J Prince BreakfastClub Interview

Long Live The Kane

Tyrant Titan
Apr 30, 2012
I'll definitely check his book out...this breakfast club interview is just one of only a handful of interviews i remember seeing from him

Complex did a couple of interviews with a few years back around the time the RAL 25th Anniversary compilation came out...dope reads, especially the 2nd link as it goes kinda in depth



(below is just part of the interview from the 2nd link)

When you say traps, I’ve read different things that there were hundreds of agents in Houston trying to infiltrate your business. How bad did it get?

Well when I say trap, I mean this—this is what I believe. They put a hit man on me. And I done got to believe this is true. The records will reflect this to be true, as far as the amount of people that he killed. This guy killed eight or nine people, which is highly unusual for an officer to have to use his gun and kill that many people. He’s probably one out of three. You do your research and you may not find one officer that killed that many people. So this is the guy they put on me.

And you know this because you saw him?

They put a hit man on me. And I done got to believe this is true. The records will reflect this to be true, as far as the amount of people that he killed. This guy killed eight or nine people, which is highly unusual for an officer to have to use his gun and kill that many people. He’s probably one out of three. You do your research and you may not find one officer that killed that many people.

Oh it’s no doubt about it. He not only let me know, he let everybody know that he was on me. The world probably knew that, all the way up until they had a hearing almost at the White House or somewhere where they had this hearing on me and everything.

But anyway, this is who they put on me that stopped me about 4 o’clock in the morning and asked me to pull over in the dark at a service station. And when I pulled over, they had a DPS officer that stopped me on the freeway. It wasn’t him, but he was under the authority of him. He stopped me on the freeway, told me where to exit, and told me where to go.

They had it all well planned.

Oh it was laid out. When i got to the corner, and the McDonald’s that used to be kinda lit up, was black dark over there. I see two or three cars parked over there. So I come to a stop, I said No.

“Pull fukkin’ over!” is what he tells me. “Pull fukkin over.” And I point this way, so I go across the red light and pull into a Shell service station, which was lit up.

And the officer get out and say “Where are your guns?” Now he ain’t even supposed to know I got a gun. I got a gun license, right? But shyt, before I can give him my drivers’ license, he’s asking me about guns and this and that. And I said, “Man, why are you asking me about my gun? What are you stopping me for?”

He said “Oh, you were swerving.” This is the lie they tell when they want to stop you and do something to you. All they got to say “Oh, he was swerving. He was drunk.” The world know I don’t drink or smoke. If they don’t, then write it. Okay, so at that point I got out of my car, I said my guns is under the floor mat. I had two guns. That’s why they call me Jesse James. I keep two of ’em with me.

I didn’t know they called you that.

I said my guns is under the floor mat. I had two guns. That’s why they call me Jesse James. I keep two of ’em with me. And I can shoot well, so let the highjackers know that.

Yeah I can shoot well. So let the highjackers know that. I shoot well. So he passes the floormat up and go over to the passenger side. By this time I’m in the back of my car. So I scared him. I walked up on him and scared him. I said, “Man, why you searching my car?” And he jumped. “Why are you violating my rights man? He said, “I’m looking for the guns.” I said, “Man, I told you where the guns were.”

So anyway, to make a long story short, he got back out and came back where I was, and asked me how much money I got in my pocket. I said, “Man you need to borrow some money? Why you asking me about my money?” I’m watching his eye contact. He’s looking over there at the other two officers. By that time, one of them from across the street came over in army fatigues.

Not in a police uniform?

No. In army fatigues and in a Cutlass—unmarked car. And I recognized who the officers was. He whispered something in his ear, and then he took off.

By that time I got about 10 or 15 people swarming around the thing too. Cause I had somebody following me anyway—because they had sent me all kinds of threats. So I got my soldiers riding with me 24/7. So by that time they’re making these circles, and the police decided to leave, and the officer said, “Well I’m gonna give you a warning and I'm gonna let you go."

I was under attack from a lot of people in high places. They went as far as attacking me in church and when Al Gore, the Vice President, showed up to the church, they wanted to make a connection. Because they had wrote where I had gave him $400,000—all this crazy money.

When I got home I noticed that they took one of my bullets with them. Cause I counted. And I was thinking, “Why was they trying to pull me in that car?” Because this was before I done the investigation on this man and found out he had killed all those people and stuff. This was what prompted me to do that move. I said, “Man, they took my bullet. What the hell?”

And I couldn’t figure it out so I just came up with, Whatever it was, it wasn’t good. So that led to me doing a lot of things as far as protecting myself, you know what I’m saying? And shining the spotlight on them to let people know, here’s what’s trying to happen, and I’m in a position where I have to protect myself.

And there were hearings about Rap-A-Lot but you finally prevailed.

Right, I was under attack from a lot of people in high places. They went as far as attacking me in church and when Al Gore, the Vice President, showed up to the church, they wanted to make a connection. Because they had wrote where I had gave him $400,000—all this crazy money.

Is that true or not true?

Nah, not true at all. I’m just trying to start to vote. So ain’t nothing real with that. But this is the lie that they told. And they tried to get a picture with that lie. But I just left because I didn’t feel like all those people with black glasses on was there for Al Gore. My intuition had me feeling kinda funny that day.

So you didn’t go to church that day?

I went to church, but I left immediately after. I normally hang around. I just bounced. And a few days later I found out that that whole situation was being monitored—by video tapes everything. From when I pulled up until I pulled out. [Laughs.]