Porn addiction not real claims psychologists


American Daydream Machine
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
Viewing erotic content like porn and pornographic images is on the rise. In 2019, alone, one of the world's leading porn sites, PornHub, received on average 115 million visits per day.

All that free, readily-accessible on screen erotic content has got some folks thinking they're addicted to it. But is porn addiction real?

Sex addiction has been used in the past by perpetrators of sexual violence as an explanation for their acts of agression. This has been debukned by mental health professionals as this article will go on to discuss.

Is pornography addictive?
Pornography addiction is not recognized by the American Psychological Association (APA) as a mental health problem or disorder, like drug or alcohol addiction.

Moreover, according to the DSM-5 (Manual of Mental Disorders β€” the world's authoritative guide on psychological disorders) pornography and sex addictions are not a psychological disorder. Some disorders the DSM-5 does recognize are addictions to gambling, alcohol, drugs, and most recently, online gaming.

The reason for this comes down to neurochemistry. While watching porn may activate similar pleasure circuits in the brain as, say, alcohol or heroine, most experts agree that doesn't mean you can become addicted to watching porn in the same way.

That's because addiction to substances, for example, not only activates your brain's pleasure circuits, it actually changes your brain chemistry so that you can no longer release feel-good chemicals like dopamine as effectively without the help of the drug you're addicted to.

Pornography addiction is not real according to leading psychologists β€” here's when porn can be unhealthy


Barely-Known Member
May 17, 2015
the 254
Porn is a billion dollar business, and the psychological community makes money off of the residual issues that come with it.

Of course they want to frame it as normal. Virtually everybody who tries to quit it after getting too deep notice the brain changes. I left it alone for a long time and it felt like I was living a whole nother life.

Not getting an artificial 24/7 dopamine fix actually made regular life enjoyable. I started getting actual pleasure from just being outside looking at nature, could study again, vastly improved interactions with women, etc.

If yall are suffering from any life issues, try quitting porn. May just be your dopamine levels need resetting.
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