Our sort-of-Hispanic/European brothers and sisters are at it again...


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue

‘Misguided’ change to O Canada lyrics at MLB All-Star Game was the fault of ‘lone wolf’ member: Tenors

SAN DIEGO — Members of The Tenors quickly distanced themselves from a rogue Tenor on Tuesday night after a member of the classical-pop group inserted a political statement into the lyrics of O Canada before the Major League Baseball all-star game in San Diego.

During their on-field performance at Petco Park, a line in the anthem was changed to “We’re all brothers and sisters, all lives matter to the great.” The normal lyric is “With glowing hearts we see thee rise, the True North strong and free.”

On Facebook, members of the British Columbia-based quartet blamed the alteration on Remigio Pereira, saying he acted as a “lone wolf” who changed the anthem to “serve his own political views.”


"Pereira — who sang the altered lyric alone and drew a sideways glance from the Tenor to his left — also held up a sign during the performance saying “All Lives Matter.” The words “United We Stand” were written on the back of the sign.

Although the audio wasn’t crystal-clear at the park, many fans reacted with surprise. The Canadian anthem wasn’t shown live on U.S. television, but it aired in Canada, where the decision to change the words drew a firestorm of criticism on social media."
