Highlights from Paige’s Interview with Lillian (Talks Movie, Leaks, Xavier, Suspension etc)

Lord Scion

Quality Games
Oct 22, 2012
(Jacked from Wreddit):
  • She says that it blows her mind how much she's accomplished at such a young age. Stephen Merchant, the producer of The Rock's new movie about Paige, Fighting with My Family, texted Paige the other day and asked her what accomplishments she had, because he wants to put it at the end of the movie, and she realised that she actually had a lot.

  • Says that at one point, she was ashamed of her parent's being wrestlers when she was younger because she was bullied for it in school because wrestling wasn't seen as the 'cool thing to do' back then. She then realised that she needed to embrace it, and didn't care what anyone thought. She jokes that people then got scared of her instead and didn't want to be her friend.

  • She says that her science teacher was one of her only friends/supporters at high school. She'd often miss weeks from school as she was travelling but also because she didn't really want to be there due to a lack of friends.

  • She said that at the age of 14, she travelled by herself for the first time from England to Norway. From a young age, she's loved being independent. She then tried to create a portfolio of everything she'd done to try to get bookings. She wrestled in places like Belgium, Italy, France, Norway, Spain and Turkey by herself.

  • She said wrestling completely took over her life. She didn't hang out with friends, and she stayed in her bedroom for hours planning for wrestling, and she kind of took away her own childhood by doing so.

  • When she was 14, Paige's mother, Saraya Knight went missing for 6 months. She said that her mother worked so hard and just broke down from being tired. Paige said that for those few months, she completely fell off the wagon and began drinking with friends before she realised that she needed to stop and find her mother. She says when she found her mother, she looked like a completely different person. Paige says that her mother had a lot of issues growing up. She was abused and gang raped, and she just broke down suddenly because she couldn't take it anymore.

  • She says she doesn't have a lot of friends because she's very standoffish and has a lot of trust issues because of past incidents. She's had people cheat on her, and friends backstab her. She says that if she embraces you as her friend, it says that she trusts you a lot. She says that she's happy with the people she has around her, because she doesn't want to open up just for people to leave her.

  • She says that after her leaks, she didn't even want to go out. Last Tuesday, she was out with her friends and some guy came up to her friend and said that 'that's the pornstar and I jacked off to her yesterday'. Paige then begins crying on the podcast, and Lillian tries to comfort her. Paige says she finds it really hard to feel close to anybody anymore. She says she's not a bad person and she's made a ton of mistakes.

  • She talks about the leaks, and says that it was a stupid mistake and warns girls about social media. Whilst crying, Paige says that after they came out, she barricaded herself into her house and even contemplated suicide.

  • She hates the fact that she's gonna be known for her leaks. She hates that in articles, she sees the headlines 'sex tape scandal star'. She said that she got so skinny and ended up collapsing with exhaustion in England and they told her that it was stressed induced anorexia. Some of her hair fell out and she was just so sick. It still breaks her heart.

  • She regrets it immensely, and says that Xavier Woods is her friend so she feels horrible for him too. She says that she felt like she degraded herself as a woman and she's learned to never do something like that again.

  • Lillian says that she reached out to Paige when she saw pictures of Paige being so thin. Paige says that cyber bullying is a real thing and she felt horrible at the time, which is why she had stress induced anorexia. Paige says that when she saw a little girl who said that she was still her favourite, she realised that she could still inspire others.

  • She admits that she was in pain and getting a lot of comments of her being fat, she got wrapped up in drinking and got wrapped up in the party lifestyle in 2016 because she felt like she was exploring her missed childhood. She says the 1st suspension wasn't due to drugs but was because of missing the time capacity of doing the test.

  • She admits that for the 2nd suspension, she took drugs and she got suspended. She says that she didn't even enjoy doing it, and she's not that person but she chose to do it, and it was completely her fault. She tried to cover it up but she was just embarrassed. She didn't want to look terrible because she built herself up as a role model and didn't want to be seen as the girl who parties and does drugs.

  • She says that she was not mad at WWE suspending her. She says that WWE love her and are still helping her. They're allowing her to do therapy and she never realised how great they are to her. She says that they've always stuck by her and that they love her.

  • She says that Mark Carrano helped her and phoned her everyday. Rosa Mendes put her in touch with a therapist at WWE because Rosa fought an alcohol addition.

  • She says that she spoke to Vince, Hunter and Stephanie when she returned and they said to her that she can be anything that she wants to be and that they believe in her. They said that they were happy that she was happy and healthy and back home.

  • After her return, Stephanie came up to her and whispered in her ear 'You are gonna be fine. This is your house'. Paige says that she's so inspired by Stephanie. Stephanie told her that Paige can now help others with her journey and that Paige can still be a bigger star than she was before. She calls Stephanie a hero and empowering.

  • She says that WWE gave her her confidence back. She said that Mark Carrano hugged her as soon as she turned up in Atlanta a week before her return. She said that everyone hugged her and gave her the confidence to stay strong.

  • She said that the pop she got almost made her cry on stage. She says that this is her world and she took a step out of it for a while, but now that she's seen everyone again, she's so happy she's back. Lillian says that she can notice a huge difference in Paige.

  • She said that she cut off contact with Alicia Fox for a year and a half, but she texted Alicia and said she's sorry and that she loves her, and now they're best friends again. She said that Alicia is an amazing friend. Some people walked out of her life, but Alicia always had her back.

  • Paige said that she's more conservative backstage now. She's not as crazy as she used to be backstage, and she's just a happier person.

  • She says that the locker room was great when she returned. She says that she can see that some wrestlers backstage aren't exactly happy that she's getting a push.

  • Paige says that she wants to prove to Hunter, Stephanie and Vince that wrestling is her life and that she wants to be here. She says that the side of her of the past year is gone.

  • Paige calls Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville amazing. She loves that she gets to help them. They come up to her a lot and she listens to their promos. She's really protective of both of them. She praises Sonya for being the only open homosexual women on the roster right now. She says that she loves Mandy because she's so humble. She's so happy for Mandy because she may be a pretty face, but she's so humbled and works so hard.

  • Paige loves Nia Jax and loves the diversity in the locker room. She calls Nia Jax gorgeous, and Lillian says that Nia Jax will be on Chasing Glory next week. Paige says that Nia gets a lot of hate but she's beautiful inside and out. Paige says that whenever she sees Nia, she gives her a big hug and always makes sure to tell her how beautiful she is.

  • Paige says that years of wrestling led to her neck injury. She says that she has scoliosis but she has all the help she needs backstage so she doesn't worry about her body. She says that one day, she bumped on the outside and it didn't feel right. She said that she woke up once, and she was in so much pain. She had a lot of sleepless nights and cried a lot. She never wanted to tell WWE that she was hurt because she wanted to continue to wrestle. She realised that she didn't want to become a danger to others too because she botched some stuff in the ring so she told WWE.

  • Paige says that when she removed her hernia, she didn't wear a neck brace, and went to the gym and trained but she got another hernia so she decided to just rest for a few months.

  • Paige says she was so nervous for her match against Sasha on RAW this week, but she was so happy she had her friends in the audience. Paige says that her and Sasha aren't close but Sasha helped her through that match so much and that Sasha is great. She says that Sasha protected her a lot in that match and she'll always thank Sasha for that.

  • She says that she was so sad for Emma when she got released and that Emma is fantastic. She was so bummed out when Emma got released because they both helped put women's wrestling on the map in NXT.

  • Paige says that she's already seen a pre-screening of the movie about her family, and she cried because it's amazing. She praises the cast.

  • Paige says that at WrestleMania 30, The Rock told her that she was debuting on the next night and he told her that he wanted to do a film about her family. The Rock told her that her family reminds him of his and that he loves her family.

  • Paige says that soon she is gonna start doing media for the movie and that it's surreal. She says that her family all have 'extras' parts in the movies too. She says that her and Stephen Merchant had meetings about her life so that he could get every detail right.

  • Paige was so worried because of her leaks. She thought that the movie was going to be cancelled but they believed in the movie so much that they were gonna continue.

  • Paige says that she doesn't hate Alberto in any way. They broke up because she wanted to fix her life and he wanted to focus on his family. She asked him not to say anything because she was tired of the media knowing everything about her because she didn't want anyone to know her business. She said that she thought her friend's Snapchat was private, so she messed up by joking 'This is why I'm single!' and everyone found out. She said that she just didn't want to be anything else on the internet, which is why she asked him not to say anything. She says that she doesn't talk to ADR but she wishes the best for him.

  • Lillian asks about Paige's brothers reaching out to the media to help Paige. Paige says that she loves her brothers but she just wishes it wasn't put on social media because she doesn't want anything else on social media. She says she completely understands how her brothers felt.

  • At one point, her dad told her that she'd end up like Amy Winehouse, so she cut off contact with him and everyone else. Her dad said that he didn't want to wake up and hear that she's dead. That broke her heart but now, he's so proud of her.

  • She got off the drugs because of the 2nd suspension. A lot of people wrote out to her and her brothers sent her pictures of her nieces and nephews and she loves them, so that helped her a lot. She realised that she needed her family and woke up one day and asked herself 'What the hell are you doing? You have everything. She helps her family so much with money so why is she risking this?'. Her family didn't have a lot growing up. Paige loves her job, her family and her fanbase, so she realised that she's stupid for throwing it all away.

  • She says that she stopped drinking for a while and got into boxing classes and is now gradually getting back in shape. Lillian says that Paige looks beautiful and that she's happy Paige has put more weight on, because she was super skinny.

  • She says that she appreciates WWE so much more because of everything that's happened. She went off the deep end and they stuck by her every step of the way.

  • Paige is happy she got into wrestling early because she learned a lot but she's not happy with how the last year has been. She's glad that it happened to her rather than someone who couldn't handle it, because she has a platform and is able to overcome it and help everyone else.

  • Paige reveals that when she was 17 or 18, she got pregnant and she lost her baby. She says that it was stupid getting pregnant at that age, but she was devastated to lose it. Paige says that she has an issue with her ovaries, and she had surgery to remove it. It was right before NXT Arrival, and she was literally cleared on the day of NXT Arrival. Her and Emma went on to have a great match.

  • Paige says that she can't have kids. It makes her sad because she had a small child growing inside her and now she most likely can't have any. She says that she'd love to adopt in the future. She would love that child as if it literally were her own, so she says not being able to have kids isn't the be all and end all.

  • Paige thanks her fans and says that they don't realise how much they've helped her. There's not one day where she isn't tagged in something inspiring about her, and she loves that she can help them. She praises her fans and WWE for welcoming her back and having her back.

  • Paige thanks Lillian for giving her a platform. She thanks Alberto for saying sweet things about her return in the press. She loves her Orlando and Pittsburgh friends. She says that she can't wait to show the world what she has to offer.

  • She says her goals are to maintain her new YouTube channel, become Women's Champion and go into the Hall of Fame because that's always been her dream.

  • Paige says that she misses the madness of being on Total Divas and would love to be back on it, but if she does come back, she won't be the same crazy, outlandish chick and that she's grown up a lot.

  • Lillian thanks Paige for pouring her heart out and owning her mistakes.

  • Lillian asks Paige what she'd say to her 13 year old self. Paige says to always be aware of what you're doing, and jokes not to do anything with camera.



May 1, 2012
Essex County, NJ
I get the feeling that Paige will end up turning face sometime within the next year. :patrice:

Already getting cheered. I have a theory that no one wants to boo female heels.

This part and the part about getting her ovaries removed was sad as hell.

  • She says that after her leaks, she didn't even want to go out. Last Tuesday, she was out with her friends and some guy came up to her friend and said that 'that's the pornstar and I jacked off to her yesterday'. Paige then begins crying on the podcast, and Lillian tries to comfort her. Paige says she finds it really hard to feel close to anybody anymore. She says she's not a bad person and she's made a ton of mistakes.

  • She talks about the leaks, and says that it was a stupid mistake and warns girls about social media. Whilst crying, Paige says that after they came out, she barricaded herself into her house and even contemplated suicide.

  • She hates the fact that she's gonna be known for her leaks. She hates that in articles, she sees the headlines 'sex tape scandal star'. She said that she got so skinny and ended up collapsing with exhaustion in England and they told her that it was stressed induced anorexia. Some of her hair fell out and she was just so sick. It still breaks her heart.

  • She regrets it immensely, and says that Xavier Woods is her friend so she feels horrible for him too. She says that she felt like she degraded herself as a woman and she's learned to never do something like that again.

  • Lillian says that she reached out to Paige when she saw pictures of Paige being so thin. Paige says that cyber bullying is a real thing and she felt horrible at the time, which is why she had stress induced anorexia. Paige says that when she saw a little girl who said that she was still her favourite, she realised that she could still inspire others.
Last edited:

Mike the Executioner

What went on up there? Poppers and weird sex!
Sep 10, 2015
Brooklyn, New York
Already getting cheered. I have a theory that no one wants to boo female heels.

This part and the part about getting her ovaries removed was sad as hell.

That's why I love these interviews. You get to see where the person's head was at during these situations and it makes you have a little more sympathy for them.

I'm glad she realizes her worth and she wants to make this second run meaningful. :obama:

Breh Obama

First Breh President. Coli Prophet.
Jul 5, 2012
Leader of the righteous Brehs!
Is it a coincidence new pics of her with skeet all on her face came out the same time as this interview?

Makes me think Del Rio is the one leaking the pics

WMG the 2nd

Nov 18, 2016
I felt bad that day for woods and her but it is what it is when you have that celebrity people want to see every part of you and we saw that and more
Hopefully this becomes a lesson for not just her but celebrities about how the hacker game goes but glad she’s in a better mental spot. Doesn’t really paint del rio in the best light either
May 1, 2012
(Jacked from Wreddit):

  • Paige thanks Lillian for giving her a platform. She thanks Alberto for saying sweet things about her return in the press. She loves her Orlando and Pittsburgh friends. She says that she can't wait to show the world what she has to offer.
what pgh fans? @3Rivers u got something to tell us? u pipin? :shaq:


Apr 16, 2013
Is it a coincidence new pics of her with skeet all on her face came out the same time as this interview?

Makes me think Del Rio is the one leaking the pics
These are all from the same leak so it was before Del Rio.


Jun 2, 2014
Wish her all the best. Sounds like she's had a rough life and made a lot of mistakes. Hopefully she's sincere about cleaning up her act and doing better.

She has a rough life..I can't believe people actually go up to her and make those comments
People treat celebrities like shyt, bruh. It's why I never get mad when I hear stories of some fan or paparazzi getting cussed out. 9/10 times, they deserved it.