In Need of Advice: Possible Tension Between Co-Workers


Mar 11, 2022
I'll try to make this quick since I'm still working:

So everyone knows I'm one of the higher ups at a company. Today, we got this new hire, smart kid, comes from a good family (they're Korean but from Tallahassee, Florida). He actually made a 1590 on his SATs and everything. I needed someone to train him. The only problem is, everyone has been so busy and backed up with projects, getting everyone to really put in time to help the kid would be an issue. :francis:

Then it struck me. :ohhh: There was one person who could train him. There's this one breh who is usually by himself at work. Solid worker. Also a smart guy. Great singing voice as well (I've caught him a few times singing to himself :ehh: ).

However, there is one little problem. Aside from the fact that he's a rail-thin nerd with two front teeth you can crack open a beer bottle with and make a beaver blush in one go, aside from the fact that the breh cannot dress to save his life and looks like Steve Urkel, aside from the fact that he never seems to talk to anyone, he's has a thing for K-Pop. :francis:

I can understand liking a few songs here and there. I can even dig being a fan, but the breh goes too far. The few times I've talked to him, he's told me about all the posters of his favorite K-Pop groups he has. He even knows all their names. Even more, he has a bunch of stuff for the male groups too :dame:. He's an odd guy but like I said, he's a solid worker so I never had a problem with him.

Today, however, was different. :francis:

I assumed they would get along since he does good work and always seems to have free time on his hands. Boy was I wrong. I'm walking by the room where he's training him. And I hear the new hire proudly proclaim "I listen to NBA YoungBoy!" :ohlawd: " all out loud. I'm thinking it's nice they're getting along :ehh: .

I decide to eavesdrop for a bit, thinking I would post about what kids listen today in The Booth and maybe make fun of them for having such old-head tastes and all that.

However, things got weird. Fast. :beli:

The breh started babbling about K-Pop groups and shyt. No joke. Going into detail and shyt. I peeked over to see this trainwreck and the breh LITERALLY busts out a K-pop dance with the new hire hitting him with a :mjtf:.

Breh was out here like:




I could tell the new hire was weirded out by the whole exchange. I should have said something but I was weirded out too. Instead, I quietly walked back to my office. The new hire literally just left my office now claiming he feels weired out by the whole encounter. He wonders if it was racially motivated (like I said before, he's Korean) and now I'm hoping this doesn't turn into something big like a lawsuit or something else. Also, he feels uncomfortable being trained by the breh.

I should talk to the breh but outside of that, how do I fix this? :sadcam:
I read all that for this bullshyt. :stopitslime: