How UMG, Drake, Gamma & Eldridge Industries are manipulating you and the entertainment industry


Did this work
Jun 21, 2012
Always appreciate posts like this

Music industry been fukked up longer than this. In hip hop alone it's when they started using it as a vehicle to help funnel the prison pipeline. Then you have these artist that put out records that are basically shouting out every name brand they can find like a commercial. Label helping them manufacture an image. Now they don't even manufacture something we MIGHT LIKE they just shove it in your face and tell you other people like it and you're a herb if you don't :unimpressed:

Playaz Eyez

Sep 2, 2015
So Drake is a vintage Jewish man behind the scenes that has faked having a start from scratch come-up? Lol

Long Live The Kane

Tyrant Titan
Apr 30, 2012
This is actually gaining traction in the mainstream, the veil maybe be slowly lifted from people’s eyes. :lupe:

Is Drake Calling the Shots? Investigative Deep Dive into Rapper's Alleged Global Grip

Drake's reign at the top of the music industry is undeniable, but a curious theory from a fringe faction of Kendrick Lamar fans has taken the internet by storm. This theory paints a bizarre picture of Drake, not just as a chart-topping musician, but as a puppet master pulling the strings of hip hop, sports, and even global politics.

From Chart Domination to Content Overlords?

The theory hinges on Drake's partnership with Gamma, a media content company fueled by funding from the UAE and Eldridge Industries (which owns Universal Music Group). Eldridge, led by Todd Boehly, also has a stake in the Golden State Warriors, a team Drake has vacationed with star Steph Curry. Drake also has a long time association with NBA superstars Lebron James, who along with Curry’s Warriors 8 championships in slightly over a decade. Is it a coincidence? Not to these theorists, who believe Drake has been low-key influencing NBA and sports as a whole, perhaps even leveraging his partnership with sports betting site Stake.

Oil, Sports, and a New World Order?

The plot thickens with Drake's UAE links. The UAE, a major player in the oil market, supposedly fuels Drake's global influence. The theory alleges Drake is manipulating oil prices through his UAE connections to create discord among oil-dependent nations. This, they believe, is the prelude to a global oil crisis that would trigger war and destabilize governments. Enter Drake, the mastermind ready to usher in a new world order under his reign.

Kendrick Lamar: The Unlikely Hero?

Here's where the theory takes a truly fantastical turn. These Lamar fans cast their idol as the prophesied hero destined to dismantle Drake's deep state. Much like QAnon lore portrays Donald Trump, they believe Lamar will expose Drake's nefarious plans and restore balance to the world.

Outlandish or Entertaining?

While demonstrably false, the theory undeniably sparks conversation. Drake's ubiquity in pop culture, from music to sports to business ventures, provides fertile ground for such speculation. One thing's for sure: Drake isn't just a musician anymore – he's become a cultural figure whose every move is endlessly analyzed and debated. Even if the theory is far-fetched, it's a reminder of the captivating hold Drake has on the collective imagination.

Playaz Eyez

Sep 2, 2015
That shyt about Sexxy Red tells you when something doesn't feel organic it usually isn't.

The looks she was getting out the gate, the appearances, the Drake "friendship" and all the media coverage...this gutter bytch had a whole ass machine behind her.

That should outrage black folk...but it won't.
She was organic at first, then Drake sunk his teeth in her and the rest is history