M.I.C.'s True Stories: July In Florida :blessed:

The M.I.C.

The King In The West đź‘‘
Dec 2, 2015
Charlotte - Washington D.C.
Wanted to bless the Coli fam with some more homegrown stories from 30+ years of constant fukkery, I've encountered (don't ask my age), this covers my first trip to Miami, a ridiculous attempt at trying to make "deal" and encounter with some dudes in Duval. I'm gonna break these joints up because it's a bit of story getting from Miami to the ending in Duval.

Anyway, I had just got back home from California.

I was trying to get settled in but I wasn't feeling to comfortable being back in town, one of my good friends from Miami named Miami had left Charlotte and went back home while I was away, I knew the nikka could help me get some Benjamins as well as keep me entertained if I reached out. So I got the invite down and headed to Miami in June 2004. The summer of fukkery. If you're wondering, I've known this nikka for over 12 years and I've NEVER learned his real name so it's just "Miami"

I rolled into Miami and met up with my dude over around near Liberty city, which itself looked like goddamn war torn Somalia. :snoop:..I'm looking at all of this shyt and thinkin what the fukk am I doing with my life? I find my dudes place, which looked like a bunch of dirty ass shacks that had combined to form the Voltron of trap houses. My dude comes out of the crib, we dap and chop it up briefly when all of the sudden this girl runs up on us wearing no shoes and no shirt, asking us for some change. :dahell:I'm lookin at my dude and I ask him "The kids in MIA just run around here with no fukking clothes down here, fam??" He :manny: at me and I look at the girl and say "bytch, where the hell your shoes and shirt at, shyt?" She's like it's too hot for that and shoots a :mjpls: at me. I'm like :what: "so you just run around in public naked?"...I toss her a few dollars real quick and tell her to get lost quick cause I'm waiting for that nikka Chris Hansen to pop up and initiate the set up on me because of this girl. I'm still :what:at my dude and he just does :manny: at me again.

So we get inside the crib. :dame:.......................:patrice:I'm thinking.."where the fukking walls at in this bytch, how is this shyt even standing upright?" and it's roasting like a motherfukka, mind you it's like 90+ outside, I've already lost 5 lbs in sweat walking from the living room to the kitchen. I'm like :whew: "nikka, you trappin but don't have no fukkin AC for this bytch?" He's like I'm a tropical nikka, we used to this heat...we good down here nikka :win:. We sitting in the kitchen, I'm lookin around and the first thing I notice is the kitchen floor is like five shades of filth, shyt goes from darker to lighter stretching from the refrigerator to the stove, I'm thinking how is this rainbow'd fukkry even possible? :what: . If there were any roaches or wildlife running around, I would not have been able to tell because that's how dirty the fukking floor was. So my boy starts talking about some shyt he got lined up for us for the weekend and that he needs to pick up someone in Jacksonville and he wanted me to go with him. I'm like cool, as long as I don't have to stay up in here. As were talking his girl pops in, dark chocolate jamaican female blessed with some godly thickness :takedat:..this broad comes in wearing no socks (dirty ass floor) :scusthov: some boyshorts and a robe that's somewhat covering up her titties. This nikka doesn't introduce us so she just awkwardly pauses for a second then walks across the floor, titties now out, and opens the fridge. So finally I speak up and introduce myself and she's says her name is Kaya or some shyt, she then turns around and says to Miami "you need to stop bringing your fine ass friends around here" and smiles :takedat:...I'm looking at her like :krs: , she's lookin at me like :mjpls: and he's looking at me like :manny:...So she then immediately offers me and Miami a drink and I accept by asking for a shot of whatever liquor they got, she pulls out three big ass plastic Big Gulp cups from the cupboard, you know...the ones you get from 7-Eleven and she was pouring shots into these big ass cups, fam...:dahell: then she sits the cups down on the table with her long ass nipple damn near dippin right into my cup. :lupe:. So me and him keep up the convo and he's like I gotta pick up my girl from upstate and bring her down for the weekend so we can get this shyt movin...I'm like "Ok" until I think about what he just said :jbhmm:...................... :what:I'm like "Your girl is RIGHT here, fam..what you mean your girl from upstate??" So they both look at each other and :manny: at me and I'm :ohhh: "What the hell ya'll nikkas doin down here breh?" and he's like :ehh: "I gotta rotate these women like accessories man.." :mjlol: This dude says it without losing a step in front of this woman.

After drinkin a bit, he's like we need to scoop up my man Pook around the corner before we ride up to Duval...The next entry deals with me, Miami and Pook trying to figure out what exactly the hell we are doing trying to make some quick money:martin:


Mar 4, 2015
The Voltron of Traphouses



Oct 15, 2015
I am ALL in for these stories

but how all these dudes in the trap be constantly hustling and still living in squalor

definition of hustling backwards man