Music Appreciation - India Arie's Ready For Love


Someday, We'll All Be Free
Mar 17, 2022
The Abyss

Ladies and gentlemen, can we discuss this masterpiece? This very underrated song is perhaps one of the most hauntingly beautiful pieces of music I've ever heard. These lyrics are other worldly:

I am ready for love
Why are you hiding from me?
I'd quickly give my freedom
To be held in your captivity
I am ready for love
All of the joy and the pain
And all the time that it takes
Just to stay in your good grace

Lately I've been thinking
Maybe you're not ready for me
Maybe you think I need to learn maturity
They say watch what you ask for
'Cause you might receive
But if you ask me tomorrow
I'll say the same thing

I am ready for love
If you'll take me in your hands
I will learn what you teach
And do the best that I can

I am ready for love
Here with an offering of
My voice, my eyes
My soul, my mind
Tell me what is enough
To prove I am ready for love
I am ready

Imagine the skill it takes for one to write such painful lyrics but sing them so beautifully that you could mistake them for a love song. When was the last time the words of a song moved you inwardly. Touched your emotions? This song speaks of a person whom has clearly struggled in their loneliness. Getting older. Life passing you by. You've grown and matured. You've slept around in your younger years. You've broken hearts and had yours broken. You've experienced the heartaches of emptiness.

One day, you wake up in your cold bed and long for the presence of another. But not just any person. One you can call your own. You speak to Love as if it's a Goddess. Praying to her. Send me my soulmate. I am ready. I offer you my voice, my eyes, my soul and my mind. I'll give you every part of me. Let me worship you. Come to me.

These stanza's are full of poetic genius and misery. Imagine the dark place you have to be in to pen these words. I know women like this. Late 30's, single, a parent. Thinking its too late. The prophetic words of St. Apostle Kevin Samuels echoing throughout their heads. Driving them crazy. They are ready for love but is love ready to accept them? I love this song.
