Justice Democrats Ayanna Pressley wins in MA

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
Yahoo is now part of Oath

In the latest blow to establishment Democrats, Boston City Councilor Ayanna Pressley defeated Rep. Michael Capuano for the nomination in Massachusetts’ 7th District.

Pressley will become the first black woman to represent Massachusetts in Congress, after serving as the first black woman to serve on the city council. Capuano was a 10-term incumbent, representing a district covering an area stretching southwest from Boston. Capuano conceded Tuesday evening.

The race was compared to the Democratic primary in New York’s Fourteenth District, which also featured a woman of color, endorsed by the Justice Democrats, running against an older, white, male incumbent. But there were clear differences. New Yorker Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was a first-time candidate while Pressley has served on the City Council since her election in 2009. Although she was endorsed by progressive groups, Pressley, who has worked for Sen. John Kerry and supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, is not as far left as Ocasio-Cortez, a Democratic Socialists of America member who organized for Bernie Sanders. The two women met at a fund-raising event in New York in June, and Pressley referred to Ocasio-Cortez as her “sister in change.”

Another win for Progressives. :ehh: