Inappropriate shyt your teachers said/did that would have got them fired today


Aug 22, 2015
Thinking back on my childhood and some of the wild shyt my teachers said or did that could easily have had them in the news or getting fired if it happened in today's world where things get put out on social media and go viral due to the more sensitive culture.

I got more than these but here are two stories:

When I was in Grade 7 (13 years old) we were on a school camp. Me and my friends were all in the same dorm and being 13 year olds, obviously we weren't just gonna sleep when the teachers said lights out.

Anyway, we went on to get two noise complaints from one our teachers, an old ass white dude who a lot of girls accused of being a pervert (Most schools here wear uniforms with button up tops and the girls would say he used to hover over their desks and peak down their shirts when wearing summer uniforms). After warning us the second time, guy was like, "If I have to come here again, you're all gonna regret it! :sitdown:"

My bed was right by the window, so I could actually see that the guy didn't leave after the second time and just waited outside with his arms folded the dorm for somebody to say something and I couldn't tell anybody otherwise he would have heard.

Anyway, innevitably somebody decided to crack a joke, thinking he had gone, and as soon as he did, the guy bursts into the room on some, "EVERYBODY OUT! :damn:" tip.

(Dude who cracked the joke had the nerve to pretend to be asleep and didn't have to go out though :mjtf:).

Dude proceeds to march us up to the showers and this is where shyt gets sketchy.

He stands by one of the showers and tells us to line up starting from the door. Turns on the cold water (bearing in mind this is the middle of the night in winter) and tells the first dude to get in. The guy undresses into his underwear and steps into the shower and I shyt you not, the teacher standing just outside an open curtain shower with a 13 year old boy inside asks him, reffering to his underwear, "Are you going in that? :upsetfavre:"

fukking guy was clearly expecting us to go in that bytch naked whilst he watched :why::mindblown::dame:.

Even if we ignore the gay/pedophile vibes from that episode, surely the act of making children take cold showers during a winter night should be enough to have dude fired and charged with something :gucci:. Anyway, nothing else happened because in those days the assumption was that the teacher can do no wrong and if they do, it was the students fault. So you would just laugh this shyt off afterwards and move on with life:manny:.

Second story is much shorter and happened in 11th Grade (17 years old).

I did biology in highscool (which was an elective class) and at my school, it was mostly girls that did biology and boys that did science (I did both).

We had this teacher that was supposedly married to a woman but had serious :wrist: vibes to him and would always gossip with the girls and shyt.

Anyway, one time whilst we're doing sexual reproduction, we had to copy a diagram of the vagina from the projecter. One of the girls puts up her hand and says "Sir I can't see the diagram clearly"

Dude says to her with a straight face, "That's fine, you can always go home and open your legs in front of a mirror" :ld:

The girls just cracked up at that shyt whilst the guys (there were only three of us in the class) were all looking at each other like :dwillhuh::merchant::lupe:.

I don't think I need to explain how he could get fired for that today but I guess the girls felt comfortable with him saying it cause everybody knew he was really gay :manny:.

Anyway, that's just two stories that stand out right now. Plenty more wild shyt I have first hand experience of teachers saying and doing.
What you got, Coli?


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
WTF you go to school on a plantation? :dahell:

No way in hell I woulda jumped in the shower for old cac man. Woulda told him “I ain’t doing it, call my momma”

for me teachers used to be insensitive to gay students. My gym teacher used to clown this guy and call him all types of soft and weak shyt cause he was obviously gay.


I never see my nut
May 2, 2012
Spanish class... The substitute was the teacher's 23 year old daughter. She signed my yearbook. "To my favorite student " something to that effect. I wanted to smash so bad back then. She smelled so good and always smiled and sat on my desk and I would lowkey sniff the desk after she got up
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Dec 20, 2015
ESLBC/21st & Locust
Back in the 80s when I was in elementary, if you got caught talking or goofing off, the teacher would make you put your hand out to get whacked with a ruler. Have you in that bytch like :sadbron:in front of your crush, which was the reason that you was showing out and acting up to begin with :ld:

couldn’t even imagine some shyt like that happening today. Teacher would be fired and criminally charged immediately. Oddly enough, kids then weren’t on the fukk shyt they are now. They need to allow ass whoopings back in school :ufdup: