My Quest to Read All X-Men Related Comics in Order from Beginning to Present time


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
I started this thread on another site, but I will continue it here as well for anyone who's interested. I'll start off by copying all of the stuff I posted on the other site first, then continue where I'm at now...


This is a tough task, I am aware as I have started like 2 years ago and am currently at about 1995. The beginning was quicker because there weren't as many different X-Men related comics, just the one really. However, with the help of some dude on some forum who posted every single issue from all X-Men related comics in order, I am on my way.

In this thread I will update with screen shots of interesting/funny/important moments as I read. I will do this for two reasons, 1) it might be fun for y'all to reminisce or maybe even see things you didn't read from back in the day. Y'all can comment on whatever you find interesting and what-not. 2) it will help me stay on point in remembering what's going on in each comic as I might have to take some days off with work and all.

Comics I am currently reading:
Uncanny X-Men
Last issue read: #325
Favorite current character: Gambit
Current Situation: Gene Nation, a group of renegade Morlocks, held hostages underground and were planning to kill one human for every Morlock that was killed in the Mutant Massacre. To stop this, Storm actually ripped the heart out of their leader, Marrow. Also Gambit is dealing with the fact that Rogue may have learned of his past when she absorbed his memories during a kiss.

X-Men v2
Last issue read: #46
Favorite current character: Bishop
Current situation: Bishop is suspicious of Gambit, thinking he will be the one to betray the X-Men in the future. Iceman is dealing with the fact that Emma Frost may still be manipulating him after she spent time inhabiting his mind. Also, Senator Robert Kelly finds that two Sentinels are missing, and Onslaught is the perpetrator.

Generation X
Last issue read: Generation X Annual 1995
Favorite current character: Emma Frost
Current situation: Emma's sister, Cordelia, delivers Mondo to Shinobi Shaw, current head of the Hellfire Club. He declines the gift and they are attacked by men working for a mystery man named Barrington. Cordelia approaches her sister for help and they manage to track down Mondo, who then enrolls with Generation X. Also, Penance suffers a seizure and becomes comatose.

Wolverine v2
Last issue read: #95
Favorite current character: Wolverine
Current situation: It seems that Tyler Dayspring, AkA Genesis, is planning to either attack or recruit Wolverine with the help of the Dark Riders, who he has taken under his wing after Apocalypse's latest defeat.

Last issue read: #24
Favorite current character: Cable
Current situation: Domino engages in an intense battle with former Six Pack teammate, Grizzly. During the fight her gun accidentally goes off wounding him mortally and with his dying breath he tells her that Tyler Dayspring made him this way with his powers. Also, a woman from the future travels back in time to retrieve Cable, who must come with her to save the life of his future self, Nathan Dayspring. Blaquesmith sends them both to the future as well as Domino afterwards.

Last issue read: #10
Current favorite character: X-Man
Current situation: Blaquesmith approaches Charles Xavier with news of a mysterious being with extreme power whose bio-signature resembles Cable's (X-Man). Charles approaches Nate on the astral plane and comes to find out that he is way more powerful than he imagined, and with Nate scared and angry, Charles decides he must fake his death in order to retreat and approach him in a different manner.

Last issue read: #47
Favorite current character: Siryn (she an alcoholic, I like that). Also Deadpool when he makes appearances.
Current situation: The X-Force team returns from Siberia, and Deadpool frees Siryn from a psych ward where she has been being held captive. However, Deadpool is attacked by a young boy named Jeremy Stevens, who later is hinted to be the Gamesmaster. She returns to Professor Xavier with disks holding information about the Weisman Institute. Also, Boomer has been growing close to Sabretooth who is being taken care of at the mansion after being attacked by Wolverine and returning back to a more primal state.

Last issue read: #115
Favorite current character: Mystique
Current situation: Havok fled to Alaska to reminisce about the day he lost his parents. Cyclops joins him and the two later have a heart to heart at a nearby bar. Also, at the X-Factor headquarters, Mystique tries to hack into Forge's files but fails. Wild Child witnesses it, but the two agree to keep each others secrets. Later, Forge shows Mystique some of his holographic files, including one where Destiny who is now dead told Forge that he and Mystique need to be together. Also, Dark Beast who recently traveled from the Age of Apocalypse time stream to the present one, recreates Random and orders him to attack X-Factor and bring back Havok.

Last issue read: #92
Favorite current character: Pete Wisdom
Current situation: Colossus engages Pete Wisdom in battle after seeing him with his ex-girl Kitty Pryde. Colossus does serious damage to Wisdom, shattering ribs, damaging a lung and increasing blood pressure in the brain. Wisdom manages to use his powers to do spinal injury to Colossus before passing out. Meggan and Captain Britain manage to knock Colossus out to stop the fight. Shadowcat tells Colossus that if he loved her he would not have left her.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
How may comics have you read total? Are you buying actual comics or downloading online?


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
X-Factor #116
Got a little more insight into what Wild Child is all about. He was attacked by the most clingy ex-girlfriend a man can ever have. Aurora from Alpha Flight was str8 wildin out yo, check it.


^It wasn't very nice... that bytch just sounds psychotic right off the bat.


o_O nah son, you need to gtfaway from this chick.


Lol @ I've changed. Anyway, X-Factor manages to come help and subdue her and her brother Northstar takes her away telling Wild Child to stay away from his sister.

That bytch cray :whew:

X-Force #48
SMH @ X-Force giving Boomer an intervention about chilling with Sabretooth.
This seems more important though, Sebastian Shaw appears for the first time in a while after the world believes him to be killed by his son Shinobi. He approaches Holocaust (just came to this time stream from the AoA) who was out here just killing off an entire island, to begin a partnership.

Uncanny X-Men #327
Someone who appears to be Magneto, who had been missing after the destruction of Avalon, is found in South America at an orphanage.

Generation X #10 & 11
Emma Frost finds out some interesting stuff from Banshee's past, like his previous encounters with Omega Red before he was transformed into the monster he currently is. Also, in the present Chamber demolishes Omega Red who was trying to attack the Gen. X squad.


Wolverine v2 #96
Well damn, Genesis and the Dark Riders just offed Cyber, one of Wolverines major enemies. They trapped him in a vault and let a bunch of meat-eating bugs devour all of him and leave the adamantium.


Uncanny X-Men #328 & Sabretooth: In The Red Zone
Sabretooth escapes from the mansion after he eventually reveals that he was feigning helplessness, and attacks Boomer. Psylocke saves her life, and she uses her psionic knife to disable him. However, this no longer works because his brain injury from Wolverine freed Sabretooth from the need for "the glow," furthermore rendering him resistant to telepathic detection and control. Retaliating, Sabretooth nearly killed Psylocke, but he is finally confronted by the X-Men, who manage to seemingly kill him (but we all know this is untrue) and Valerie Cooper takes his body back to X-Factor headquarters.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
X-Force #49
Damn Sebastian Shaw & Holocaust is fukking shyt up out here. Basically crushed all members of X-Force one by one, probably moving on to Cable next. Side Note: Shatterstar and his obsession with Rictor is quite faq-like nh.

X-Factor #117 & 118
We see that Haven is pregnant with an evil offspring, and Roma appears to tell her that nothing can be done. The Adversary will be reborn. That's the dude that supposedly killed all the X-Men back in Dallas (they faked their deaths and relocated to the Australian Outback). Roma and Naze team up to approach Forge about the danger that is coming. Adversary attacks and seemingly kills Naze, as Roma teleports to Forge to warn him.

Also, Havok battles Random who eventually wins and bring Alex to the Dark Beast, though Random regrets it.

Cable #25-28
Cable and Domino travel 2,000 years into the future with Jenskot to save the life of the younger version of Nathan Dayspring. On their way back they wind up in Genosha, where a civil war has been going on for years between the Genoshan Magistrates and the Mutates. They side with Phillip Moreau and the mutates, obviously, who seem to have some alliance with Mr Sinister. In the end they find that Sugar-Man (from the Age of Apocalypse) was behind the Genetic Mutating that brought the country to civil war, which he learned from the Sinister of his time. Present day Sinister sent Cable to defeat Sugar-Man and destroy his weapons, which he did. Now it seems that Sinister will be on a mission to find Nate Grey (also from the Age of Apocalypse).

Pretty interesting couple of comics there. That Genosha shyt been going on for a minute, pretty funny that the weird ass Sugar-Man started the whole mess. Oh and of course Sinister played a part in it all.

X-Force #50
Sebastian Shaw has his assistant Tessa mind control the kidnapped X-Force members and they are forced to hunt down Cable. After a brief battle Cable manages to free them by filling their minds with memories of the team's past. Not before fakkit ass Shatterstar stabs Domino under the shoulder though.



Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
X-Factor #119-121
So yeah, Sabretooth wasn't dead, he was just injured. His mutant healing factor went into overdrive and he tried to escape from medical facilities but Valerie Cooper & her security managed to take him down. He is fitted with a state of the art restraining collar and is to become part of X-Factor. Him and Mystique together should be GOAT.

Wild Child is starting to fall in love with a hologram named Shard (Bishop's sister) -___- and Polaris, thinking Havok left her, decides she is done with him and wants to move on.

Finally the Adversary attacks X-Factor as they are prepared with weaponry Forge created. However, the weapons do nothing to harm him, and he seemingly kills the whole team with the exception of Forge telling him that the ways of the Shaman spirit are the only thing which can defeat him (something Forge promised himself he'd never go back to). So obviously he revisits the magic of his past and is able to defeat the Adversary while simultaneously restoring the lives of the team.

Pretty sure that's the end of the Adversary for good. Hope so, he was kind of a boring villain IMO.

X-Man #12 & Excalibur #95
Nate Grey visits Muir Island as Rogue suggested to him and after scanning a part of Moira MacTaggart's mind, he sees that she is in cahoots with Charles Xavier and that he will die before he is 21. With this bit a information he lashes out and attacks Excalibur, stopping only after Moira gives him some harsh words. He finally listens and learns that they are all there to help him, but also that he was designed to die before he is 21 years old due to the extensive toll his powers take on him.

This arc is still my current favorite as of right now though...

X-Force #51
First of all this is just funny to me. The way he's standing is pretty rapey, though the way Siryn got her breasts out for him it might be consensual. bytch save yourself for Deadpool!


Other than that, Warpath meets with some mystery girl named Risque who kisses him and leaves. I think this person is going to be important as there is a good amount of info on her wiki page.

And lastly, Boom-Boom who is now Boomer has now changed her name again to Meltdown. I like that name better, but the dyke haircut she gave herself is pretty wack.



Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
how much p*ssy will you get in the process :skip:

:lolbron: I probably read a total of 2-3 hours of these per week, so no it is not taking up too much of my time. I will probably never be caught up to present comics.

How may comics have you read total? Are you buying actual comics or downloading online?

Right now I'm up to Uncanny 359 and whatever parallels that in the other titles, and I started like 3 years ago. I started tracking and posting this stuff about 7-8 months ago?

Second question, I plead the fif.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
I've been reading 1996 X Factor because I like the Dark Beast run and wanted to see how far it went back and how he got Random to bow down like that. Fatale needs to come back.

X Force #49 was hilarious and the ending quote was legendary. I Loved the Maria and Joseph story from Uncanny #327 ...Lobdell was on a roll in that one.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
I've been reading 1996 X Factor because I like the Dark Beast run and wanted to see how far it went back and how he got Random to bow down like that. Fatale needs to come back.

The next issue I read in X-Factor is 149 which is the last of the vol.1 so I'm interested to see how they end that. Yeah the whole Dark Beast stuff, and Havok's brotherhood was interesting. Random one of my favorites from that whole X-Factor title.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Wolverine #97-98
First we meet this chick named Chimera who is gathering information on Wolverine for some unknown person. She seems like she could be pretty powerful, so we'll see.


Next issue Logan wakes up drunk as fukk in his favorite bar in Madripoor, but all his friends are dead. I thought it must be a dream cuz they wiped out like every Madripoor character lol. Summary of that = several of Patch's friends are slain inside Patch's bar. This includes Rose and Richard O'Donnel, the latter being a former operator of the bar. This is the result of General Nguyen Ngoc Coy and Madripoor's ruler, Prince Baran. The two wished to frame Wolverine for the crimes and then have him secretly killed in the basement of the police station run by Chief Tai. Logan escapes and kills the goons sporting artificial claws that committed the murder. To save himself Baran kills Coy. Wolverine rescues Archie from Abdul Alhazred, who is trying to take control of Tiger Tyger. The crime lord Tiger Tyger, AKA Jessan Hoan, shoots Prince Baran in the back, having returned from murdering Police Chief Tai.

Well damn Gucci. I guess Tiger Tyger got it pretty easy in Madripoor now.

X-Man #13
Nate comes in contact with Threnody, a mutant who has been in servitude of Mr Sinister but has recently escaped. He saves her from the Marauders and kills all of them but one, sending this one back to Sinister with a memory implant of the Marauders dying as well as Threnody. Cable is still on a mission to find Nate Grey.

X-Men v2 #50
Cyclops, Storm, Iceman & Wolverine are assaulted and teleported to some strange reality. They are confronted by a huge being named Post who claims to be an extension of Onslaught's power and is there to test them. They work together to defeat him and are transported back to the Mansion where the psionic form of Onslaught greets the whole team and tells them he will remold the entire world.

This is the dude Post:

Uncanny X-Men #331
Iceman was injured in the battle vs Onslaught and was afraid to return back to human form. He confronted Emma Frost and demanded to know what she did to his powers in his body and how to save himself. When he captured her with his ice powers, she telepathically showed him his insecurities. Iceman realized that Emma was right and managed to transform back to his human body with his chest fully intact.

X-Force #52 & 53
Domino, Meltdown & Siryn go scouting to find out if a certain Sentinel project is still not up and running, which it isn't but they find the Blob who has apparently learned new ways to manipulate his mutant power. Meltdown also has more control over her powers (due to her name change I guess? lol) and defeats him, however he is rescued by Mimic who claims "their boss will not be happy" (Onslaught?).

Also, Susnpot witnesses an explosion at Gideon's building and finds out he's dead, which makes no sense to him because Externals aren't supposed to die. The other Externals attack thinking Sunspot has killed Gideon, and X-Force arrives to save him. Warpath stumbled upon another dead External, Saul, and is attacked by the woman who is behind it all. We don't see who it is by I'm pretty sure its Selene who is also an External.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Cable #30-31 & X-Man #14
Cable finally tracks down Nate Grey who has arrived at Cable's secret base in the Swiss Alps. Obviously X-Man does not trust him and winds up destroying the house, which was built to withstand any attack. Only Nate Grey is left at the end, who is then approached by Exodus, one of Magneto's former followers in Avalon. They battle each other, but when Exodus speaks the name of Apocalypse he pisses Nate off to another level, won't even describe it... this is how he handles Exodus, as Cable watches on in horror:


In the conclusion of this mini-saga, Cable and Nate finally fight and it seems to be going no where until Nate overextends his powers, nearly killing himself (he also causes a pain in any known telepath across the world: Charles, Jean Grey, Psylocke, etc). Cable is able to tap into his brain and find Nate who finally trusts him and Cable saves his life. I guess Nate is starting to see that everyone else is right.

X-Force #54
So I was right, Selene killed the Externals, actually pretty much all of them, by draining their life energies. Now she, Cannonball (if he really is one) & Apocalypse are the only Externals left. The X-Force team actually gets arrested and interrogated for it, but Charlotte Jones eventually lets them go. Somebody from Operation: Zero Tolerance threatens her for allowing them to leave, foreshadowing most likely. I think that's the next arc after Onslaught.

Wolverine #99-100
Wolverine is transported to Akkaba, which is where Genesis & the Dark Riders hold their base. He is then ambushed by them and placed in a tank where they plan to bond him with Cyber's left over adamantium and erase his memory. Cannonball and Expiditer (Of Landau Luckman & Lake) watch in the shadows waiting to strike. During the bonding process, Cannonball can take it no longer. He manages to damage the bonding apparatus but is quickly taken out by the Dark Riders. Logan wills the adamantium out of his system, and pieces of it fly out of him killing Hurricane & Lifeforce. Cannonball brings Wolverine to the citadel where Genesis plans to bring Apocalypse back to life. The Dark Riders chase after him and Logan kills them one by one, Spyne, Deadbolt & Gauntlet. Cannonball opens Apocalypse's coffin which is empty, and right after this Wolverine kills Genesis telling Sam to tell Cable he is sorry.

Lol @ this picture, Cannonball got the shyt kicked out of him.

So yeah, Wolverine is apparently full-blown insane at the moment. Some guy named Stick sends Elektra to go help him, and that was the final page of the 100th issue.

Excalibur #96-98
We find out that Black Air has an alliance with the London branch of the Hellfire Club. Captain Britain takes his place as the Black Bishop when Shinobi Shaw tells him that Mountjoy has infiltrated the club. Black Air then takes Douglock hostage and begins dissecting him, therefore Excalibur goes to war with them, taking out one of their bases of operation.

X-Men v2 #51-52
Professor X fixes cerebro and detects a very high mutant presence in New Jersey. Bishop, Gambit and Beast (who is actually Dark Beast in disguise) go track it down. Turns out a mutagenic disease has been let out infecting many humans, and Sinister is behind it. He kidnaps the three of them, but they escape. During their capture, Dark Beast notices a strange possible connection between Gambit & Sinister.

Also, Graydon Creed announces he will run for President.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
I think I'm at #138 ....Havok has kind of taken over and still going through with shyt even though he's not mind controlled anymore. This is all leading to his Mutant X crossover though..I remember that fondly.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
X-Factor #122-123
Mystique goes off looking for an unknown person who tried to kill her earlier. X-Factor goes after her and they head for the US / Canadian border, to a secret Government facility. Mystique meanwhile finds the Government facility full of murdered scientists. Mystique is apprehended by Sabretooth who has been lurking around the facility. They battle, and eventually Mystique is rendered unconscious. X-Factor comes to her defense and Valerie finally admits to the team that Sabretooth is the newest member. Suddenly Sabretooth lunges at some giant mutant hound, who is apparently behind all the murders. He is quickly defeated as Polaris uses her powers to her full extent, trapping the hound under rubble. Forge gets to work tapping into the buildings computer and finds that Rory Campbell (from excalibur series) is somehow involved. Black Op agents show up and a man named Gladstone tells Valerie to let it go as the whole mysteries operation is way over their heads, and they all leave.

Graydon Creed’s campaign for President of the United States receives a large sum of money from someone within the Government, and Graydon is warned that Mystique is going to be kept alive to keep him in check. Two days later, Valerie and Senator Kelly travel to the location of the Government facility on the border, only to find the whole place is gone, replaced by farms.

^I'm thinking this is all apart of that Operation: Zero Tolerance thing that keeps getting hinted at. Either way, X-Factor is picking up, it used to be one of the boring ones IMO. I'd probably say my least favorite right now is Excalibur.

Wolverine #103
Elektra trains Wolverine to bring him out of his animal-state. He's back to speaking full sentences now lol.
Cool picture:

Generation-X #12-17
All of the Gen X Members are taken by Emplate, their arch-enemy, with the exception of M, who Emplate calls his sister. Emplate pulls together a group he calls his Hellions consisting of Bulwark, Vincente, Murmur and Gayle Edgerton. M manages to contact the X-Men and Bishop arrives. Generation X is able to escape from Emplate, but not before he is able to turn Synch into a monster like him. When he tries to absorb M, it is too much for him and they subdue him before he does any real damage.

Uncanny X-Men #33
The "prologue" to the Onslaught Saga is underway.
Jean & Gambit sneak into the pentagon to hear a meeting about the threat of mutants in which the mystery man named Bastion speaks about Operation: Zero Tolerance as well as the threat of Onslaught. He finishes the meeting by pulling a gun on Gambit & Jean, who is shocked to learn her TK powers don't work on him. Suddenly the soldiers are all put to sleep and Jean is mentally contacted by Onslaught who tells her to consider it a gift.

When Senator Kelly invited Cyclops over to a meeting, a bomb which was set by Graydon Creed goes off before he can tell Cyclops too much information. #fukkSnitches

X-Force #55
X-Force helps Cyclops escape from a S.H.I.E.L.D. after being taken prisoner for the "assassination attempt" on Senator Kelly.

Warpath is alive after disappearing during the Selene/Externals battle. Dude looks gay with his double earring shyt, but apparently he is getting it in with this Risque bytch.


X-Man #15-17
Onslaught comes through and demolishes Sebastian Shaw & Tessa easily, the latter's psi-ability having no affect on him. He then offers Holocaust more power than he can imagine if he brings him Nate Grey.

Meanwhile, Madelyn Pryor, who has been staying with Selene, finds a secret room in her house where Selene stores bodies after sucking the life-energy from them. Strangely, Madelyn is not disturbed by this at all. Selene sends her to meet with Trevor Fitzroy, and when she lures him outside Selene takes his life energy, killing him. Good, he's a fagboy with green hair.

Holocaust and Nate Gray battle, and some innocents die in the middle of it, but the fight ends when Holocaust grabs Threnody and Nate gives himself up. It was a trick though, surprise surprise, and Nate eventually sends Holocaust on his way after breaking through his mask/helmet thing.

Cable #33
Cable goes investigating the Baltimore Harbor where Blaquesmith's ship exploded and is currently presumed to be dead. Cable finds out that Onslaught's herald, Post, is behind and and we see a backflash revealing the past history between Post & Cable: Kevin Tremain was a mutant captured and studied by the Mandarin. On a secret mission, the Six Pack attacked the secret base Tremain was held in. Tremain was mortally injured; Cable tried to save his life, first by using his telekinesis to keep Tremain's body together, and finally by giving him a blood transfusion. Kevin Tremain is now Post, and he beats the shyt out of Cable, but not before Cable learns of some missing piece to the Onslaught puzzle before he passes out.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
I think I'm at #138 ....Havok has kind of taken over and still going through with shyt even though he's not mind controlled anymore. This is all leading to his Mutant X crossover though..I remember that fondly.

Oh word? Is that like an alternate universe thing?


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
X-Force #56
Deadpool in this issue, GOAT. Siryn and Shatterstar go to save him from the Wiesman Institute. After they rescue him, Siryn finds out that Gamesmater was secretly using Mrs. Weisman as a host body to play another one of his games. After he is free, Deadpool sneaks in a kiss with Siryn lol.

Shatterstar learns from Gamesmaster that his real name is Benjamin Russel and his whole "Shatterstar" life was made up as some sick game played by Gamesmaster.

X-Men v2 #53


Damn son, Onslaught is a beast yo. He just put Jean Grey through some shyt. He brings her to the astral plane out of nowhere and starts preaching about humans and their hypocritical ways, something Jean is already familiar with and learned to cope with. However, he then brings her into the mind of Charles Xavier and reveals to her the fact that Professor X used to be in love with Jean when the X-Men first came together. EXPOSED!!!!


Meanwhile, in Colorado at Angel's home where Psylocke is recuperating, Juggernaut randomly crash lands. He has some important news he needs to tell the X-Men, but some mental block is preventing him from revealing it, so he gives up and starts walking to Xavier's mansion.

Jean then denies teaming up with Onslaught, and he angrily sends her back to earth with his name inscribed on her forehead, lol G shyt yo.


Excalibur #99
Damn all the series are heating up right now, even this which is my least favorite.
After raiding the Black Air files, they come up with several connections to the Hellfire Club. Peter Wisdom contacts an old friend from Intel and sends him the files. He tells him to make back up copies and expose these secrets to anyone he can, and let it be known that Excalibur uncovered them. The Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club, London Branch holds an emergency meeting where Red and Black are fighting with each other over the stages of the plan, as the Reds proceeded with it without contacting the Blacks. They go to Black Air HQ, where the Red King shows the Black King and Queen their new power link to the source beneath London – Douglock. Brian, more concerned about the shapeshifter Mountjoy acquiring the power source, decides to become Captain Britain again. Elsewhere the Black Queen is visited by Onslaught, while the Red Queen and King begin the next stage of their plan. Revealing to be Margali Szardos, which is Amanda Sefton's mother, in disguise, she summons power from the source beneath London, which is actually a demon. The demon is stringer than Margali and takes over her soul. No longer imprisoned it unleashes its power upon the people of London, who begin to riot and destroy their city. London goes up in flames.


Uncanny X-Men #334 & X-Men v2 #54
Juggernaut reaches the Mansion, takes out Gambit & Bishop, then tells Jean that he needs her to get inside his mind to unlock his secrets about Onslaught. Jean's own encounter with him is fading away from her memory. She takes him to a psi-shielded chamber so they can discover the answer of the question: Who is Onslaught?

Onslaught got the Juggernaut shook yo:


Xavier summons Scott to a meeting in the War room. Xavier tells Scott that he is disappointed with him on many different levels. Then he tells Scott he needs him to be strong for all of them. When Scott reaches out to touch Xavier he discovers that he has been talking to a holographic projection. Scott tries to find Xavier through the computer only to be told that Xavier is in his study where he has been for the past 48 hours.

The X-Men search the grounds for Juggernaut, as Jean Grey taps into his psyche. Jean demands he destroy the wall that Onslaught built. Cain destroys the wall and Jean learns who Onslaught really is. Jean commands Cain to run and he does but, sadly, he runs into the arms of Onslaught. Onslaught rips the gem of Cyttorak from the chest of Cain, and then reveals who he truly is&#8230; Charles Xavier. <--- I'm sure there is more to it than that, considering Onslaught wears Magneto's colors.



X-Men: Onslaught- Traitor to the Cause
So in this issue we find out that Onslaught claims to be created by Professor X's greatest fears and deepest insecurities. Basically it started the day he destroyed Magneto's mind.

Juggernaut is now trapped in the Cyttorak Gem. Dark Beast joins Onslaught, who already knew he wasn't the real Beast, and X-Man contacts the Avengers to help with the situation.

X-Men Unlimited #12
Gomurr the Ancient travels into the Gem of Cyttorak to rescue the Juggernaut, who is being tortured by a demon named Spite and Cyttorak himself. With the combined efforts of Gomurr and Tar, they expel Cain from the Gem, and he is now more powerful than ever.