More bullshyt from mr rebel because he doesnt want to talk about copmala harris or joe biden, the people he voted for.

you up in here saying NOTHING as usual, bringing up your grifter friend and inserting me in your insecurity speech.
Trump this, Trump that. Nothing about how the people you were ADVOCATING for *ahem* copmala harris and jim crow joe literally reinvigorated Trump for 4 years with their shytty leadership. Trump even said that he would not have ran again if it wasnt for Biden and Kamala doing a total shytshow and hes right. Stop blaming, hiding, denying, lying, bobbing, weaving, and doing all this weak noodle shyt. Take accountability for YOURSELF, sir. If we are being real, its YOU who got trump reelected by pushing all this bullshyt along with these goofie DNC shills with wack ass Biden and Copmala so shut up