How bout a war on obesity


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
I'm tired of making threads on this....

But bottomline is

Overweight people = eat more food = more profit

Overweight people = more prone to illness = weaker immune system = prescription drugs

are there exception to this rule, hell yeah, f*cking right

Alot of foods are loaded with chemical additives that cause you to become addicted to a product, thus you'll eat / buy more of.....


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
:snoop:Is fat. I'm tryin to lose weight. A better war if any of these is to be waged is to do like Pac said go to war against poverty. If people weren't poor and stupid a lot of today's issue would be non existant.

:werd: try logging off. I'm serious..
population control breh. never gonna happen
Honestly I've thought about this. The population of the earth is rapidly increasing. In the past, diseases were rampant throughout history and did a number on wiping a significant number of the population.

a lot of this is laziness though emac... i hear what you are saying about all the companies pushing bad food and the govt not caring... I just got my first good job where im not livin check to check and yet I was able to on a fairly strict budget eat decent, but you got to exercise... I hate to sound like this, but a lot of kids today are damaged by all the technology... on the computer and x box all day plus bad food
I say this all the time. Technology makes "some" people smarter, but most people, lazier,fattier and dumber.

I always reference the movie wall-e.


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
You measure by percentage fat in the body minus muscle and water weight. Americans were not this obese a generation or two ago its a more recent trend. The regulation you are aiming for would be hard to achieve do to so many special interests by the food and beverage producers, the issue of regulatory capture and individuals preferences.
Think about people are cooking less. A lot of things are instant. A lot corners are being cut when it comes to food. How many people can actually decipher the plethora of chemicals on the back what they're eating. People hardly walk anywhere any more. The digital age is a complex issue, because you have to combat machinery with essential human needs. Heck the city of LA you need a car to get around.

Walking :childplease:
waiting for the bus :noah:

In Japan they have the other side of this issue in that people esp the girls are underweight do to culture reasons. Its more of a culture and education problem in the U.S. rather than a regulation one, not that regulatory attempts cannot be made, just how effective would they be? Social regulation is also sometimes as effective as government ones, regulation comes in different forms.

interesting need to look into this....
where do you draw the line? people that arent appealing in regular fitting clothes? what about someone with a stomach pooch? or just fat legs and everything else skinny? We cant judge a persons BMI on the outside. Are BMI's even an accurate statistic?
BMI's are inaccurate, because I'd be labeled as obese
5'9 173lbs


We'd have to control the means of people getting fat, which would mean regulating what people can and cant eat. Quality and quantity.
thought about this, but everyone has free will. You can't force everyone to eat healthy. Just make them aware of how to...

Sure right now I can go to BK and get a salad, for the same price I can also get a Whopper. Realistically if I get the salad, im probably gonna be hungry again in an hour or two, unless I drink plenty of water then I should be ok. A whopper, fries and coke. Will kill my hunger damn near immediately, make me shyt and put me to sleep. I might be hungry again but be too tired to get another.
You're body is probably craving fat or more protein. If it's fat, try eating an avocado with your salad or take fish pills....

At the store I could buy heads of lettuce and bags of broccoli and orange\apple juice or tea leaves and make tea. Or buy chips, cookies and cola, which in comparison are going to be ALOT cheaper.
actually, they're the same depending on how you look at it. And where you shop. Remember the people who setup grocery stores are the GOAT psychologist, that prey on the average person.

For someone on a McD's income its not conducive to buy the foods that are healthier in the long run, they are hungry so fukk it.

Heres how I think the upper echelon has a grip on the people that simply dont know better.
Not knowing any better is a valid excuse when you're younger. But the problem we're seeing is that a lot of doctors don't even fully understand nutrition unless they went back got a degree in it. The whole pyramid of foods inaccurate. It recommends eating a series of high carbs. Excessive carbs are an easy way to gain weight....

Its always going to be cheaper to buy cookies, crackers, processed shyt that doesnt have any nutrients, and also colas pepsi and coke, dr pepper 2 litters for .99 and shyt.
McD's is always gonna have a dollar burger, but aside for them little shyt side salads and stuff, they dont give a fukk. You could buy 2 big macs for 4 bucks a piece 4 times a week for 13 years before you have a heart attack and die thus being able to never eat there again. Or buy salads and drink tea or water and that money would slowly trickle back into their pockets.

On a McDs income, and eating McD's your gonna need whatever little insurance you can get because all these preservatives and shyt thats in the food and genetically modifying the chickens and shyt aint healthy for humans. Youve seen how a fry never loses its composure after years of just sitting under a seat in a car, Their burgers do the same thing. What type of effect do you think that has on the human body? We dont just shyt it all out.
Honestly, I wouldn't mess with anything at mcdonalds, even if its a salad. Moderation is the key, if you have to eat fast food.

If we ate healthier, we'd be smarter, more productive, live longer, which based upon the systems that are lives are wrapped around (retirement, Social security) if we were all very productive 70 year old people, rather than reliant on prescription meds, nursing home bound, home bound citizens, what would our work force look like? What additional exceptions like senior citizen discounts and such would need to be made or adjusted?

Very true proper nutrition is underrated. I think a lot of people don't understand what it's like to be healthy. It's like a high. You don't need drugs,white sugar, or alcohol. That just makes your lethargic. Remember alcohol and various other drugs have been used throughout history as a way keeping people complaisant or from thinking too analytical or skeptical about the environment around them.

LoL @ getting headaches....

Food is fuel.....

*eats cake* :hmm:


May 6, 2012
@rodgers and serious

its not laziness for companies its profit. its easy easier to make a commercial showing kate upton eating a cheezy greasy burger thats falling apart and make it look appealing. It would be as equally easy to film and commercial of her eating steamed broccoli and a fresh cut steak, but not all families can afford steaks and broccoli isnt that appealing. The $5 footlong thing works, but thats catered toward people that want to attempt to eat healthy or be seen eating healthy, besides if you have a real deli in ur Philly...if I can get a good cheesesteak why the fukk would I want subway? But they make an attempt, but it isnt as glorious as McD's, BK, Hardees, Pizza Hut, Dominos, Papa Johns etc..

the thing is people need to be educated on how to eat properly. its not something people wake up knowing how to do it. People think having old home wheat bread is better than white, when they are both filled with high fructose corn syrup, the white is exactly the same as the wheat just bleached...they need to switch brands.

People think drinking store bought apple juice is good too, read the label its 3% juice, 14% apple flavoring, and the 83% water plus HFCS. so dumb people that atleast want to try dont even get a decent shot.

It would cost sooo much more to educate people and when and where would they teach this? In schools here in the US where the demand is considered almost too much and we are already consistently lacking behind other nations? Its kind of hard to teach an old dog new tricks when they are 18 and have been accustomed to oreos, doritos, taco bell, ramen and hot dogs for 18 years to start eating clean and right.

@Serious thats exactly why BMI is considered wrong in many how do we judge who is obese....I remember having the conversation in middle school many a time about Kingpin from the Spiderman cartoon...everyone thought he was fat like notorious big, no he was all muscle...their bmi's are the same, would we shame them both? or is there a physical they need to pass?

Moderation is key but you cant tell people who are hungry to moderate. Its like when your pops said kids in africa or china would be happy to eat this, or you dont know what hungry is, kids in africa or china are hungry...Of course we dont know..

But if your hungry, your fukkin hungry...the fact of the matter is 24hrs a day we can drive somewhere and get a burger, fries or a pizza and not have to wait...but where can we go to get a salad, a fresh cut sandwich, soup...something thats not high in sodium, or processed?

And go to any grocery store, depending on the season and where your will always find a bag of apples or bushel of broccoli or celery for 2+ dollars..maybe cheaper if its goin bad. But you will always have 2 2liters for .99cents or a family bag of doritos for equal or lesser value than the shyt that wont kill you.

Sure the doritos will last longer in the cupboard versus the broccoli in the fridge but realistically the doritos are gonna be eaten first, the broccoli will sit in the veggie tray and go bad.

You can get pizza rolls, or fresh chicken cuts, or beef, and some broccoli , go home chopped it up, glaze it, bake it, steam it, broil it, fry it...or get the pizza rolls put'em in the oven and do you.

We live in a fast paced society most people are goin for the quickness.