"It was all a dream"--remnants of what you dreaming...

T.he I.nformant

1st Ballot HOF Teller
May 3, 2013
Wherever nikkas need to be told on
I don't think we have a thread on here where brehs and brehettes share what they've been dreaming about and we need one.

Without further ado I bring to you the first entry.

Just dreamt this last night.

I'm calling it...


Basically, I dreamt my dikk fell off, brehs :mjcry:

I don't know how, it just happened :to:

And I knew exactly in that moment something was really really wrong

Fell off and went right down my pants leg and was sitting right there by my shoe--51% of my masculinity just lying there on the floor :why:

All 12 inches divided by 2 multiplied by 3 minus 11 plus a half plus some more centimeters :ehh:

Tried to pick it up and conceal it

shyt felt and looked weird as hell...all lifeless and flabby :flabbynsick:

Dropped it and it somehow rolled underneath a dresser :snoop:

Got on my hands and knees frantically looking for it

Found a hot dog with grill marks and slits and my heart fukking dropped :sadcam:

But then I realized it wasn't my dikk :whew:

There was actually a few sausage/dikk-looking artifacts hiding beneath this dresser :wtf:

But I was just focused on finding my dikk :francis:

So, I just kept looking

Co-worker saw me and for some reason I knew that she knew that I had lost my dikk and was trying to find it and that stressed me the fukk out

She started coming my direction...bytch was like Jason :russ:

So, my search intensified...I found it:gladbron:...it had a ring indentation in the middle of it

shyt also now looked like a rubber dikk glove :scust:

Quickly put it in my pocket and sat my ass down...we somehow were in an auditorium or courtroom and someone official was saying something important and shyt

Co-worker brought another female co-worker and they were just sitting behind me whispering and shyt, probably talking about my dikk being in my pocket :martin:

Started feeling mad nervous and anxious...I wanted to look in my pants to face my new grim reality but I couldn't do that there and I was hoping and praying I was hallucinating


Then I felt a whole bunch of other people staring at me like they knew too :patrice:

Suddenly ended up in a locker room

Now there were three female co-workers laughing and shyt

All I could think of was how I was going to pee :lupe: what was my girl going to think :lupe: was she going to be a lesbian now :lupe: was I still a man :lupe:

I started panicking

Then I woke up

And looked in my pants :lupe:

My dikk was still there, brehs :smugfavre:

What could it all have meant brehs? :mindblown:

T.he I.nformant

1st Ballot HOF Teller
May 3, 2013
Wherever nikkas need to be told on
"Hoop Dreams Revisited"

It was me, Draymond Green, and Steph Curry. Me. Draymond Green. And the best basketball player in the world. :dame:

But it wasn't nothing. I wasn't geeked, intimidated, or nothing. fukk them nikkas. They was the opps. They could get it just like any nikka at the local 24 could get it. :dame:

Anyway, we went up and down the floor a few times and it was clear I was just as good if not better than them nikkas. :dame:

I don't remember a lot now but I distinctly remember one play where Steph was on the wing being guarded real close by some bum ass nikka on my team. I was standing free throw line extended but my focus was on Curry. :dame:

He suddenly did a back cut and lost his man and he got the bounce pass from his man at the top of the key. I peeped the whole scene. I quickly reacted and was dead set on meeting him at the rim. :dame:

He got the ball. No dribble. Took one step. Hopped off his left foot. And attempted one of them cute underhanded little flip shots. I jumped up and was trying to knock that shyt to the Golden Gate Bridge. :dame:

I barely missed. But he did too. :mjpls: I snared the rebound and gave my man the outlet. I was feeling brolic than a muthafukka. I turned and went back down the floor hitting my chest shouting to anyone who would listen, "NOT TODAY, NOT TODAY..." :damn: