Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Today we’re releasing one question from the forthcoming national Cato 2017 Free Speech and Tolerance Survey of 2,300 Americans conducted by the Cato Institute in collaboration with YouGov.

The national survey finds that a solid majority, 61%, of Americans oppose firing NFL (National Football League) players who refuse to stand for the national anthem before football games in order to make a political statement. These results stand in contrast to President Trump’s remarks over the weekend and his urging NFL teams to fire players who refuse to stand for the anthem. A little more than a third (38%) of Americans align with Trump and support firing these players.

Conservative Republicans stand out in their support for firing NFL players who refuse to stand for the national anthem. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of Republicans say NFL players should be fired for this reason. Only 19% of Democrats and 35% of independents agree. Punishing NFL players for their political speech distinguishes political Conservatives from Libertarians. Using a political typology method to identify these ideological groups, the survey finds that Conservatives (62%) are the only political group to support firing NFL players. Conversely, 60% of Libertarians, 85% of Liberals, and 62% of Communitarians (social conservatives who support larger government) all oppose punishing players.


People who are older, with less education, and living in smaller towns and rural communities are most likely to support punishing NFL players who kneel during the national anthem in political protest.

A majority (57%) of Americans over 65 think such players should be fired while 71% of Americans under 30 think they should not. Those without college degrees (44%) are more likely than college graduates (32%) and those with post-graduate degrees (26%) to similarly support punishing NFL players who engage in this form of political protest. Americans living in rural communities are divided in half over whether teams should fire NFL players who refuse to stand for the national anthem. Conversely, those living in large urban centers solidly oppose (69%) such firings.

Majorities across racial groups oppose firing NFL players who kneel during the national anthem before football games. However, African Americans (88%) are about 30 points more likely than Hispanics (60%) and whites (55%) to oppose.

Not wanting to fire NFL players because of their political speech doesn’t mean that most Americans agree with the content of this speech. Surveys have long shown, as well as this one, that most oppose burning, desecrating, or disrespecting the American flag. Thus, Americans appear to make a distinction between allowing a person to express (even controversial) political opinions and endorsing the content of their speech. The public can be tolerant of players’ refusing to stand for the national anthem, even while many disagree with what the players are doing.

In sum, Americans don’t want to strip people of their livelihoods and ruin their careers over refusing to stand for the national anthem. Even if they don’t agree with the content of the speech, that doesn’t mean they support punishing people who do.

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired


Jun 18, 2012
Bernie is a white man in America. You missed that ?

If Obama said that, he would have been labeled a racist, divisive, and all that. Wake up breh

oh please...what bernie said was as safe a statement as possible, and obama couldn't even say that without being an on-the-fence c00n

we didn't need that tapdancing c00n shyt at all

Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015

BERNIE = GOAT politician

even that c00n Obama wouldn't come out and say this

Obama supported Kaepernick kneeling and said the purpose was to talk about issues that quite frankly needed to be addressed. White folks got mad at him for that.

I get that your a delusional militant like the rest of TLR but you should at least do your own research before posting.


Jun 18, 2012


Jun 18, 2012

Your welcome.

he said what everyone already knows...constitutional right, blah blah, blah. he then started to juelz santana his way around the original topic, which is POLICE BRUTALITY against African Americans, something Obama did nothing to stop.

No balls at all.

Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015
he said what everyone already knows...constitutional right, blah blah, blah. he then started to juelz santana his way around the original topic, which is POLICE BRUTALITY against African Americans, something Obama did nothing to stop.

No balls at all.
Lmao ok militant. Where were you when he communted more sentences than the previous 11 Presidents combined? Where were you when he defended black lives matter in a open criminal justice reform discussion while sitting directly next to white police chiefs? Where were you when he directly called white people out for fukked up shyt during a law school town hall at the University of Chicago. Where were you when he gave money to groups fighting white supremacy? The same money Trump is taking away? Where were you when he had been discussing the need for police reform and criminal justice reform especially in the last 2 years of his Presidency? Where were you when his DOJ coordinated community police reform discussions between black people and the police? Where were you when his DOJ actually put criminal justice reform and police reform into effect. Leading to him suing and investigating more police departments for civil rights violations than Bush and Clinton combined. Forcing them into court ordered reform. The same reforms that Jeff Sessions is completely reversing. Where were you when his criminal justice reform cut mandatory minimums, cut harsh sentences, looked at other options besides prison, stopped putting young people in the solitary confidment for long periods of time, and banned the box on federal applications. Where were you when the 100:1 crack to cocaine sentencing ratio was lowered to 18:1 in 2010 and thousands of black people became eligible for resentencing? Where were you when he called out bad policing? Where you when it was discovered that Obama was the first President in 36 years to leave office with a lower federal prison population than when he first took office.

You militant nikkas love to shyt on Obama while ignoring the fact that he was the first real President to do criminal justice reform in modern history. Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton and Bush 2 didn't give a fukk to do it because they were too busy creating prison and police programs that increased the prison population while not holding police accountable.

Why do you think 85% of the police force were pro Trump? They got tired of Obama being on their asses and they knew Trump would let them run wild.

You cancerous know nothing Tariq Nasheed nikkas are toxic to this forum.


Jun 18, 2012
Lmao ok militant. Where were you when he communted more sentences than the previous 11 Presidents combined? Where were you when he defended black lives matter in a open criminal justice reform discussion while sitting directly next to white police chiefs? Where were you when he directly called white people out for fukked up shyt during a law school town hall at the University of Chicago. Where were you when he gave money to groups fighting white supremacy? The same money Trump is taking away? Where were you when he had been discussing the need for police reform and criminal justice reform especially in the last 2 years of his Presidency? Where were you when his DOJ coordinated community police reform discussions between black people and the police? Where were you when his DOJ actually put criminal justice reform and police reform into effect. Leading to him suing and investigating more police departments for civil rights violations than Bush and Clinton combined. Forcing them into court ordered reform. The same reforms that Jeff Sessions is completely reversing. Where were you when his criminal justice reform cut mandatory minimums, cut harsh sentences, looked at other options besides prison, stopped putting young people in the solitary confidment for long periods of time, and banned the box on federal applications. Where were you when the 100:1 crack to cocaine sentencing ratio was lowered to 18:1 in 2010 and thousands of black people became eligible for resentencing? Where were you when he called out bad policing? Where you when it was discovered that Obama was the first President in 36 years to leave office with a lower federal prison population than when he first took office.

You militant nikkas love to shyt on Obama while ignoring the fact that he was the first real President to do criminal justice reform in modern history. Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton and Bush 2 didn't give a fukk to do it because they were too busy creating prison and police programs that increased the prison population while not holding police accountable.

Why do you think 85% of the police force were pro Trump? They got tired of Obama being on their asses and they knew Trump would let them run wild.

You cancerous know nothing Tariq Nasheed nikkas are toxic to this forum.

aww please....take obama's dikk out of your mouth, c00n

obama "discussed" police reform. he didn't do shyt to actually reform it. he didn't prosecute any of these dirty cops nor did he flex any federal muscle the way Trump is doing now. He just talked, and talked, and talked some fukking more. And DID ABSOLUTELY shyt TO FIX THE PROBLEM.

Not only that, he was responsible for militarizing the police. He only tried to fix the problem when the black community got on his ass after ferguson.

That dude is a fraud. But keep caping for that c00n, sambo

Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015
aww please....take obama's dikk out of your mouth, c00n

obama "discussed" police reform. he didn't do shyt to actually reform it. he didn't prosecute any of these dirty cops nor did he flex any federal muscle the way Trump is doing now. He just talked, and talked, and talked some fukking more. And DID ABSOLUTELY shyt TO FIX THE PROBLEM.

Not only that, he was responsible for militarizing the police. He only tried to fix the problem when the black community got on his ass after ferguson.

That dude is a fraud. But keep caping for that c00n, sambo
You have to stop listening to people who don't know their right foot from their left.

How many videos did you watch? How much did you research? How closely did you monitor the implementation of his criminal justice reform and police reform?

You haven't. You can front like you have but you haven't. Otherwise you wouldn't sound so ignorant and angry for no reason.