It's rough out here for a married dude...


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
With women, the more you get them, the more you will continue to get. The finer the woman you are associated with, the more you will get. Women are usually fame chasers and want 'leaders' or 'stand-out' dudes. What do leaders have? That's right, followers. If you have a lot of girls after you, you'll have women liking you just because other women like you. You got a fine woman that you're married to? A woman might think, "Oh, I wonder what he has to have that pretty girl with him."

Also women have just as big of egos and are as competitive amongst each other as men. Just like an easy game is boring, whether it be basketball or videogames, women like something that's hard to get. Challenge is fun. A lot of women look at it as a 'challenge' to pull the married guy, especially since it's taboo and it also strokes her ego... "I got something that makes married men leave their woman for me."

Lastly, when you are with someone, your whole vibe usually changes. You don't go out there as thirsty as you usually do. You're laid back and let things come to you instead of going out there forcing the issue. It all comes together to create this alluring package to women.