How should Clinton troll Trump before the next debate?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Trump was already erratic enough, and I think the news of the last week, dropping poll numbers, and abandoning of the ship by Republican leaders has him on the verge of an irreversible meltdown. If she screws with his mind the right we, we could have an all-time great presidential campaign moment on live national television. So how should Hillary mess with him now?

* Put the girls he walked in on during the Miss Teen Universe pagent in the debate audience and direct attention to them

* Produce a “Downfall” meme video of Trump’s last week and play it as a campaign ad for days before the debate.

* Make a list of major Christian leaders who have renounced Trump’s comments and/or pulled their support. Recite it during the debate. Watch Trump throw pastors, entire denominations, and possibly Christianity in general under the bus.

* Any time Trump mentions Clinton screwing over Sanders again, simply reply, “You should be grateful. If he were here, you’d be losing even worse.”

* Or then there’s this gem from the Wikileak links:

An email sent from a liberal columnist to a Clinton ally in March 2015 revealed fears among her supporters that Clinton was "almost totally dependent on Republicans nominating Trump," suggesting any of the other GOP primary contenders, including Rubio, could have defeated her in a general election.


The ether Trump catches from that stray....

That’s more disrespectful than anything Clinton has ever said to him.

And when you factor in how the campaign has actually gone, with Clinton vacillating between screwing up and disappearing while Trump just drove his train off the cliff….

If I’m Clinton, then at around 10pm the night before the 3rd debate I’m having someone tweet that with #therealdonaldtrump tagged, and getting different Democrats to keep sending it to him every 15 minutes or so.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I know another tape/video is coming out

Yeah, but he might be self-immune to that sort of crap right now.

It's not the videos that get him. It's how people react. Him losing in the polls, his supporters dropping like flies, Clinton openly denouncing him - I think that's what would push him completely off the edge.

Trump can handle absolutely anything anyone says about him except that he is weak, a loser, or simply irrelevant.