I don't think yall get it. Bernie and Jane Sanders are in DEEP shyt over this Vermont College deal


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Grand jury empaneled in Burlington College case - VTDigger

Grand jury empaneled in Burlington College case

Burlington College’s former North Avenue campus. File photo by Mike Dougherty/VTDigger

The federal probe into a 2010 land deal orchestrated by former Burlington College president Jane Sanders, wife of U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has deepened. VTDigger has confirmed that a grand jury has been empaneled and has taken sworn testimony in the case.

Former Burlington College board member Robin Lloyd says she testified for about an hour on Oct. 26 before a grand jury at the federal courthouse in Burlington.

Paul Van de Graaf, chief of the criminal division for the U.S. attorney’s office in Vermont, questioned Lloyd about her role as the development chair of the college’s board of trustees during a period when Sanders was collecting donations and pledges for the purchase of a $10 million city lakefront property.

Lloyd, who is publisher of the progressive website Toward Freedom, kept copious board meeting minutes as the development chair for the college. In the interview with Van de Graaf, Lloyd said he “was focused on what I knew about who had been approached for contributions.”

“I helped provide a timeline of what happened — and when — in terms of development,” Lloyd said. “It was general questions about donors, and money coming in.”

Jane and Bernie Sanders have vehemently denied any impropriety surrounding the land deal.
Lloyd’s appearance is the first public confirmation that the federal government has empaneled a grand jury, whose principal function is to decide whether to issue a criminal indictment.


Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., with his wife, Jane Sanders. Photo by Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons
A grand jury is convened following evidence gathering and investigation by the government. The prosecutor presents an outline of the government’s case to the jury, which may include evidence and live witness testimony. The jury then must determine whether there is probable cause of criminality, and whether an individual should be put on trial. A grand jury is typically comprised of between 16 to 23 members who are selected at random. Witnesses testify under oath. An indictment is only issued if at least 12 jurors are in agreement, according to the Department of Justice.

In early July, The Washington Post incorrectly reported that a Vermont state official had been subpoenaed to “testify before a grand jury.” Paul Heintz, political reporter for Seven Days, debunked the Post’s claim, clarifying that the subpoena for Vermont Educational and Health Buildings Finance Agency executive director Robert Giroux was only for documents – not live testimony. In 2010, VEHBFA issued tax-exempt bonds to cover the Burlington College loan. The college defaulted on the loan before Jane Sanders left with a golden parachute awarded by the board of trustees.

The agency’s attorney, James Foley, told VTDigger on Wednesday that Giroux has not been called to testify. Giroux has since retired from VEHBFA.

“Since the day we submitted the documents to the Feds, we haven’t heard a peep,” Foley said. “I didn’t even hear, ‘Thank you.’”

While Lloyd was on the board at a critical time, she is a relatively tangential player in the story, and was not directly involved in the day-to-day fundraising operations at the college. She said she was not offered immunity in exchange for her testimony.

“They said this is not about you,” Lloyd said. “I wasn’t offered immunity, but I was also assured that I didn’t need to feel I had something to worry about.”

Lloyd said she is unaware if anyone else had been called to testify. Calls to five people who have been interviewed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation or Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as part of the investigation went unanswered.

Former Burlington College Board Chair Yves Bradley, who confirmed to Fox News in early December that the investigation was ongoing, told VTDigger on Wednesday that he had not been subpoenaed to testify.

“It’s been completely quiet since I got an October visit from the FBI and the FDIC,” said Bradley.

The proceedings of the grand jury are typically secret, although witnesses are permitted to discuss their own testimony. The outcome is only known if an indictment is handed down. Prosecutors often bring high profile cases to a grand jury in order to insulate a probe from charges of favoritism. Kraig LaPorte, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Vermont, declined to comment on the investigation.

The lingering nature of the federal investigation has frustrated the Sanders family.
According to Politico, the federal probe is “clouding” Sen. Sanders’ outlook and has complicated his decision whether to run for president again in 2020. More immediately, Sanders faces re-election to his Senate seat this year and his step-daughter, Carina Driscoll, has announced a bid for mayor of Burlington.

Burlington College borrowed heavily to finance the purchase of 33 acres of lakefront property from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington. The deal relied on pledged donations and projections of increased enrollment. In 2015, VTDigger reported that Jane Sanders overstated pledged donations in the loan document. Two donors listed in the document told VTDigger at that time that their listed pledges were greater than what their personal financial records showed they gave.

VTDigger also interviewed the largest confirmed donor listed in the loan application. Corinne Bove Maietta, a member of the renowned Burlington Bove’s Restaurant family, disputed the manner in which her pledge was represented by Sanders in the loan agreement.

Maietta said she agreed to give the college an unspecified amount upon her death as a bequest. Documents show, however, Sanders stated in a loan application that Maietta would contribute a series of cash payments totaling $1 million. The payments were to be completed over a period of time, according to records obtained by VTDigger.

Maietta said she also never signed a formal pledge agreement with the college. A former vice president at the college disputes that claim.

Lloyd said de Graaf questioned her about the Maietta pledge during the grand jury testimony, but she declined to go into specific detail.

Burlington College closed in May 2016. The college sold most of the property to developer Eric Farrell for a large housing project before the school went bankrupt, but the sale wasn’t enough to save the school. The outgoing president of the college, Carol Moore, cited the debt load from the land purchase as the proximate cause of the school’s closure.

The former orphanage at the diocese, which is in the center of the property, has since been in limbo. It was put up for auction by People’s United Bank last summer. The bank held a mortgage on the property and was owed $3.75 million as part of the VEHBFA deal. The bank has agreed to sell it to Farrell, but a transfer has not occurred. Farrell declined to disclose the agreed upon purchase price for the property.

“We have been awaiting the issuance of our Act 250 permit,” Farrell said. “We thought it would happen in the fall, but we are now hoping to get it this month. We will close on the property shortly thereafter.”


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Apr 30, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
This shyt getting dismissed. Hopefully this gets settled already instead of dragging on for nothing.

Also fukk Al Giordiano and his clown ass. What happened to his Senate bid? :sas1:

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
On one hand this is sketchy but on the other hand the Feds are investigating the wife of one of the likely 2020 competitors of Trump (if he makes it that far)

Nothing about this is kosher......:scust:
i dont even want him to run, tbh :yeshrug: i think 2016 was his time, and ill never forgive hillary for fukking that up

he wouldnt beat trump in 2020 by running on raising our taxes again to pay for healthcare


One Of The Last Real Ones To Do It
Apr 1, 2013
New York City
Bruh, he helped his wife defraud his local community.

fukk all that noise.

Not denying that this is real and should be investigated, but politicians all do dirt though this case has a certain Whitewater feel to it.

I just don't like the idea of the feds investigating the wife of a political rival of Trump because the feds under Trump have an air of implicit bias in a case like this by default. They are working for Trump and may not be working in the public interest.

If their were charges from the state do or the local level I wouldn't have as much unease about the whole thing.