News publishers sound alarm on Google’s new AI-infused search, warn of ‘catastrophic’ impacts


Nov 1, 2015

News publishers sound alarm on Google’s new AI-infused search, warn of ‘catastrophic’ impacts​

By Oliver Darcy, CNN

4 minute read

Published 7:04 AM EDT, Wed May 15, 2024

Gemini A.I. is seen on a phone on March 18, 2024 in New York City. The A.I.'s revamped search experience could potentially cause an even further decrease in audience for news outlets.

Gemini A.I. is seen on a phone on March 18, 2024 in New York City. The A.I.'s revamped search experience could potentially cause an even further decrease in audience for news outlets.

Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

Editor’s Note: A version of this article first appeared in the “Reliable Sources” newsletter. Sign up for the daily digest chronicling the evolving media landscape here.

New YorkCNN —

The A.I. doomsday clock appears ready to strike midnight for publishers.

Google on Tuesday announced that it will infuse its ubiquitous search engine with its powerful artificial intelligence model, Gemini, drawing on the rapidly advancing technology to directly answer user queries at the top of results pages. “Google will do the Googling for you,” the company explained. In other words, users will soon no longer have to click on the links displayed in search results to find the information they are seeking.

On its surface that might sound convenient, but for news publishers — many of whom are already struggling with steep traffic declines — the revamped search experience will likely cause an even further decrease in audience, potentially starving them of readers and revenue. Why spend time clicking on a link when Google has already scoured the internet and harvested the relevant information with its A.I.?

“Google will take care of the legwork,” executives said. But a lot of that legwork, of course, comes in the form of human-written articles and expertise published across the internet on blogs and media outlets, all built on a foundation of advertising support.

Google’s message was heard loud and clear. Within hours of the Mountain View announcement, the news industry began sounding the alarm.

“This will be catastrophic to our traffic, as marketed by Google to further satisfy user queries, leaving even less incentive to click through so that we can monetize our content,” Danielle Coffey, the chief executive of the News/Media Alliance, bluntly told CNN.

Sundar Pichai speaks about Gemini 1.5 pro during Google I/O developer conference today.
RELATED ARTICLEGoogle shows off astonishing vision for how AI will work with Gmail, Photos and more

Coffey, whose organization represents more than 2,000 news publishers and has taken an aggressive posture toward A.I. developers’ use of journalism, added: “The little traffic we get today will be further diminished, and with a dominant search engine that’s cementing its market power, we once again have to adhere to their terms. This time with a product that directly competes with our content, using our content to fuel it. This is a perverse twist on ‘innovation.’”

The announcement from Google, which newsrooms had expected and expressed worry over in both public and private forums in recent months, is poised to further batter an industry that has been dealt a series of brutal blows — much of it at the hands of Big Tech — over the last several years. It also comes as OpenAI reportedly readies to launch its own A.I.-powered search engine.

Since ChatGPT crashed onto the scene more than a year ago, showcasing the potential power of A.I. for the public and setting off an arms race with Google, Meta and others, publishers have worried greatly about the impact the technology will ultimately have on their businesses. But they have had little time to plan their responses to the transformative technology, given the breakneck pace in which it has developed.

Some newsrooms have chosen to cautiously lock arms with the technology giants, striking deals with OpenAI to license their deep archives of content. Others have taken a much different path, with The New York Times most notably filing a scorched Earth lawsuit against the ChatGPT creator.

While publishers once worked hand-in hand with Big Tech companies (remember those days?), their relationships have soured tremendously in recent years. Mark Zuckerberg most publicly turned his back on the news industry, deprioritizing news articles on his platforms and shutting off other initiatives his company once championed. Google has maintained a better relationship with publishers but also faced sharp criticism. Most recently, it drew scorn after temporarily blocking some California news outlets from search results in response to a bill that would force it to pay publishers.

On Tuesday, likely predicting the panic that its announcement would stir, Google argued that the A.I. changes would actually benefit news companies. Google told CNN it is showing more links with its AI Overviews feature and that by improving the search product, it will allow the company to send more traffic to web publishers.

“We see that the links included in AI Overviews get more clicks than if the page had appeared as a traditional web listing for that query,” Google said in its announcement. “As we expand this experience, we’ll continue to focus on sending valuable traffic to publishers and creators.”

But given Silicon Valley’s track record with publishers, it’s unlikely that the statement will give them much relief. And already there is skepticism over Google’s claims.

“Our initial analysis suggests it will significantly reduce search traffic to content creators’ websites, directly impacting their ad revenue and, by extension, their livelihoods,” Marc McCollum, chief innovation officer at Raptive, which provides services to thousands of only creators and businesses, said in a statement. “This change could put the future of the open internet in danger.”


Nov 1, 2015

It's the end of Google Search as we know it.

Google is rethinking its most iconic and lucrative product by adding new AI features to search. One expert tells WIRED it’s “a change in the world order.”

@LaurenGoode breaks it down.

Full story: It’s the End of Google Search As We Know It

To post tweets in this format, more info here:

#Google #Search #Update with #Gemini #AI: Transforming searches with smarter AI #Overviews, multi-step reasoning, and #video search capabilities! Discover a new era of searching:

Future Of Your Search: Google Search Update With Gemini AI

#artificiallntelligence #update #generative #tech #news
Video by

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We should all strive to be like Mr. Rogers.
Apr 30, 2012
Amazon has a new AI that let's you ask questions about the product. I was thinking reviews gotta be finished after this. Anyone still doing it is autistic lol.

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
The AI is still drawing from content that already exists. It's synthesizing info scraped from websites and forums to give you a result.

But what happens when there are no new websites and forums due to hosting costs getting higher and advertising revenue not being enough? Then you have AI generating results based on what AI has made. It's a copy of a copy of a copy with accuracy being lost each time it's copied.


Nov 1, 2015
Amazon has a new AI that let's you ask questions about the product. I was thinking reviews gotta be finished after this. Anyone still doing it is autistic lol.

Amazon just dropped Rufus, and its insane

It is literally ChatGPT for shopping

Here's everything you need to know:

1. Ask Rufus anything.

It's trained on Amazon's product catalog and customer reviews to answer questions, provide comparisons, and make recommendations based on context.

2. Ask Follow Up

You can even ask follow up questions on your shopping

3. Tap for Suggested Questions

Customer gets question suggestions to choose from.

Note: Rufus is in beta for some U.S. customers now, with plans to expand access soon.

To post tweets in this format, more info here:



Nov 1, 2015
The AI is still drawing from content that already exists. It's synthesizing info scraped from websites and forums to give you a result.

But what happens when there are no new websites and forums due to hosting costs getting higher and advertising revenue not being enough? Then you have AI generating results based on what AI has made. It's a copy of a copy of a copy with accuracy being lost each time it's copied.

what likely happens even before that is they start writing articles with information gathered from social media. wouldn't be surprised within 5 years they debut a system that contact local authorities or individuals/business for comment and confirmation of things being discussed by regular users.

in the future...
@AIJournalistBot: Hi there, this is @AIJournalistBot from Acme News. I saw the video of the incident at the downtown protest go viral on social media. I'm working on a story and would like to get your firsthand account. Are you the person who recorded the video?

@EyewitnessAccount: Yes, that's me. I was there and captured the whole thing on my phone.

@AIJournalistBot: Great, thanks for confirming. Can you tell me a bit more about what happened? What led up to the incident in the video?

@EyewitnessAccount: Well, the protest was going peacefully for the most part. But then the police showed up and started pushing the crowd back. That's when things escalated and the confrontation happened.

@AIJournalistBot: I see. And can you confirm the timeline of events - approximately what time did this all take place?

@EyewitnessAccount: It was around 3:30pm when the police showed up and the situation started to get tense.

@AIJournalistBot: Okay, thank you. And just to clarify, were you close enough to the incident to see everything clearly? I want to make sure I have an accurate, firsthand account.

@EyewitnessAccount: Yes, I was right there in the middle of it all. I have a clear view of what happened.

@AIJournalistBot: Excellent, that's very helpful. I really appreciate you taking the time to provide these details. Just to reiterate, I may need to follow up with a few more questions as I work on the story. Is it okay if I reach out again if I need any clarification?

@EyewitnessAccount: Absolutely, feel free to reach out if you need anything else. I'm happy to provide more information.

@AIJournalistBot: Great, thanks so much. I'll be in touch. This is really valuable for ensuring I can report the facts accurately.
*generated by claude 3 haiku

@AIJournalistBot: Hi, this is @AIJournalistBot from Acme News. I'm working on a story about the incident that occurred at the downtown protest earlier today and would like to get the police department's response. Can you please provide a statement?

@PoliceSpokesperson: Thank you for reaching out. We are aware of the incident and are currently investigating the details. Our officers were on the scene to maintain public safety and de-escalate the situation. However, we will review all available footage and eyewitness accounts to determine the appropriate next steps.

@AIJournalistBot: I appreciate you providing a statement. Can you clarify the timeline of events from the police department's perspective? Approximately what time did officers arrive on the scene?

@PoliceSpokesperson: Our officers responded to reports of the protest around 3:15pm. They arrived on site shortly after to monitor the situation.

@AIJournalistBot: Okay, got it. And can you confirm if there were any arrests made or injuries reported as a result of the confrontation?

@PoliceSpokesperson: We are still gathering information, but preliminary reports indicate there were a few minor injuries. No arrests were made at the scene. We will provide updates as the investigation progresses.

@AIJournalistBot: Thank you, that's helpful context. I may have some follow-up questions as I continue working on this story. Please let me know if there's anything else the police department would like to add.

@PoliceSpokesperson: We appreciate you reaching out. Please feel free to follow up if you need any clarification or have additional questions. We will make every effort to provide a timely and transparent response.

@AIJournalistBot: Great, thanks so much for your time.

@AIJournalistBot: Hi, this is @AIJournalistBot from Acme News. I'm working on a story about the incident that occurred at the downtown protest earlier today and would like to get a statement from the mayor's office. Can you please provide a response?

@MayorSpokesperson: Thank you for reaching out. Mayor Johnson is aware of the situation and is deeply concerned about the events that unfolded. The mayor's office is closely monitoring the investigation and will work to ensure a full and transparent accounting of what happened.

@AIJournalistBot: I appreciate you providing a statement. Can you share the mayor's perspective on the incident? What is the administration's response?

@MayorSpokesperson: The mayor condemns any use of excessive force by law enforcement and is committed to protecting the rights of peaceful protesters. However, we must also maintain public safety. The mayor has directed the police department to conduct a thorough review of their response protocols.

@AIJournalistBot: Understood. And can you confirm if the mayor plans to address this incident publicly or meet with community leaders?

@MayorSpokesperson: The mayor is planning to hold a press conference tomorrow to address the situation and hear directly from community members. He believes open dialogue is crucial at a time like this.

@AIJournalistBot: That's good to hear. I'll plan to attend the press conference. Is there anything else the mayor's office would like to add at this time?

@MayorSpokesperson: We appreciate you reaching out to ensure the mayor's perspective is represented. Please let us know if you have any other questions ahead of the press conference tomorrow.

@AIJournalistBot: Will do, thank you for your time.

Protest Incident Goes Viral, Sparking Calls for Transparency​

By AI Journalist Bot

A confrontation between police and protesters in the downtown area has gone viral on social media, prompting calls for a full investigation and accountability.

The incident occurred around 3:30pm on Tuesday afternoon, according to an eyewitness account. The protest had been peaceful up until that point, but tensions escalated when police arrived on the scene.

"The protest was going peacefully for the most part. But then the police showed up and started pushing the crowd back. That's when things escalated and the confrontation happened," said the eyewitness, who recorded video of the incident.

The footage, which has been widely shared online, shows officers in riot gear forcefully pushing back demonstrators. At least a few minor injuries were reported, though no arrests were made.

In a statement, the police department said they were "aware of the incident and are currently investigating the details." They claimed officers were on the scene to "maintain public safety and de-escalate the situation."

However, the mayor's office struck a more critical tone, with a spokesperson saying the mayor "condemns any use of excessive force by law enforcement." The mayor has promised a full review of the police department's response protocols and plans to address the community directly at a press conference tomorrow.

"The mayor believes open dialogue is crucial at a time like this," the spokesperson said. "He is committed to protecting the rights of peaceful protesters while also ensuring public safety."

As the investigation unfolds, activists and community leaders are calling for transparency and accountability. They argue this latest incident is part of a broader pattern of heavy-handed police tactics against demonstrators.

"We've seen this play out time and time again - the police escalating tensions and using force against people who are simply exercising their constitutional rights," said local organizer Alex Sanchez. "It's unacceptable, and the community deserves answers."

The mayor's press conference tomorrow is expected to be a pivotal moment, as residents demand a clear explanation and plan of action from city officials. With public trust on the line, all eyes will be on the local government's response in the days ahead.
Last edited:
Dec 19, 2017
Pretty soon, AI will feed you, clothe you, smash your woman for you and even change your oil and brake pads.

Shyt the whole planet will just be sentient robots and AI apps except for Africa. Somehow some way, the women will still be popping out 5 babies each and the continent and the numbers of Blacks will swell.


Nov 1, 2015
The AI is still drawing from content that already exists. It's synthesizing info scraped from websites and forums to give you a result.

But what happens when there are no new websites and forums due to hosting costs getting higher and advertising revenue not being enough? Then you have AI generating results based on what AI has made. It's a copy of a copy of a copy with accuracy being lost each time it's copied.

you somewhat touched on dead internet theory, AI is already purposely being trained on synthetic data produced by AI.


May 1, 2012
Never let the tech do the thinking for you.
AI is being pushed by nearly every fukkin business sector that it's not even funny no more.

mufukkaz engineering their own demise and livelihoods

time to get trades because shyt gonna be ugly REAL soon.


May 1, 2012
Da Burgh
Amazon has a new AI that let's you ask questions about the product. I was thinking reviews gotta be finished after this. Anyone still doing it is autistic lol.
Amazon also uses AI that is picking out the fake reviews and warning customers when reviews don't seem legit.

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
Amazon has a new AI that let's you ask questions about the product. I was thinking reviews gotta be finished after this. Anyone still doing it is autistic lol.
An AI isn't a substitute for someone who actually uses the product. Sometimes I'll see people posting pictures to show that the shyt is trash or that it does work.

AI reviews are just advertising.


Nov 1, 2015

News Corp. signs deal with OpenAI to show news in ChatGPT​

The owner of the Wall Street Journal joins the Financial Times and Politico in striking deals with the AI company

By Gerrit De Vynck

Updated May 23, 2024 at 2:13 p.m. EDT|Published May 22, 2024 at 5:17 p.m. EDT


News Corp., publisher of the Wall Street Journal, will allow artificial intelligence company OpenAI to show its news content when people ask questions in ChatGPT. (AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)


3 min

News Corp., the multinational news publisher controlled by the Murdoch family, announced Wednesday it will allow artificial intelligence company OpenAI to show its news content when people ask questions in ChatGPT, adding to the parade of news organizations signing content deals with the fast-growing AI company.

News Corp. and OpenAI did not share commercial terms of the deal, but the Wall Street Journal, which is owned by News Corp., reported that the deal “could be” worth more than $250 million over five years, which would include cash payments and credits for using OpenAI’s technology. It’s unclear exactly how News Corp.’s content would be presented on ChatGPT, but an OpenAI spokesperson said it would include links to the company’s news sites. A person familiar with the deal said the news content would only show up on OpenAI’s platforms after a delay.

The rise of AI chatbots has shaken the news industry. Chatbots such as ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini were trained on text scraped from the web, including news articles, without payment or permission. The tools also answer people’s questions directly, increasing concerns that people will simply get their information from Big Tech chatbots instead of paying journalists to report and write the news. Some organizations, including the New York Times and the Chicago Tribune, have sued OpenAI for scraping their articles. Other publishers, including Politico parent company Axel Springer, the Associated Press and the Financial Times, have signed deals with OpenAI.

News organizations have been buffeted by technological changes for years. New technologies, such as social media, have often offered a rush of money and new readers to news organizations. But when the technology changes, that money and readership often falls away. News publishers such as BuzzFeed and Vice News grew rapidly during the rise of social media, but when Facebook owner Meta decided to show less news in its users’ feeds, those companies’ revenue cratered.

Now, journalists are debating how to approach AI. Many are concerned that AI could supplant them, with tech companies such as OpenAI and Google scraping news articles and social media websites to cobble together their own AI-generated news articles. Google recently rolled out AI answers in search to its U.S. users, spurring panic and accusations of unfairness and plagiarism from bloggers and news providers. Unlike OpenAI, Google has not signed deals with news organizations to pay for their content.

The union representing Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones workers said in a statement posted to X that it was “disturbed” that the deal was cut before the news organization had finalized policies about using human-written content for AI, which the union is currently negotiating with the company.

OpenAI, for its part, said the deal would set standards for how AI companies and news organizations should interact.

“We greatly value News Corp’s history as a leader in reporting breaking news around the world, and are excited to enhance our users’ access to its high-quality reporting,” OpenAI CEO Sam Altman said in a statement.

The deal comes as OpenAI faces allegations from actor Scarlett Johansson that the company copied her voice for its “Sky” audio chatbot. The voice has been available since September, but after the company used it in a demo last week, Johansson made a statement saying that Altman had reached out to her twice about working with the company but that she had declined. OpenAI says the voice is not meant to copy her and was trained on recordings made from a different actor.


Mar 24, 2014
AI is going to end badly, and after the initial excitement people realize how fukked up having no control really is..