Now that Wall Street I mean Hillary has this sewn up...


Mar 2, 2013
Crazy white people hate Hillary more than they hate Obama some how.
The fukkery is just beginning.

are you reading Wiki's?



Nov 25, 2015
Most of this is bullshyt.:snoop:

Never mind the theatrics...she dun said this stuff on the record..I thought it was common knowledge by now :yeshrug: but words dun matter...or even the fact that she said them.....the bytch signed off on Libya knowing fully well Gaddaffi's death meant hundreds of thousands of dead black children...:snoop:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
The chance was in the primaries but we collectively chose to stay on Hillary's dikk :francis: There's not much hope at this point with her :francis:

Primarying Clinton would have been a beautiful thing, but I’m not buying into the notion that it would have solved anything (and I was repping Bernie fairly hard). Let’s say Sanders won, then won the general (foregone conclusion at this point), and came into the presidency with a Republican House and a basically split Senate. How much of his agenda do you think Bernie was going to get through Congress?

So to keep from total deadlock, Bernie and the liberal Dems start making compromises so that they get at least “some” of their agenda passed. Well, which part? What makes it so that the aspects that OUR community wants are what gets salvaged? How do we know that Bernie sacrifices all his political capital for, say, police, prison and school reform, rather than, say, salvaging union rights and forgiving student loans? Not that union rights and student loan forgiveness wouldn’t help some Black people, but they’re the sort of thing that simply allows a minority of the community to keep treading water just behind everyone else, rather than addressing the basic inequalities.

Hell, we saw this play out with Obama already. We elected a president from the Black community, but when push came to shove, he knew that the support he needed to maintain his presidency was within the establishment, not within the community, and so he spent all his political capital on bailing out Wall Street, “ending” the war, and expanding health care…three things that may improve the lives of certain Black people for sure, but don’t actually address the most fundamental structural differences that keep the community on the bottom.

No matter who is in office, we need a better mechanism for making good demands and then getting them addressed. The Republican Party has a huge “GUNS!” contingent and a huge “LOWER TAXES” contingent and a huge “ABORTION!” contingent, to the point where not a single Republican can fail to prioritize any of those three issues anymore without getting primaried. Are all three of those Republican contingents really larger than the entire Black community, not to mention the auxiliary SJW’s of other races who are trying to jump on Black causes if we actually start a movement with power to promote them? Those Republican interest groups aren't any bigger than we are. It’s not a numbers problem we face, it’s an organizational, strategic, and tactical problem.

Not that any of this should obscure the truth that the fundamental problems need to be addressed in the community, and can only be fixed by the community. No matter who caused them, we will not find the solutions to them on the outside. I am only speaking of political solutions to the degree to which political solutions will be helpful, not implying they should become our primary focus.


May 4, 2012
Black people are not one block. Second, I hate this "moderate" shyt you do and it's really just Democratic protectionism. You basically ask people who are not policymakers to come up with specific policies and when they can't you use that to justify Democratic Party negligence. I'm pretty damn sure that poor white people did not write up the New Deal. Generally speaking, we know what ails the black community and we need strategies to fix it. It's the job of the candidate running and one who seeks to "do good" to present their ideas for getting it done. This is like me running for class election when people want new lockers and then once I get elected, I go "well, what is your plan. If you don't have one then don't complain, at least I'm trying (but I'm really not)." You were elected to develop the plan and implement it, it's my job to hold you accountable and dissect whether those plans reach the root of the problem.

You do know that black people just not only vote for the Democrats, but actually make up a large part of the Democratic Party. There's thousands of Black Politicians throughout this country involved in all levels of government from the local city council to the national congress, many of them part of the Democratic Party. What have these people done the 8 years Obama was president? Did they approach him with any agenda. Why they are never mentioned? Laws from the New Deal and Same Sex Marriage, is formed and pushed by the political class within groups. If our black professional politicians aren't doing nothing for eight years, you can't blame Obama or Hillary.


All Star
Jul 3, 2014
College Park by way of East Bmore
So...if you have an investment portfolio, should you like Wall Street or not? I'm confused. Most people talk about diversifying their retirement with private investments. Isn't that Wall Street? Dudes like to brag about how investment savvy they are but are criticizing Clinton..:what: Y'all bullshyt is showing. Let's be real here. Many Trump supporters are cacs who are upset that a black dude was in office for eight years. These white boys act like they have a patent on displeasure with the government. When white people get a cold, black people get the flu. We have suffered under both parties, although data suggest we do better with Democrats in the White House. Congress, who if you have a modicum of exposure to civics, has more actual influence than the president. If they are serious about change then the Democrats should have a 20 seat advantage in the House and a 4 seat majority in the Senate. It won't happen because the whole "change" line is this cycle's of abstract ,racial dog whistle politics. I'm supposed to believe a silver spooned, billionaire, white man is an outsider. The people who buy this narrative are the idiots and are light years away from being politically astute. Black people are loyal to the Democratic party because many of the advances, which have helped them, were proposed directly or indirectly by Democrats or liberal ideology. White people are loyal to Republicans because they believe Republicans support the notion of a de facto caste system that keeps black people at the bottom. Both of these concepts have their flaws but perception is reality to most. Trump is like the Pied Piper to the bigoted rodents in our society. Why is most white supremacist groups vote Republican? Why do most c00ns vote Republican? Instead of asking black people why they vote Democrat, ask these crakkas why they vote Republican. Decipher the code some of them are deft with and get to the root cause. If you want to be under that tent, and you are black, you are worse than that c00n David Clarke.
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Sep 12, 2013
White people are loyal to Republicans because they believe Republicans support the notion of a de facto caste system that keeps black people at the bottom.

In your opinion what government and/or socioeconomic institution keeps (specifically) black people at the bottom?