ITT: the barometer that lets you know if you are a man


You will be trolled
May 13, 2015
A barometer is a gauge of sorts you fakkits. Ok, if you are a p*ssy, like many of ya'll on here are, then don't even read the goddang thread. But if you are one of these mufukkas with at least a little bit of freaking testosterone in your veins, then read on. A lot of dudes go through life thinking they asses is tough or that they a fukking Game of Thrones character or some shyt, but since this is a relatively peaceful society we live in, these guys never really know. I'm fixin to illumine your fragile minds when it comes to that shyt. My little cousin goes to this old-ass ladies house to pick peas sometimes and some shyt happened to where the woman slapped my cousin. Now i was ridin in that civic on chrome and got the call so i sped out there. The old woman came up and i told her to never lay her crinkly ass hands on my blood again. Then some nfl linebacker lookin mufukka came out there talkin bout not talkin to a female like that. He looked like Deebo, but with the head of The Leader. He bowed up to me and i seen he had a Joe Budden shirt on.

Now this is the moment and the barometer so pay attention. Both of us were seeking to establish our masculinity over the other, yet only one of us was really masculine. I told dude to back the fukk up and he did, but when i turned to go back to the car, this p*ssy pulled out a taser and stuck the shyt on my back, no homo. I stood there for like ten moments, even though i could have just fukked his shyt up in a nanosecond. Wanted him to know the extent of his failure, which was absolute and final. When i turned and he seen that the electric current had no effect whatsoever, i hauled back and slapped the complete shyt out his ass with just three fingers. This fakkit fell back into a huge cauldron of peas and had just his head, arms, and legs spilling over the edge. A pig came out and ran into the cauldron and knocked it over and he rolled down a hill. This is the shyt i'm talking about. If you are not able to enforce your will onto another man or group of men, then you cannot really call yourself a man at the end of the day. Whether you need to learn a combat art or be packing a gun is up to you, but if someone you care for is in harm's way and you cannot check another man with the threat of physical violence then get the fukk out my face. Discuss.


Oct 21, 2015
Don't fight, guys. I though I was sticking up for myself when I was a juvenile and caught a malicious wounding charge in the commonwealth of virginia:francis:

Rozay Oro

2 Peter 3:9 if you don’t know God
Sep 9, 2013
when i turned to go back to the car, this p*ssy pulled out a taser and stuck the shyt on my back, no homo. I stood there for like ten moments, even though i could have just fukked his shyt up in a nanosecond. Wanted him to know the extent of his failure, which was absolute and final. When i turned and he seen that the electric current had no effect whatsoever, i hauled back and slapped the complete shyt out his ass with just three fingers. This fakkit fell back into a huge cauldron of peas and had just his head, arms, and legs spilling over the edge. A pig came out and ran into the cauldron and knocked it over and he rolled down a hill.