Hillary's primary success is a sham


Jul 6, 2014
Hillary’s primary success is a sham: Bernie Sanders will remain the true Democratic front-runner until the FBI finishes its Investigation
It's not over until the FBI clears Hillary Clinton— which it absolutely shouldn't
H.A. Goodman

Topics: Bernie Sanders, Election 2016, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton emails, Elections News

EnlargeHillary Clinton (Credit: AP/Patrick Semansky)
Bernie Sanders is the only Democratic candidate for president not linked to an FBI investigation. This used to mean something in American politics, but those days are gone. Today, I’m viewed as delusional, by the same people who think smart politics and qualifications entail endless scandals, poor decision-making on everything from major foreign policy decisions to Wall Street speeches, and ongoing FBI investigations. In truth, the only delusion is believing that a candidate at risk of DOJ indictments, and facing political repercussions even without these indictments, would make a great president.

Nonetheless, this election season has been a bizarre case study in group think and competing narratives. At first, Bernie couldn’t win and Hillary was inevitable. Now, Bernie almost won, but apparently lost because of New York, and the FBI is simply a minor speed bump on the road to the White House. Tomorrow, Clinton will claim victory is just around the corner, even without knowledge of the FBI’s verdict.

At the end of the day, Americans everywhere will realize that the rule of law applies to Hillary Clinton, and that honesty and integrity will propel Bernie Sanders to the presidency. The FBI’s reputation is at stake, both globally and at home, and I explain why in this YouTube segment. James Comey and the agents who’ve devoted endless hours to Clinton’s email investigation will soon disclose their findings to the American people; to think nothing will result from this year-long probe is naive. Remember, the FBI doesn’t give parking tickets.

There will indeed be political repercussions for Clinton, especially if the FBI recommends indictment, and Democrats will need Bernie Sanders. The DNC will need Bernie Sanders. The country will need Bernie Sanders.

We haven’t veered that far away from our former value system as nation, when possible criminal conduct meant the end of presidential campaigns, for the DNC to continue to back Hillary Clinton, even after the FBI recommends indictments.

Think I’m nuts?

The smartest people in the room are again saying that Bernie Sanders can’t win, even though they failed to predict he’d be only 1.4 points nationally from Clinton in April of 2016. Last year, I accurately predicted that Bernie Sanders would continue his surge in the polls, while most observers never imagined Vermont’s Senator already defeating Clinton in two national polls. Not long ago, there was the notion that party unity would save Democrats in November, if Clinton became the nominee. Again, I predicted that many Democrats would never support Hillary Clinton, and that figure is now much larger. The smart Democratic strategists also never imagined Bernie Sanders would have 1,149 delegates, even after New York, and certainly never predicted he’d defeat GOP competition by wider margins than Hillary Clinton. Once again, in almost all my writing advocating Bernie Sanders, I’ve made the case that Sanders would be here, at this point, and perform better against Republican challengers.

Most importantly, nobody in progressive politics took the FBI investigation seriously, even though I’ve addressed the issue since last year, before supporting Bernie and while I was backing Elizabeth Warren. For this reason, and not delegate math (that discounts the over 100,000 voters in Brooklyn who weren’t allowed to vote), there’s only one genuine front-runner in the race for Democratic nominee. You can’t start bringing up rules and delegate count, if voter suppression, rigged debates schedules, and overt foul play have been hallmarks of the 2016 Democratic Primary.

Bernie Sanders will remain the true Democratic front-runner, until the FBI finishes its year-long investigation of the Top Secret and classified intelligence found on Clinton’s private server. This concept is simple, but very difficult for Clinton supporters, and even many observers in the media to comprehend. To most supporters of the former Secretary of State, everything is a Benghazi committee, regardless of the severity of the controversy or questions surrounding Clinton’s decision-making.

First, the Clinton campaign would like nothing more than Bernie Sanders dropping out, and becoming the only candidate standing if the FBI recommends indictments for Clinton or her top aides. The narrative then would be that Democrats had to vote for Clinton, since there was nobody left standing other than the former Secretary of State. Luckily, Bernie Sanders has more than enough money to see this election through; all the way to the FBI’s vote.
Hillary’s primary success is a sham: Bernie Sanders will remain the true Democratic front-runner until the FBI finishes its Investigation


Rhyme Reason
May 11, 2012
got a call for three nines

:umad: :heh:


May 20, 2012
this ether will be burning bernie brehs for a long time :wow: it'll be hard for them to cope with this L


Give us time breh. It's hard to see the most principled democratic candidate in our lifetime get rejected by the same people he is trying to save.

He's Neo fighting for people who don't want to be freed from the Matrix.



Countdown to Armageddon
Apr 30, 2012
this ether will be burning bernie brehs for a long time :wow: it'll be hard for them to cope with this L
How you figure? We've had the moral, intellectual and political highground from the jump and that isnt changing. Either we get President Sanders and the Political Revolution, or we get to sit back and gloat while a Republican runs the country into the ground, THEN we get our political revolution. Win-Win :umad:
