"We found the playbook the elites yall always been talking about will use to further white supremacy"Republicans: When we get in power we’re going to do a bunch of fukked up stuff.
Concerned people: We can’t let Republicans get in power because they’ll do fukked up stuff.
Bothsiders: Stop fear mongering.
*Republicans get in power and do fukked up stuff*
Concerned people: We said this would happen.
Bothsiders: Why didn’t Dems stop it?
Concerned people: They’re not in power.
They pass things that they are paid to pass or that will give govt more power. I have no problem believing 90% of P25 would get passedPresidents don’t even pass a quarter of their campaign promisesyet somehow people are supposed to be scared based on some extreme right wing think thank wish list that’s not even affiliated with Trump?
Remember build the wall it never happened.
Every 4 years low IQ people stay getting manipulated.
Its 2024 and some black people are pro Jim Crow. what a time
"We found the playbook the elites yall always been talking about will use to further white supremacy"
Bothsiders: eh its not that bad, I hope they win
Slow removal of checks and balances...replacing federal workers with anyone he chooses at will, destruction of federal government, many federal gencies will be discontinued as "wasteful" spending, emilination of "wasteful" assistance programs, mass deportation....these are just the easy ones. full police immunity and unilateral militerization of troops against citizens are also goals. And this is not even getting into the truly outrageous shyt, these are things that can easily be done as isAnyone got a summary?
What is the best kind of career to be in for the foreseeable future?Slow removal of checks and balances...replacing federal workers with anyone he chooses at will, destruction of federal government, many federal gencies will be discontinued as "wasteful" spending, emilination of "wasteful" assistance programs, mass deportation....these are just the easy ones. full police immunity and unilateral militerization of troops against citizens are also goals
Honestly idk I'd have to get back with you on that it's hard to say at this point. I don't how aggressive they'll start moving once in office but it won't be like his first stint. JD vance and his wealthy backers probably want imminent action. Elon musk is on record saying that he expects the economy to take a severe dive temporarily and then it will be necessary for the government to fix the economy. Basically they're about to worsen the economy for the majority of their fanbase so trump, elon, and buddies can work out their business strategies on the US economy. Rich people love this idea. That makes sense. Poor people love it too...which is just bafflingWhat is the best kind of career to be in for the foreseeable future?
these people are so fukking dangerous, it'd be foolish to stay home on election day while others vote away our demcocracy.