No-Limit Master P (5 part Docuseries) Wednesday 9pm EST on BET

Homeboy Runny-Ray

From Around The Way
May 2, 2012
Classic Niccas
CMR put those old albums in all of their booklets.
alot of people thought CI2DG was silkk's 1st album until a couple weeks ago.
hell, if it wasnt for the videos at the end of the bout it VHS, i wouldnt have known about the shocker either, and CI2DG was out for a couple months by the time i saw that.

and to add to this right quick, they re-released those old CMR albums and made them 100% available, putting them in every store right alongside the new CMR releases.

first time i recall seeing the shocker album in stores, was when i spotted it randomly in a mom-n-pop store, like 10 years after its release. and it was the only one up there. needless to say, i copped it on sight.