How would you order the matches for WM 35


Compound Kingpin
May 8, 2012
Focusville, USA
Why have a womens battle royal when they can just have a fatal fourway for the tag belts and then a multiwoman match for the SD womens belt? They don't need every woman on the roster having a match. With the triple threat, plus Bliss hosting, plus 4 tag teams, thats 8 women already. Who's left? Tag match could be sasha and bayley vs nattie and beth vs iconics vs riot squad or another team. then just have a few of the others in a match with asuka, she is the champ right?

Can prolly do the same with the men. throw in a few tag teams for the tag belts, make the US and IC belt matches multiman matches and get rid of the damn battle royal. I couldn't even tell you who won last year off the top of my head. I want to say braun but he was teaming with nicholas. I want to say Baron but it really doesn't matter since it was meaningless.

And do people even care if Becky or Seth win? Seems like Kofi is more over but I don't watch weekly so what do I know. Just feels like who cares if Seth wins. Sure they mad at Brock for not being there and defending the belt all the time but whats the point? they just created that belt cuz they wanted to keep Raw as their premier show when SD was having better talent and results. The fact they try to push that random ass championship over their original championship is absurd. everyone was cheering when seth cashed in at 31 because that match was boring with brock and roman. I have a feeling that brock and seth won't be much different. And the women, i'm just not really interested in who wins. :francis: