How do you negotiate salary for a new job?


May 22, 2012
Curious how the Coli would handle a salary negotiation for a new job. I got a verbal offer from the recruiter, and they said they are working on getting me a package setup for an offer. She kept asking me what type of compensation I am looking for, and I said what the market deems my skills/experience are worth. We kept going back and forth, and it became awkward (because I didn't want to mention a number), but she said we really want you onboard so we will bring you a nice offer in a couple of days. I was tempted to give an inflated number, but didn't know how that would go over.

I know from reading some articles that you should never mention how much money you currently make, or even mention a number at all, make them mention the range or salary for the position (the 1st recruiter did mention the range, and I was good with that). But how about when the offer is actually given? What do you actually say when you talk about it again with the recruiter? Obviously not going to take the 1st offer, but I'm sure there's some tips to have a successful negotiation for a new job.

Thread isn't only for me, any Coli brehs/brehettes that are trying to land a new job, hoping this thread can help with that.