reasons. The visuals are generally great, and I can't say that they're aping Marvel's formula, as the way they tell stories is a lot more dynamic than what Marvel is doing. However, in a universe that thrives on character, perhaps its best that they take a more character-centric — not idea, plot, or premise-centric — approach for the future, so that when they actually join forces, we’ll give a crap.

Now Marvel has been accused in the past of having a formula, and yes, that's kind of true. Their movies generally work on the most fundamental levels of storytelling. While that may seem a bit uncreative, it's a process that works for most audiences. It allows them to care, and enables Marvel to take chances in some other arenas. Perhaps it's best that DC take a page out of Marvel's book.

Notorious 1 E.Y.E.

Nov 12, 2012
the low end. southside chi
I don't recall anyone who says they don't like the DC movies ever using any of this as their reasoning.
But whatever...I enjoyed all of the movies so I guess I am not the target audience for this vid.:manny:
same thing i said about his marvel one

i thought bvs and suicide squad was straight
Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
I don't recall anyone who says they don't like the DC movies ever using any of this as their reasoning.
But whatever...I enjoyed all of the movies so I guess I am not the target audience for this vid.:manny:

Lot's of people enjoy bad films. Because at the end of the day it's all opinion based. I "enjoyed" Suicide Squad, But I should have "LOVED" suicide squad. "BvS" is boring as fukk. So if you enjoy that kudos to you for staying woke.


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
The main Problem with the DCU was that it came on the heels of Christopher Nolan's Batman, and it's success. And some idiot was like "Hmm lets make Superman dark and brooding like Batman" and from that point on shyt's been down hill from there.
Yep they started off horrible and haven't been able to get right since. Making superman a passive aggressive emo weirdo makes it impossible for the audience to invest or care about him. Then they have the nerve to kill him in the second movie like they built up a decent story for him for the audience to actually care when he dies. Then to boot they blatantly allude that he's still alive at the end and contradict the emotions they were trying to stir in you in five minutes :mjlol: the writing has been shyt, especially in bvs
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