I'm attempting to quit alcohol for good..wish me well


Sep 15, 2013
So.ILL/Raider Nation
It's been 6 days since I last had a sip of anything....The last few days were smooth but right now I'm starting to feel irritated and anxious. This is the first time in a long time (I'm talking years) that I have went nearly a week without drinking. I usually buy cases of beer, and drink 2-3 bottles a night and I would cop something like Gin, Vodka or Dark liquor along with it.

What drove me to this point is that I simply had enough and just want to live better. I'm not happy about where Im at in life. I'm getting burned out and dont wanna drink my life away. I lost my father last October and I'm still going through it.....drinking in some ways feels that empty void I have. My family has alot of drinkers and its something I been doing since I was 15, (I had my first sip at 8) I'm 27 now. It's also getting harder to handle hangovers as I get older and I just feel sick the next day.

Third of all, fueling my alcohol dependency is expensive. I see myself as an functioning alcoholic. I don't wake up and start drinking..its not that bad but often times I drink just to forget about my problems and deal with shyt in my past. I'll have a drink every night I come home from work. I cant enjoy myself going out unless I drink.

And Last....It's had a negative impact on my sex life. I used to believe that drunk sex was fun but when you're drunk you're more prone to make mistakes that you wouldn't otherwise if you was sober.

And I been finding harder to maintain peak performance during sex as my consumption of alcohol increased lately. :francis:
So this is day 6 of my journey.....I made this thread for anyone else that's facing similar struggles :mjcry:

Dorian Breh

Jan 14, 2016

OP, you gonna get through this. Don’t let your thoughts dwell on the past or the future, that’ll help with your anxiety. Dial down the stimulation in your life like TV, music, social media, etc... back when I was drinking it was to kill boredom, but if you re-adjust your attention span to the real world you’ll stop feeling like something’s missing. Hit the gym, it’s a great high. Lastly, it’s cool to drink a couple beers every once in a while, just phase it out slowly. Good luck, and stay strong.


I feel like Jamin’ Jerome…WHERE THE BIT€HS!!
Feb 19, 2017
If you dont workout, consider it. Hit the weights and the treadmill. Once you see results, you wont want to touch alcohol to mess with your gains.

Big Ole Facts... I haven't completely quite... I slowed down heavy... Next time I drink is 8/20 New Orleans... Cant even lie I'm looking forward to that day...


Hope there's puddin' in the clink...
May 18, 2012
Districto de Columbia
I feel ya, b. I've recently come to the conclusion that I need to slow down my consumption. Used to drink 3 to 4 a night; no heavy liquor (beer & wine). Currently, in the process of enjoying A drink every other day. Want to get to 1 drink a week and be content.....and I'll get there.:wow:

Good luck, brehs....
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Barbados Slim

All Star
Nov 23, 2016
You can do this OP, you need focal points and willpower.

In fairness I wasn't the biggest drinker, but I haven't touched alcohol in over 2 years and I don't miss it.

As mentioned, fitness will focus your mind but you'll also see the benefits as you progress without alcohol. Also you said:

I usually buy cases of beer, and drink 2-3 bottles a night and I would cop something like Gin, Vodka or Dark liquor along with it.

Put that money aside each week for the first month, end of the month see what you got, you'll be surprised just how much you could be saving!

Stay strong!


May 21, 2012
I’m almost 5 months sober. I had a serious drinking problem. I’d wake up and immediately start drinking, and I’d drink all day, everyday. I would get severe DTs if I didn’t drink for a few hours.

I eventually went to a 90 day rehab facility. It’s like one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I love this sober life :blessed:

I’ll say this though, you need to be part of a program. AA is actually very helpful. You need to be held accountable, and going to a couple of meetings a week will keep sobriety on your mind. Alcoholism is a life long disease. You’re going to be an alcoholic for the rest of your life. You can’t drink like normal people any more. It’s over.

I remember when I thought being sober would be the worst thing ever. After having a few months completely sober, I realized that’s bullshyt. Sobriety is great :wow:. The disease of alcoholism makes you think that you need to drink to have fun, to deal with stress, to even exist. That’s just the disease trying to get you back to drinking again. Addiction is no joke.

If you ever need to talk, OP, I’m here. You can PM me.


Sep 15, 2013
So.ILL/Raider Nation
good luck im on day 91, i feel great
Man thats great breh...Hope i ready that milestone.

you should watch the film don't worry he won't get far on foot'. As someone who has sort of struggled with sobriety, shyt had me emotional.

I'll check it out.


OP, you gonna get through this. Don’t let your thoughts dwell on the past or the future, that’ll help with your anxiety. Dial down the stimulation in your life like TV, music, social media, etc... back when I was drinking it was to kill boredom, but if you re-adjust your attention span to the real world you’ll stop feeling like something’s missing. Hit the gym, it’s a great high. Lastly, it’s cool to drink a couple beers every once in a while, just phase it out slowly. Good luck, and stay strong.

Thanks. I been wanting to get in the gym for awhile...I just been putting it off. I used to lift and do over 100 Push ups a day but when i moved in 2016 I fell off.

I’m almost 5 months sober. I had a serious drinking problem. I’d wake up and immediately start drinking, and I’d drink all day, everyday. I would get severe DTs if I didn’t drink for a few hours.

I eventually went to a 90 day rehab facility. It’s like one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I love this sober life :blessed:

I’ll say this though, you need to be part of a program. AA is actually very helpful. You need to be held accountable, and going to a couple of meetings a week will keep sobriety on your mind. Alcoholism is a life long disease. You’re going to be an alcoholic for the rest of your life. You can’t drink like normal people any more. It’s over.

I remember when I thought being sober would be the worst thing ever. After having a few months completely sober, I realized that’s bullshyt. Sobriety is great :wow:. The disease of alcoholism makes you think that you need to drink to have fun, to deal with stress, to even exist. That’s just the disease trying to get you back to drinking again. Addiction is no joke.

If you ever need to talk, OP, I’m here. You can PM me.
I appreciate that breh...I turned a blind eye to my addiction thinking that it wouldnt be a big deal but I realize what triggers it and its to all negative things.

And congrats on being sober:salute: