NO FAP brehs, does this shyt really work?


Aug 9, 2014
If I ever caught someone jacking off at work...

No lie, I'd watch for awhile.


Then peek out, what are you doing? :smile:


Jesus Loves you...Your Cat doesn't. {#Dogset}
Sep 2, 2015
Let's hear it! :smile:

@tater Here you go. Enjoy.

Eh. We all start out watching the same type of blue material, regular hetero shyt and in my opinion that's where the fukking porn spectrum should have stayed, but to be human is to be constantly exploring and what's not, so some how I find my ass being slowly inoculated into Lesbian porn. Normal right? Even though alot of brehs on here go hard in the paint for gays, they all :noah: at the sight of two fine chicks rubbing on each other's tittyballs and what's not and I don't blame 'em, I was too. But when you start to savor the euphoric payoff at the end of jacking it you ain't just looking to grab the first working video you can and grab the lotion, you steady browsing until you find yourself on that dominatrix shyt and start jacking it to chicks leaving other chicks gaping with impractical looking strapons:ooh: and you find your dikk don't get hard to what was once quite fine for you before.

As the years went by the focus on straight porn started to piss me off 'cause what little you could get back then was filled with dudes talking throughout the entire fukking thing and the camera man being all extra and taking blowjob footage from DIRECTLY behind the dude's nutsack and gooch like :why: How the fukk am I supposed to fap to this shyt?!

That's when I went deeper into that Lesbian porn shyt, tribadism :gladbron:, fisting:why:, Face sitting:whoo: and I'm doing alright. Now in the early 2000's I got into this fledgling torrent porn site called Empornium that got big on some Pirate bay type shyt and started taking porn requests from the folk at this message board I was on at the time on some confidential shyt, plus the more i downloaded and shared on Enpornium, the more prvillages I gained, so I downloaded EVERYTHING I was asked, didn't give a fukk what it was since I had already exhausted my meager selection criteria for porn back then, so I appreciated that, but then I started casually watching that shyt:lupe: and noticed that I'm actually getting aroused by this demonic shyt.:whoa:

Started off with beastility for a bit. I dunno which flesh and blood person would turn down the chance to see a chick take it to the hilt from a clydesdale horse:leon: and it didn't take long for a hair knuckled pervert like myself to start indulging to that shyt. Now part of me wants to say that the reason I transitioned from girls taking dikk to just focusing on girls, but there's only so much bad moaning and p*ssy eating you can watch before you go:shaq2: and long to see a chick being put to the sword on some aggression shyt and watching some bytch break her hip with a plastic neon pink dildo attatched to some black panties wasn't doin' it no more.:childplease:

So for a while I found myself getting my rocks off on Beastility for a bit until the first massive twinge of :dahell: took me off that bullshyt when I saw a chick fukk a dog, let the knot swell upinside her and just sat there on camera loving that shyt.:scusthov: What's even worse is that I noticed I started to develop this sort of monomania where I used to look FORWARD to getting aroused at this shyt, knocking a few out and then feeling:snoop: afterwards.

So I started to slowly slip back into regular porn, Dude on girl like it's supposed to, but I'm developing new kinks like watching chicks in Blowbangs and Bukkake dungeons, then it went on DVDA (Google it if you ain't knowin':bryan:) coasting through watersports and didn't even begin to look at a small bit of Scat porn this one guy on the forum who used to hook me up with Neo Geo Roms used to ask me to cop for him, but this shyt was getting more deplorable by the month.

Needless to say, I was like 16 or so, still a virgin so this is like all I had to keep that instinctive desire to nut in and on everything at bay and since I'm all about making sure whatever I indulge in is done to the highest standard to achieve favorable results, I kept on with the shyt until that Hentai bullshyt became available and I started abusing myself to that sick shyt.:beli:

The tentacle shyt got boring fast, I guess the novelty of seeing a medium you once thought was only for children's cartoons be made to display such seemingly taboo shyt, I couldn't help but indulge, and indulged I did. Regular porn of any kind lost it's lustre for me, I stayed jacking to that hentai shyt straight. Then I hit rock bottom when I found out about that Futanari shyt (Once again, Googles..or perhaps don't.) and started to really question why the fukk I'm looking rationalize even entertaining this shyt.:scust: It also didn't help that one of my regulars on the forums had a fetish for it's real life counterpart so....yeah, I got disgusted with what I was finding arousing, and too far gone to warrant any sort of arousal from what was once quite alright in straight porn so I just quit it all, from that Anime rape shyt to Lesbian porn, everything.

This older dude I knew told me that the key to kicking anything that you were addicted to before was to try to withdraw from it for 6 weeks and see if you've the same attraction for it afterwards. So...that's how I knew about the whole no fap movement although the time I did hold back, was to see if my loads would become bigger from abstaining for a month:skip: Semen don't work that way. So yeah, couple me going cold turkey from that shyt and I just stopped watching porn. I was fried on it.

Plus that summer I graduated highschool and spent my entire summer in Florida, cashed in my V-card and spent them three months chasing cheeks, drinking and fukking to even want to think about porn much less jack off to it.:blessed: Now I only do the shyts if I'm in a drought, self opposed or otherwise and I need to keep them wet dreams at bay.:whew: Plus, when you meet up with a chick and it's been more than 4 months before you had some and you ain't been jacking it and you stepping up to the plate with all that pent up aggression.
