Orange Face calling for another healthcare vote


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
White House plans Obamacare showdown next week

The White House is pushing for another showdown vote on repealing Obamacare next week, to coincide with President Donald Trump hitting his 100-day milestone in office.

Legislative text of a new deal that could revive the House Republican bid to repeal Obamacare is likely to be circulated Friday "or by the weekend," according to two senior White House officials, with an eye toward holding a House floor vote next Wednesday or Thursday.

But Republican congressional leaders are skeptical the vote can happen so quickly. “The question is whether it can get 216 votes in the House and the answer isn't clear at this time,” said a senior GOP aide. “There is no legislative text and therefore no agreement to do a whip count on."

Administration officials are feeling inordinate pressure to pass the legislation because of Trump's impatience and fears that his failure to repeal the health care law will dominate coverage of the administration's first 100 days, which end next week, officials say.

The White House believes it is "close" to having the 216 votes needed to get a bill out of the House, one senior official said, but "people don't want to commit without seeing the text."

White House plans Obamacare showdown next week


Hale End
Jan 17, 2013
The Arsenal
"people don't want to commit without seeing the text"

so they have the necessary votes for a bill to pass the house until people see what's in the bill.
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May 3, 2012
"people don't want to commit without seeing the text"

so that they have the necessary votes for a bill to pass the house until people see what's in the bill.

warning: long post

nothing will ever happen because a obamacare "replacement" is impossible under the GOP political beliefs

they even said it themselves... and they had 7 years to come up with a good idea and remember, they passed "obamacare repeals" 50 times during Obama's presidency that he obviously vetoed.... so whats happening?

Senators and House members expressed a range of concerns about the task ahead: how to prepare a replacement plan that can be ready to launch at the time of repeal; how to avoid deep damage to the health insurance market; how to keep premiums affordable for middle-class families; even how to avoid the political consequences of defunding Planned Parenthood, the women’s health-care organization, as many Republicans hope to do with the repeal of the ACA.

“We’d better be sure that we’re prepared to live with the market we’ve created” with repeal, said Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.). “That’s going to be called Trumpcare. Republicans will own that lock, stock and barrel, and we’ll be judged in the election less than two years away.”

The implicit admission here is that it will be very hard for Republicans, having repealed the ACA, to pass a replacement that, in effect, would require new spending — and a way to pay for it. Yes, it turns out that to cover people, we have to spend money, and yes, that money has to come from somewhere.

thats the crazy irony about this. the same people who got elected off obamacare backlash will protect it.

the republicans control the federal govt, most state governments and soon the supreme court based gerrymandering on hatred of Obamacare but the idea of "affordable universal healthcare" is not in their political language, especially since the idea of forcing acceptance of people w/ preexisting conditions goes against capitalism and the free market. but the voters will vote them out if they dont come up with an 'equivalent" idea...

the GOP knows this. thats why they are p*ssyfooting. they didnt expect Trump to win, they were set up to be an opposition party for Hillary and pass meaningless "obamacare repeal" bills for her to veto so they could get reeelected in congress and in state races.

in other words, the dog caught the car
Second, the stated objectives of repealing Obamacare are mutually inconsistent. Three provisions comprise the core of Obamacare. First, rules barring insurance companies from refusing to sell insurance to people because of preexisting conditions or varying premiums based on those conditions. Second, a requirement that everyone carry health insurance who can afford it. And third, subsidies for those with moderate incomes to help make such insurance affordable. The law contains many other provisions as well, but these three are core.

Most ACA opponents call for complete repeal. In particular, they would repeal the mandate and curtail or eliminate the subsidies that make insurance affordable for people with low or moderate incomes. At the same time, they pledge to retain the regulations on insurers and a few other elements. But the insurance regulations are sustainable only if both the healthy, who cost less to insurers, and the sick, who cost more, carry health insurance. And without the mandate and the subsidies, young and relatively healthy customers are much less likely to reach into their pockets to pay for coverage than older and sicker patients

So the goals are at least as much coverage and no increase in out-of-pocket costs without requiring people to carry insurance or spending any more to make it affordable. Is there any way to achieve these objectives all at once? The answer, quite simply, is “no, not now, and not ever.”

To reiterate, it is useful to see Republicans wrestling with the fact that repeal (and replace) will bring major challenges and could produce a terrible outcome in humanitarian terms. But we have to ask: Given that Republicans have supposedly been preparing for the chance to repeal (and replace) the ACA for years, why do they seem so surprised by this?
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Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
warning: long post

nothing will ever happen because a obamacare "replacement" is impossible under the GOP political beliefs

they even said it themselves... and they had 7 years to come up with a good idea and remember, they passed "obamacare repeals" 50 times during Obama's presidency that he obviously vetoed.... so whats happening?

thats the crazy irony about this. the same people who got elected off obamacare backlash will protect it.

the republicans control the federal govt, most state governments and soon the supreme court based gerrymandering on hatred of Obamacare but the idea of "affordable universal healthcare" is not in their political language, especially since the idea of forcing acceptance of people w/ preexisting conditions goes against capitalism and the free market. but the voters will vote them out if they dont come up with an 'equivalent" idea...

the GOP knows this. thats why they are p*ssyfooting. they didnt expect Trump to win, they were set up to be an opposition party for Hillary and pass meaningless "obamacare repeal" bills for her to veto so they could get reeelected in congress and in state races.

in other words, the dog caught the car
