I don't know whats scarier the fact I don't think a global cabal isn't controlling the world or....

Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
Regular humans are. Can't front I'm a huge conspiracy theorist. And one of the biggest ones is the "Illuminati" or "Secret Order" that sits behind some imaginary curtain controlling world events to ultimately prepare us for a one world government. It's frightening to think about. But then I thought about it for a sec and something else popped into my mind. What if these people are just people like the rest of us. I was thinking about the funeral of Nelson Mandela and The Danish Prime Minister flirting with Obama. Obama flirting with her. Michelle Obama making the President switch seats out of jealously or whatever. And the whole Bush and Saddam "He tried to kill my daddy" thing.

What if these people aren't controlled by some sinister hand in the background. What if these people we elect are actually the people running the fukking planet. What if instead of Bush allowing 9-11 to happen, he was just some inept idiot who happened to be The President of one of the Worlds Superpowers, that was so dumb he let the largest terrorist attack in US History happen under his presidency? What if "He tried to kill my daddy" was literally what started the wars we've entered into under The Bush Presidency and going forward?