Israel could use dirty nuke in false flag attack in US: Ex-CIA contractor


I started this gangsta sh-
Jan 31, 2014
(video in link)
PressTV-'Israel tests dirty nuke for US false flag'

Israel is testing dirty nuclear bombs in its deserts which could be used in a "false flag" attack in the United States to implicate Iran, a former CIA and NSA contractor says.

“One has to wonder if they [Israelis] feel that the momentum for realizing ‘greater Israel’ is going away, and if the world opinion is shifting, which clearly it seems to be… [then] we have to be concerned with a false flag attack on the United States in order to justify a retaliatory strike against Iran,” said Steven D Kelley.

“We know that this Israel is actually testing dirty nuclear devices in their desert right now, and we know this has no strategic value other than to be used as a terrorist device in a false flag attack,” he added. “So this is a very dangerous time.”

Kelley made the remarks after Israel’s ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer called on Republicans in Congress to reject the nuclear accord.

During a meeting with House Republicans on Wednesday, Dermer said a nuclear accord with the Islamic Republic will pave the way for a powerful nuclear Iran. He said Congress is the last stop to thwart the agreement.

“The Israeli ambassador’s efforts to convince the American Republican members of Congress to reject this historic nuclear agreement between Iran and the P5+1 is continuation of the efforts by Israel to cast Iran as the enemy of the world, and the greatest source of terrorism, which of course we know [that's] exactly what Israel is,” Kelley stated.

“We know that AIPAC is going into overdrive trying to defeat this deal and convince Congress to hand a defeat to Obama. What should be noted now as we see the various voices that are coming out against this deal, we can trace these back to Israeli propaganda,” he added.

“And it should be very interesting now to see who those loudest voices are condemning this deal, because this is the best way to see who is the most deeply in the pocket of Israel and the Zionist lobby,” the analyst observed.

“But I still hope that this will work out, and that the efforts to defeat it will fail, and we can continue to move forward and defuse a very volatile situation, and God willing this will be successful,” Kelley concluded.

Iran and the P5+1 group -- the United States, Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany – reached a conclusion on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on July 14 in the Austrian capital of Vienna following days of intense talks over Tehran’s nuclear program.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has fiercely opposed any nuclear agreement with Iran. He is pressing Washington to reject the nuclear agreement.


I started this gangsta sh-
Jan 31, 2014
Press TV = Iranian News
News from Iran =/= Iranian news
The person quoted is an American. A former cia and nsa contractor to be precise.

The BBC discussing Syria for example isnt British news, its Syrian news reported by the British.

I don't see the problem... unless you just mean you should blindly not trust Iran. :francis: Presstv is one of the best news sites there is. Go there and search Catlyn Jenner. 0 hits. They don't cover fake news like western outlets. :blessed:

Is your username supposed to be ironic?
Only those with the lost power of critical thinking can see through the veil.
The word 'not' is idiot kryptonite. And the net is filled with idiots.



I started this gangsta sh-
Jan 31, 2014
Press TV posts propaganda all the time and it's not even the believable kind.
Then don't listen. :yeshrug:I didn't write it. Just making sure ppl are aware.
Israel testing dirty bombs is news, despite the political motivations of the site reporting it.

Here is a Fox News version if it makes you feel better.
It cites the original source as an Israeli newspaper, so now its Israel reporting on Israel and sprinkled with American Republican slant.
Not sure why ppl can't just measure the information without all that.
Newspaper reports that Israel built, exploded 'dirty bomb' with nuclear material in a test

So, here we are again.
Israel testing dirty nukes... but every post in this thread seems to be about something unrelated to that. :mjpls:Wonder why.

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
i always see reminders on alternative websites of a true life event in history.

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedi


more true history ....

Lavon Affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Lavon Affair refers to a failed Israeli covert operation, code named Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the Summer of 1954. As part of the false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian, American and British-owned civilian targets, cinemas, libraries and American educational centers. The bombs were timed to detonate several hours after closing time. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Communists, "unspecified malcontents" or "local nationalists" with the aim of creating a climate of sufficient violence and instability to induce the British government to retain its occupying troops in Egypt's Suez Canal zone.[2] The operation caused no casualties, except for operative Philip Natanson, when a bomb he was taking to place in a movie theater ignited prematurely in his pocket; for two members of the cell who committed suicide after being captured; and for two operatives who were tried, convicted and executed by Egypt.


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
It's Israel. Anything is believeable.

I'll wait for a BBC source, though.
Then don't listen. :yeshrug:I didn't write it. Just making sure ppl are aware.
Israel testing dirty bombs is news, despite the political motivations of the site reporting it.

Here is a Fox News version if it makes you feel better.
It cites the original source as an Israeli newspaper, so now its Israel reporting on Israel and sprinkled with American Republican slant.
Not sure why ppl can't just measure the information without all that.
Newspaper reports that Israel built, exploded 'dirty bomb' with nuclear material in a test

So, here we are again.
Israel testing dirty nukes... but every post in this thread seems to be about something unrelated to that. :mjpls:Wonder why.
The Israeli military establishment as well as the Pentagon are staffed by level headed realists not crazies like Netanyahu..

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
You quoted Iranian state TV sources? :heh:

your crew over on reddit discussed the topic :heh:

This is unsettling, anybody heard anything about Israels embassy and a radiation spike? • /r/conspiracy

by x Saturday, Oct. 14, 2006 at 1:05 PM


Feds surveyed NYC for radiation, found tainted park, Embassy
WASHINGTON -- Anti-terrorism officials conducted a helicopter survey of
New York City's radiation sources in preparation for a so-called "dirty
bomb" attack - and discovered a Staten Island park with dangerously high
levels of radium, a new report found.

Federal authorities found 80 unexpected "hot spots" around New York
City, according to the Government Accountability Office, the
investigative arm of Congress.

The GAO report released Thursday details a previously undisclosed aerial
anti-terrorism program in New York City, one which may be extended to
other cities worried about the possible release of radioactive material
by terrorists.

The report does not identify which city park had the contaminated soil,
but NYPD officials said it was in Gateway National Park in Staten
Island. The site was closed, and New York has requested federal money to
do a citywide aerial survey every year to update the information.

By creating a map of the city's radiation sources, city officials hope
to be able to respond more quickly in the event of a dirty bomb attack,
know exactly which streets are contaminated and get civilians away.

New York is the first and only U.S. city to conduct a complete aerial
radiological survey, having paid the U.S. Department of Energy $800,000
for the 2005 study.

The helicopters picked up sources of low-level radiation from expected
places, like granite statues and medical isotopes at hospitals, but it
also found dozens of other sources of unexpected radioactivity, the GAO
report found.

"NYPD officials indicated that the survey was tremendously valuable
because it identified more than 80 locations with radiological sources
that required further investigation to determine their risk," the report

At the Staten Island park, sensors detected large quantities of radium
in the soil. Long-term exposure to radium increases the risk of
developing lymphoma, bone cancer and leukemia.

National Park Service spokesman Brian Feeney said the area is a one-acre
piece of the 570-acre Great Kills Park, which is part of the larger
Gateway park.

Feeney said experts assured them after the August 2005 study that the
area posed no public health risk, and said visitors do not go into that
area anyway because of dense vegetation. He did not know if any warnings
had been placed around the site.

The radiation apparently comes from "some piece of industrial equipment,
pieces of old rusty metal. Whatever this equipment used to do, it picked
up radioactivity," he said.

"We keep people out of that area. It's a non-accessible area of the
park, no one can get in there," said Feeney. "There's no health hazard
now, there was never a health hazard to the public."

He said the agency has applied to the Department of Energy for funding
to further survey the site.

Staten Island's congressman, Rep. Vito Fossella, said the contamination
was a surprise to him and residents near the park, and he demanded more

"It is essential for the government to act immediately to fully
understand the extent of the contamination," said Fossella, who was
trying to arrange a meeting Friday with federal and city officials to
discuss further testing and possible removal of the contaminated soil.

One alleged radiation hot spot on Manhattan's east side has the
potential for becoming a political hot spot: A strong radiation spike
from the area of the Israeli Embassy. Officials would not comment on why
they thought that particular area allegedly showed such a stunning peak
in radiation.

The aerial survey is designed to help local officials react more quickly
in the event of terrorists detonating a "dirty bomb" that releases
radioactive material into the air. With the survey, police may be able
to pinpoint the exact source of radiation by comparing new readings to
their pre-existing "radiation map" of the area.

NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said the department wanted a record of the
city's naturally occurring and other "radiological signatures" to
compare with periodic readings it does to detect for dirty bombs or
other nuclear devices.

"It gives us a baseline so we can pick up any anomalies," he said.

New York City is the only major city to conduct a full-scale Aerial
Background Radiation Survey to identify "hot spots," though such work
has been done in the nation's capitol, according to the report.

The GAO found neither the Department of Energy nor the Department of
Homeland Security believe they are required to conduct such radiation
mapping, though the investigators said there were "significant benefits"
to surveys in other urban areas.

Homeland Security officials agreed that they should study the cost and
effectiveness of expanded radiation mapping in additional cities.

Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., called the report further proof the
federal government is not doing enough to help cities guard against

The hot spot mapping initiative "should also be shared with cities
across the country, not mothballed because the Homeland Security
Department doesn't want to put up the money," Schumer said.

The GAO report also found the Department of Energy may need to beef up
security at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada and Andrews Air Force Base
in Maryland because those sites hold key national assets for responding
to a radiological or nuclear attack.

Specialized quick-response teams and equipment are concentrated at those
two sites, and a successful attack against either could leave one
section of the country with limited capacity to respond to a subsequent
strike with radioactive weapons, the GAO said.

The agency's associate administrator, Michael C. Kane, was adamant the
sites are safe.

"We categorically reject the contention that physical security at two of
our facilities may not be sufficient for protecting against terrorist
attacks," Kane wrote.>>

NUCLEAR BOMBSHELL! “Stunning” Radiation Spike Allegedly Detected at Israeli NY Consulate.

NUCLEAR BOMBSHELL! "Stunning" Radiation Spike Allegedly Detected at Israeli NY Consulate.