Yeah but like we said, most of the immigrants are brown skinned Mexicans. They don't consider themselves white, nor do the ones I grew up with at least, have the mindset that "white=beauty"
I get what ur saying about Latin america as in Brazilians and others see themselves as "white". But we're mainly talking about Hispanics from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salv, etc being the Latin groups moving here.
I definitely agree with it being better if it was all mixed immigration. But in a way it is, but mainly only in places like LA, NY, Miami.
What's funny is, being in Texas, I watched all this happen oer the years. The rich white ppl brought Mexicans over here for cheap labor/construction in the South. Once they're here, it's cool for a while, but then they send money back to Mexico until their family can come here...then they come over. Now they're all like

over here driving Escalades and buying big houses with several ppl in it, getting free healthcare, and their kids free lunch at school, and the rich white ppl who brought them over are still

, but it's the common white ppl that are looking

& having to deal with the immigration "problem".
I watched my high school/home town go from being majority white, to in just several years now being majority hispanic. It's really crazy. Ppl like Bush sold out his "fellow Americans" under the table, and then wanna, publicly, act like he's gonna do something about it.