I'm Making Bank Online $$$ All The Side Hustlers GET IN HERE!!!


The Black King You Love To Hate
Jun 8, 2015
The Universe

I've spent alot of time trying to make money doing a variety of things: ebay, etsy, learning dropshipping, amazon, etc. But the work I put in wasn't worth the couple dollars I would make.

What I did I do?

I created something called a "sales funnel." That means I sold a product and after people bought, they get a 1 click upsell. I.e. "You bought my e-book, would you like to add my other e-book for only $5?" If they click "Yes" then they get charged the $5 (of course let them know that lol). And you can keep doing that for up to 3 upsells.

What did I do to drive traffic?

I used facebook ads for $5 a day giving out free information. After they give you their e-mail address, you automatically send them the free information (free guides work great). I usually use Mail Chimp because its easy to integrate with Facebook ads. After they get the free info and they see you're legit. Then, they'll be ready to buy. You can set up on MailChimp to automatically email them your link to your sales funnel the next day. I also use google ads to get on YouTube to drive traffic.

What did I use to create the "sales funnel"?

I used a service called "Clickfunnels." Its the easiest way to set this up. And they allow you to have multiple businesses. So, you're not limited to selling just one item. You can set one up for e-books, fitness, hats, courses...whatever you want.

Here's the CEO talking about his strategy that lead him to create the service and how to sell on it:

You can sign up for ClickFunnels here and try it free for 14 days They e-mail you the day before the end of the trial period if you want to cancel. I'm currently on the paid version.

Free Resources:

On this guy's YouTube, he breaks down the million dollar sales funnels so everyday people can get more sales & marketing ideas when they create their own.

Hope this thread helps someone. Ditch those basic online shopping carts and get a sales funnel going!


The Black King You Love To Hate
Jun 8, 2015
The Universe
I've been hearing a lot about sales funnels lately...

Yessir, it’s a way to get more product out. Customers win too because you can do a 1 click upsell in a bundle of products.

Like let’s say the homie @Blacksands did one on his anime books. After I buy 1, he can have a page that says something like this:

Thanks for your purchase!

Would you like to upgrade your order by adding this bundle deal?



No Thanks​

And after that do another upsell

Bonus! Would you like to add this fresh hoodie to your order?
Limited Edition



No Thanks​