King of Emcees ( Coli Weekly Song Competition)


#TunnelGang #RingGangRadio
Staff member
May 9, 2012
As you know this forum hosts some of the most talented emcees and producers in the world, but every once in a while shyt gets kinda stagnant in here (Tunnel) so I've created a new weekly song competition that will hopefully keep this place buzzing and give everybody a chance to get their music heard. This is also the natural evolution from the beat and rap battle tourneys.

With the blessings from the gawd @Brooklynzson

I bring to you the....


This competition is for coli emcees and producers that have been grinding with their craft and created a catalog of music. Instead of all of us just sitting around on a bunch of songs. Lets match them up against each other and see who makes the best music. Everybody will get a chance to get their shyt heard, so there's no real losers.

How it works...
Every week, a musical theme is chosen. Emcees and producers will submit a song of theirs that goes with the theme. Depending on how many songs are submitted, we'll then throw them in groups of 8 or 10 and post a thread with a poll where posters can listen to all of the songs and vote for which song does that theme the most justice/or song representing that theme the best. The one with the most votes will win that group bracket. Now if there's more than one group bracket, then the winners will face off. Who ever wins that battle will be the winner of that theme. After that, another theme is chosen and we start all over again.

There won't be any individual match ups (besides bracket winners) so you won't have to keep up with a bunch of threads. Also people will be using songs that they already recorded so we won't have to wait for cats to make some new shyt for the theme. You either got something for it or you don't.

You must submit ONE song in the thread that goes with the chosen theme. All tracks must have vocals on them that are either sung or rapped. Use soundcloud or any other reliable link for this. It's every man for themselves so if a producer decides to post up a collab with another emcee, that submission counts for them. Just like whatever collab you submit will count for you. If the same song is submitted twice, then the one who submitted it first will get to use it and the 2nd person will have to choose a different song. Producers can use songs that they have with vocals from established artists as well. This way if you can't get any local emcee or coli cat on your song, you still have the option to participate.

The 1st Week's theme will be........

Soulful Hip-Hop

Basically post 1 song that you have that you feel is soulful as fukk and that pulls at a nikka's heart and shyt. Production is not limited to just samples or boom bap. If you got some soulful trap or wavy shyt, you're good as well. As long as you think it represents soulful hip-hop, go ahead and post it. Your peers will be the judge.

So for this thread, anybody that want's to participate should post up their chosen song. Please don't post up more than one.

All tracks must be submitted by Friday Midnight (Oct 16th) So you have 3 days to check ya archives and pick something. This way I can get the new threads set up with all of the songs and we can start voting over the weekend.

:salute: to all my talented coli/tunnel brehs and brehettes

Apologies for the long read, just wanted to drop enough detail and explanation so this thread won't get flooded with questions.
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#TunnelGang #RingGangRadio
Staff member
May 9, 2012
Will any of the coli producers be blessing up with beats for said themes?

Only if they want to, but it's up to you to ask them/network.

This Competition is for cats that already have a gang of music recorded and want to match it up against others. Hence the short deadline.


King Biko

A King With A Concubine
May 7, 2012
Atlanta, Georgia
Only if they want to, but it's up to you to ask them/network.

This Competition is for cats that already have a gang of music recorded and want to match it up against others. Hence the short deadline.


Ok. Id rather do new shyt myself but i will try 2 participate and meet the deadlines.

Where the coli producers at, fukk with yeah nephew