No sex before marriage: Black couple are using gym workouts as a way to prepare for sex after their 2025 wedding

Kuma the Bear

The Ultimate King of Iron Fist
Mar 11, 2022
Mishima Industries

We’ve never had sex — this ‘honeymoon workout’ is prep for our wedding night​

He’s pounding it out in the gym — and hoping to do the same on his honeymoon.

Heavy panting, sweating and grunting are the hot and steamy makings of a sexy rendezvous with the one you love.

However, for Brooklynite Jonathan Louis, 24, who’s agreed with fiancée Naya Ford, 23, to remain celibate until they tie the knot in 2025, those seemingly saucy functions are merely the results of the intense workout regimen he’s adopted in an effort to make sex “good for her” when the time comes for their inaugural romp.

As Christians, we believe your body is a temple and that in marriage, a man and wife give each other their bodies,” said Louis, a tech sales representative. “I’m doing all this cardio and all these [High-Intensity Workout Training] workouts and burpees too — I don’t want to get out of breath!.”

For the past two years, the rock-solid sweetheart has become adept at executing freaky fitness techniques aimed at flabbergasting Ford when they finally hit the sheets. Lunges, which increase the range of motion for getting depth in various sexual positions, have become a pillar of Louis’ hot-to-trot sweat sessions.

“I use the gym to get my body under control and give it a place to have release,” he told The Post. “It helps make sure that I’m thinking with the right head and my blood pumping the right way. I do it to respect her but more importantly to Jesus, who I dedicated my abstinence to prior to meeting her.”


The Heaven-minded honeys met in July 2022 but didn’t begin dating until October of that year. Louis, who’s been abstinent for three years, proposed in May 2023.

Now he and his bride-to-be have both committed to keeping their bodies busy with exercise in order to avoid getting busy in the bedroom.

Some of the highs of abstaining while being together have been getting a chance to know each other without being blinded by a sex high and finding creative ways to cultivate emotional intimacy,” Ford told The Post.

“Some of the lows are as the emotional intimacy grows, you want to get more physical,” she added with a laugh. “Also, all the boundaries we had to put in place to prevent us from having sex like traveling together.”


Hip thrusts, a maneuver that aids in the prevention of pre-evacuation (and will come in handy when his partner is on top), as well as Kegels, which support erectile strength and duration for perineal muscles, are also key to his routine.

He’s also bulked up for the bedroom by doing stability ball pushups and high planks to amp his arm endurance — a necessity for holding himself up on an unstable base such as a mattress — and has embraced heart-pumping sprints in order to augment his stamina.

“The goal is to be in my best shape,” Louis told SWNS, noting his desire to impress Ford behind closed doors. “I want to be good for her so she can enjoy my body.”

His soon-to-be Mrs. is also getting in on the premarital fitness marathon.

I’ve been in the gym getting ready, too, and Jonathan has been helping me,” said Ford, a content creator in New York City. “For me, it’s wedding day prep as much as honeymoon prep — I have got to look good in my dress,” she confessed. “But I’m definitely looking forward to our first time together as well. This waiting isn’t fun.”

To uphold their shared vow of chastity, the self-denying sweeties have developed a unique system that helps them avoid temptation.

If we go for a late night out, we decide to meet up somewhere in the middle of us both so we’re not tempted to sleep over because of a long journey home,” said Louis, adding that openly expressing their carnal cravings has, too, become a practice of purity.


“Without physical intimacy, it can be challenging,” he insisted. “Admitting ‘I’m horny and you’re horny,’ can help to relieve the tension.”

He’s also taking “horny” pills such as horny goat weed, sea moss, maca root and ashwagandha — natural supplements believed to boost libido — to ensure optimal sexual performance on the big night.

Louis hopes to blow Ford’s mind both in and out of the boudoir.

“It’s not only for the bedroom,” he said of his disciplined methods. “I want to be the best person I can be for her physically, mentally and emotionally.”

“But our private time together is what all the prep is for.”

Luckily, Louis and Ford both deeply care for one another.

“I can’t wait to wake up and go to sleep with each other,” said the hopeful future husband.

I believe the first time will be an experience, with all the excitement of the wedding planning and the marriage,” added Louis.

“Our first night will be the cherry on top!”

We’ve never had sex — this ‘honeymoon workout’ is prep for our wedding night