India 'hanged' girls 'took their own lives'


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
India 'hanged' girls 'took their own lives'
Angry villagers protested at the tree where the girls were found hanged in Badaun district
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Rape scandal
India's top investigation agency has confirmed to the BBC that two teenage cousins who had allegedly been gang-raped and murdered had, in fact, taken their own lives.

The girls were found hanged from a tree in Uttar Pradesh state in May and the case sparked global outrage.

Three men who were arrested in connection with the case were freed on bail in September.

New forensic tests had also concluded the girls were not sexually assaulted.

The girls, who were from a lower caste, were found hanged from a mango tree in Badaun district on 28 May.

The girls, thought to have been 14 and 15, went missing when they had apparently gone out to relieve themselves as they had no toilet at home. Their bodies were discovered the following day.

"Yes, we have cracked the Badaun case. Our probe found that the two girls had committed suicide and weren't murdered," Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) chief Ranjit Sinha was quoted as telling the Hindustan Times newspaper.

"The local police had erroneously conducted their probe along the lines that the sisters were killed."

A local post-mortem examination had initially confirmed multiple sexual assaults and death due to hanging.

Federal investigators later said the clothes and personal effects of the girls had been examined by the Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD) and it found no proof of sexual assault.

The court bailed the three accused after federal investigators refused to charge them, citing a lack of evidence.

Two constables, who were also arrested along with the accused and charged with dereliction of duty and criminal conspiracy for not taking the parents' complaint seriously, were also bailed in September.

Correspondents say the story of the hangings had got murkier over the past few months with officials raising questions over the testimony of the victims' families, accusing them of failing lie-detector tests.

Investigators had also raised doubts about the credibility of the main witness, a neighbour of the girls.


I guess that's one way to end rape.