Kanye’s Frantz Fanon Complex


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Kanye’s Frantz Fanon Complex

I recently wrote an article called, “Harry Belafonte Was Right About Jay-Z.” The article went viral, generating a huge response from the Black community and beyond. A few readers were puzzled when I stated, “Kanye West…often laments about racism but strives to uphold the same materialistic values that help drive economic disparities.” Now, I will explore this more thoroughly.

There is no denying that Kanye West has had a tremendous impact on the music industry and pop culture. From the beginning of his mainstream career, Kanye has been critical of issues dealing with racism and the structures within it. His infamous, “George Bush doesn’t care about Black people,” statement caused a media frenzy and solidified the general sentiments of the Black community during the Hurricane Katrina tragedy.

Yet it seems with more fame and popularity, Kanye’s commentary has shifted from calling out racism because it’s wrong, to calling out racism because he didn’t get a seat at the table. This is the bigger issue.

Frantz Fanon

The distinguished psychiatrist Frantz Fanon addressed this line of thinking in his 1961 classic Wretched of the Earth. In this literary masterpiece, Fanon deconstructed the colonized mind.

“The gaze that the colonized subject casts at the colonist’s sector is a look of lust, a look of envy. Dreams of possession. Every type of possession; of sitting at the colonist’s table and sleeping in his bed, preferably with his wife. The colonized man is an envious man.”

One cannot deny the lasting effects that slavery and colonialism has had on African Americans and people of African descent around the world. In a recent interview, Kanye vehemently states, “We’re all slaves!” I understand him to a certain extent. Indeed, there is a systematic glass ceiling that prevents people of African descent and people from low economic classes from upward mobility. Even when some rise up the ranks, there are still many barriers that prevent them from attaining certain goals because they do not come from a certain class (the old money class). This is where I understand Kanye on the fashion industry. They don’t want him and they never will. He will forever be categorized as “urban,” a description he is desperately running away from because he knows that this is another way of being pigeonholed and prevented from making a significant impact (beyond blackness and urbanism) in the fashion industry.

W.E.B. Du Bois

In some ways it coincides with W.E.B Du Bois’ description of double consciousness:

It is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at one’s self through the eyes of others, of measuring one’s soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity. One ever feels his two-ness,—an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder.

However, Kanye has time and time again demonstrated that he is displeased with the system solely based on the fact that he wants a seat at the table. His anger is steeped in envy rather than reform. And this is dangerous because we get away from transforming these hierarchical structures, to unknowingly reinforcing them.

For example, this is evident in his almost complete dismissal of Black models for his runway shows in Paris. He doesn’t seem too concerned about the pains of racism unless it’s affecting his own progress. Instead, he went with the flow and continued to allow for Black models to be denied a chance at equality. He also cheers on fashion brands that are known for their lack of diversity. The fashion brand Céline, was recently boycotted by the supermodel Iman, because of their refusal to hire Black models. Meanwhile Kanye West orders full wardrobes of Céline clothing, attends their shows and sports their brand.

Furthermore, he has a lack of respect for African American history. Much like the N-Word, no matter what way you look at it, the Confederate flag represents the deep rooted oppression of African Americans. In fact, it was used as a tool to remind us of our “place.” After the Brown v. Board of Education desegregation ruling, the state of Georgia started using the Confederate flag as a sign of the good ole’ days.

The painful past associated with the symbolism surrounding the flag and what it represents is no laughing or fashion forward matter. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, about 500 extremist groups still use the cross on the Confederate Flag as a symbol of white superiority. This example is tired and old but I can’t imagine someone wearing a Swastika for fashion. I wonder if Kanye will start wearing symbols promoting the South African apartheid era next.

When Kanye speaks about racism or slavery, he’s not doing it for the ordinary people, but instead for sensationalism. He is using the Confederate flag to generate buzz, no matter how hurtful it may be.

He also has an incessant belief that Paris is the only fashion mecca and it has to let him in. Kanye recently wanted to help the Louis Vuitton brand with his “influence.” They promptly rejected the offer.

Kanye has an obsession with getting acceptance, but not the “colored” kind. When the radio host Sway tried to encourage him to maybe create his own way, Kanye gave the now Twitter famous reply, “ You ain’t got the answers Sway.”

Indeed none of us may have the complete answers to racism and upward mobility. However, given his track record and current behavior, Kanye simply can’t be taken seriously on racism. With every new Kanye rant we are witnessing a public display of internal conflict consisting of Fanon’s “dreams of possession” and Dubois’ double consciousness. Ultimately, he cares more about having a seat at the table with the same people he accuses of racism and classism, than bringing about change.​


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
Ultimately, he cares more about having a seat at the table with the same people he accuses of racism and classism, than bringing about change.

This type of thought process is becoming prevalent amongst the younger generation and my own as well. Its scary because they don't even have the access that Kanye does, yet they still spurn the idea of community building in pursuit of individually getting closer to a culture that will never quite accept them.

John Hull

You can’t see me!
Jun 6, 2012
Studio gangstas
Kanye IS accepted tho. About as much as he could hope to be. He is an urban artist with an amazing career that gets mimicked by all stripes of individuals and has a ton of influence in popular culture.

That being said he can't hope to be looked at like Louis Vuitton that's a whole different animal. :snoop:

The fact that he seems to be legitimately ticked off about not being able to buy himself into being respected as a high end designer is just stupid. Fashion is notoriously racist he would have better luck trying to be an astronaut.

I swear dude is trolling with this shyt I refuse to believe he's that dense. Maybe that Kardashian puss got to him :blink: :mjpls:


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
I do like the Frantz Fanon break down.

On his next article, he needs to outline how or why it is short sighted and impractical, for an individual to reform a global system of economic disenfranchisement & oppression that has been in place for centuries. Everyone wants to be a trailblazer, or the first man to the summit, and engage in trickle down economics.

If through the course of discussion, we're not talking about oligarchies, monopolies, capitalism, colonialism, etc etc etc…then we're engaging in barbershop talk. Everyone in the black/hip hop community has an opinion on the way Jay Z and Kanye operate. I think all authors need to use this as an opportunity to elevate the level of discourse.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
I do like the Frantz Fanon break down.

On his next article, he needs to outline how or why it is short sighted and impractical, for an individual to reform a global system of economic disenfranchisement & oppression that has been in place for centuries. Everyone wants to be a trailblazer, or the first man to the summit, and engage in trickle down economics.

If through the course of discussion, we're not talking about oligarchies, monopolies, capitalism, colonialism, etc etc etc…then we're engaging in barbershop talk. Everyone in the black/hip hop community has an opinion on the way Jay Z and Kanye operate. I think all authors need to use this as an opportunity to elevate the level of discourse.

On one hand I def agree abotu the barbershop talk thing. Black people talk too much and don't do enough. On the other hand though Jay and Kanye proclaim themselves to be pro-black ambassadors but don't really actually do what they claim to be doing. And the thing is, they don't have to be black ambassadors. They don't owe anyone anything, until they start making promises to bolster their brands.


Feb 15, 2013
However, Kanye has time and time again demonstrated that he is displeased with the system solely based on the fact that he wants a seat at the table. His anger is steeped in envy rather than reform. And this is dangerous because we get away from transforming these hierarchical structures, to unknowingly reinforcing them.

For example, this is evident in his almost complete dismissal of Black models for his runway shows in Paris. He doesn’t seem too concerned about the pains of racism unless it’s affecting his own progress. Instead, he went with the flow and continued to allow for Black models to be denied a chance at equality. He also cheers on fashion brands that are known for their lack of diversity. The fashion brand Céline, was recently boycotted by the supermodel Iman, because of their refusal to hire Black models. Meanwhile Kanye West orders full wardrobes of Céline clothing, attends their shows and sports their brand.

:whoo:.....tell em!

kanye's response......

...can fool some of the people some of the time....i don't buy for one second that he's in this for the "benefit of black people" and i'm kind of offended that he attempted to drag the hip hop community into his personal battles. cause this is all about kanye. and for that reason i have 0 fukks to give about his trials and tribulations.


The Coli's Ralph Ellison
Oct 31, 2012
Old Brooklyn
Let's use Mr. West's own logic to show why he's no better than those he vilifies.

Kanye's account: 1. We are all slaves 2. We are especially slaves to consumerism 3. Nike, Louis V and luxury brands and the masters of consumer slavery 4. Those in the Master's house DO NOT want to help Kanye thus they are discriminating against him 5. He is exposing then because he still wants to be given a chance by these companies to express himself and make money w/ them e.i "I'm a modern day Walt Disney", "You have no voice with no product."

Now to break that down, he admits we, especially urban youth are slaves and he includes himself in that circle, yet he is still clamoring to be apart of the Master's quarters. He isn't championing a cause to destroy the establishment as we know it, he isn't vilifying them because he believes consumer slavery is wrong. ..he's doing it because HE wants to be put on.

He wants his hands bloody in mentally and financially enslaving the people he is listing as new slaves.

"When a slave looks upon the master's house with envy and deceit, wishing he were eating from their plates, do not be fooled by his seemingly noble intentions no matter how beneficial for you it may be in the short term. He'd want to be a master too."

And that is all he is, a house slave aspiring to be a master.
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IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI

On one hand I def agree abotu the barbershop talk thing. Black people talk too much and don't do enough. On the other hand though Jay and Kanye proclaim themselves to be pro-black ambassadors but don't really actually do what they claim to be doing. And the thing is, they don't have to be black ambassadors. They don't owe anyone anything, until they start making promises to bolster their brands.

You know why I hate this reasoning? Isn't this selfish level of individualism exactly what we've been fighting against since The New Deal? You know what that type of reasoning looks like coming from a caucasian, Reaganomics.

Ppl that make their money from conspicuous consumption don't owe anyone anything?

Let's just be real here. That's black republican talk. You know what I hear when people say that?
- its my money. why should I pay for other people's healthcare
- its my money. why should I pay taxes for a school my child doesn't go to

See, the problem isn't that they don't owe anyone anything. It's that they don't realize the reason they grew up in shythole communities is because of the very same monetary policy & disorganized community solutions that they currently embody.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
You know why I hate this reasoning? Isn't this selfish level of individualism exactly what we've been fighting against since The New Deal? You know what that type of reasoning looks like coming from a caucasian, Reaganomics.

Ppl that make their money from conspicuous consumption don't owe anyone anything?

Let's just be real here. That's black republican talk. You know what I hear when people say that?
- its my money. why should I pay for other people's healthcare
- its my money. why should I pay taxes for a school my child doesn't go to

See, the problem isn't that they don't owe anyone anything. It's that they don't realize the reason they grew up in shythole communities is because of the very same monetary policy & disorganized community solutions that they currently embody.
There is an ideal balance that lies between collectivism and individualism. I don't think it's unreasonable to not expect more from these guys. They already pay half of whatever money they make back to society. Thats just facts.

My beef is when they start talking all this righteous pro black stuff as if they are doing anything specific in that regard. Or using black people's struggles as a back drop for their rich "struggles". Either be about it or shut up.