"Oh, you a muslim now?"

They seemed

  • Selling dreams they were lining up to buy themselves

  • Genuinely changed and totally authentic with their new ways

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Jan 1, 2018
Have you ever known an ex knucklehead turned muslim, born again christian or whatever they picked as their new version of them? Usually after a bid or getting extra ill in a situation that caused them to pause as well as the perennial brush with death experience.

Did it seem a real shift from within that was totally genuine and authentic or just a surface level grift they used as a way to distance themselves from all the dirt they did as they pretended to be righteous whilst surrounded by people as fake as them who enabled their delusion as a sign of evolution?

Mike post prison was a great example of this and this interview exemplified it:

As you could see the gaps of the real him shining between the chunks of religion he was trying to string together into a narrative to define his existence. You ever witnessed similar from people you ran with? Granted Mike seems to have evolved in leaps and bounds since then and one of his most intriguing comments was this about the nature of the devil:

And yet he's recently been sighted as pilgrim so who really knows apart from Mike himself as he steps on his path of evolution toward selfhood. The original question still stands beyond this illustration as an example of what I said. Vote on it and speak from experience if you've seen it first hand from people you ran with and whether it seemed a pipe dream they were inhaling and trying to offer you a hit or the realness.

High Art

👑King of The Salon👑
Mar 11, 2022
Myself and my own.
I've seen both. More true to the title, that person did indeed become muslim but for purely superficial reasons and in truth, was too much of a narcissist to worship anything but himself. In the other person, they truly were trying to help people in becoming born again and actually influenced me to look at life differently in a manner that has positively impacted me to this day. Interestingly, the latter person doesn't consider herself born again but fits the definition to a tee.


May 6, 2015
It's another grift in my opinion and if you wanted to be righteous, it shouldn't take you a 30 year bid or getting caught with some dirt to change your life around.

You get points for staying out of prison/jail not trophies for going to one and going through rehabilitation/enlightenment.

Duke Wy Lin

It's been a good run. Wish y'all the best ✊🏿
May 24, 2022
You don't necessarily become an angel if you convert to a new religion/way of life. Most ppl are on a life long struggle to reform. I'm not one to judge someone else's journey. Who's to say where any of us would be if we carried the same demons as a Mike Tyson.


Sep 12, 2015
This is kinda off topic but not really, a black man converting to Islam to marry a Arab Muslim woman is c00ning and an embarrassment.

Duke Wy Lin

It's been a good run. Wish y'all the best ✊🏿
May 24, 2022
It's another grift in my opinion and if you wanted to be righteous, it shouldn't take you a 30 year bid or getting caught with some dirt to change your life around.

You get points for staying out of prison/jail not trophies for going to one and going through rehabilitation/enlightenment.

How is it a grift? He makes money from saying he's Muslim? :gucci:

Y'all coli nikkas are more cynical than cacs.


Jan 1, 2018
Interestingly, the latter person doesn't consider herself born again but fits the definition to a tee.

That is exactly it, breh, exactly. This is based on an interaction I had with someone I knew of the type and the one that was being all extra with it with turbo kufi mode engaged and yet I could tell it was just another hustle from a life long hustler. Only this time he was playing himself and got all aggy when I pointed it out to him. All that peace and tolerance vanished real quick.

On the flip there was another dude who just walked away from the street life after a period of diabolical brutality and now runs an outreach program to keep jits off the street in his ends and he teaches them boxing.

The difference in realness between the two was immense because the first was obviously world building and trying to sell the image whereas the second was far more at peace and actually doing something effective to uplift the next generation by offering guidance whilst dropping gems about why the streets seem attractive but are actually poison in their heads. That dude was truly, truly changed but still the same if you get what I'm saying whereas the other one seemed like a buffoon playing dress up and not realizing we weren't as fooled as he was himself.

I'm all for growth and evolution but this fake spirituality grift really seems to be a problem with folks trying to get right as its all just surface whereas those who do the work within via whatever process to exorcise their demons are often saturated with wisdom and guidance as they know both ends of the spectrum and made it on their own steam without any kind of religious battery in their back they're using to propel themselves away from the darkness they still carry within and tints everything they attempt.

The ego/false self is a slippery bish.

BTW this thread isn't about Mike, its about people you know in your own life.
I used his example to illustrate what I was saying and had seen as well as showcasing his evolution to a more authentic state.

Duke Wy Lin

It's been a good run. Wish y'all the best ✊🏿
May 24, 2022
OP tries to come off as enlightened/awakened, yet here he is judging a man for trying to better himself. A man who has struggled with mental problems due to the circumstances he grew up in. As a Muslim, I'm taught not to judge someone else's intentions since that is the realm of the divine. Only God knows what's in the hearts of His servants. We judge by what is apparent.

Duke Wy Lin

It's been a good run. Wish y'all the best ✊🏿
May 24, 2022
The irony here is that making a thread of this nature is itself a sign of spiritual sickness (arrogance, pride, encouraging others to sin). Now we can all sit here and gossip about who's fake spiritually and who's real, thereby usurping the rights of the Divine. Who made this @Complexion nikka the supreme judge of character? :gucci:

Astaghfirullah. If I see someone struggling with themselves trying to be better Muslims, Christians whatever, it's not for me to look down upon them and pounce on them if they slip up.

This is a sickness in modern society. We like to peak into the ugliness that's inside other people. Their deficiencies. Insecurities. Mistakes. Instead of focusing on our own hypocrisies.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
Have you ever known an ex knucklehead turned muslim, born again christian or whatever they picked as their new version of them? Usually after a bid or getting extra ill in a situation that caused them to pause as well as the perennial brush with death experience.

Did it seem a real shift from within that was totally genuine and authentic or just a surface level grift they used as a way to distance themselves from all the dirt they did as they pretended to be righteous whilst surrounded by people as fake as them who enabled their delusion as a sign of evolution?

Mike post prison was a great example of this and this interview exemplified it:

As you could see the gaps of the real him shining between the chunks of religion he was trying to string together into a narrative to define his existence. You ever witnessed similar from people you ran with? Granted Mike seems to have evolved in leaps and bounds since then and one of his most intriguing comments was this about the nature of the devil:

And yet he's recently been sighted as pilgrim so who really knows apart from Mike himself as he steps on his path of evolution toward selfhood. The original question still stands beyond this illustration as an example of what I said. Vote on it and speak from experience if you've seen it first hand from people you ran with and whether it seemed a pipe dream they were inhaling and trying to offer you a hit or the realness.


There's an 18 month period after a person has converted where they are basically parrots. If they don't come from a background of structure/principles, they newly adopted religion will be their first time seeing what that is, and they will beat you over the head with it 24/7.
Sharif, from Menace 2 Society is a perfect example, and the narration of the film described him perfectly. "He was a former knucklehead. So glad to be learning positive things that he KEPT coming at us with it".

Hotep element online and in real life are like this. Everything is new to them, so they assume that nobody else knows anything and that they are enlightening people.

As a person who comes from a background of structure/principles and education, you can see how/why an adult who is not from that background would react that way. And you have to distance yourself from them.

After 18 months, the fad element of what they learned will wear off and they will either revert back to who they were or get a deeper understanding of what they converted to.


Nov 18, 2016
The irony here is that making a thread of this nature is itself a sign of spiritual sickness (arrogance, pride, encouraging others to sin). Now we can all sit here and gossip about who's fake spiritually and who's real, thereby usurping the rights of the Divine. Who made this @Complexion nikka the supreme judge of character? :gucci:

Astaghfirullah. If I see someone struggling with themselves trying to be better Muslims, Christians whatever, it's not for me to look down upon them and pounce on them if they slip up.

This is a sickness in modern society. We like to peak into the ugliness that's inside other people. Their deficiencies. Insecurities. Mistakes. Instead of focusing on our own hypocrisies.

That's why you MUST cut off old associates if you're serious about changing for the better. Let your walking in "newness of life" be the talking..


Jan 1, 2018
After 18 months, the fad element of what they learned will wear off and they will either revert back to who they were or get a deeper understanding of what they converted to.

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense but man, some of them bang their new faith like a gang and its like "Breh, I was the one kicking knowledge to you back then. Chill". To me its always been of interest as I believe most of the population wear masks as they tailor their roles to the present situation and thus live lives inauthentic due to no knowledge of Self. Worse still they're petrified of glancing within and seeing their real visage due to the implications this brings in terms of the life they've lived and concepts invested in.

That's why you MUST cut off old associates if you're serious about changing for the better. Let your walking in "newness of life" be the talking..

100% agree with this. Whenever fiends have finally decided to get clean I've told them it won't work until you change your circle first and where you rest because old resonance will respark the old habits. Same with anyone who wants to go legit or better themselves after spending their time doing nothing but wasting it hanging with people with no goals or drive. You truly do become who you're around as you are an aggregate of your 5 most linked friends.