Post some pdf books to read during the Quarantine


All Star
Oct 21, 2015
The Messenger: The Rise & Fall of Elijah Muhammad by Karl evanzz

Looks interesting. I'm gonna read msg to the black man first


Aug 9, 2013
Right now I would hope Black people the world over would begin to understand the dangers of living under white rule.

This was the Most Honorable Marcus Garvey's (RIP) great fear: That one day white people would develop a scientific way to kill us off without having to go through conventional warfare, without ever firing a shot. That was his main reason for pushing for Black people to get back to Africa and develop a government that could protect us in times like these. Well we haven't done it. And we've been paying the price for it for some time, and it's only gonna get worse.

I know alotta you will waste time reading shyt like the 48 laws of power or some other bullshyt thinking that'll give you some kinda advantage over white people in your corporate jobs where you "play the game." But our best Black minds need to be identified and trained up in the fields of finance and science and technology so they can save our people.

Over 20 years ago a potna of mine took me to this Jamaican's bookstore, and dude went and got 7 books off his shelves and said these were the only 7 books Black people needed to read before they got to work. I hate that I don't remember what all 7 were, but I've done some reading in my time and Garvey's book ranks right up there at #1 for me, because outside of Hamilcar Barca and later his son Hannibal, Garvey best understood white people's nature and their end-game for us. He understood that we were in a struggle for our very existence and if we didn't do some key things to secure that existence we would be at the mercy of a people who've shown throughout history that they have no mercy. They barely have any for themselves, so you should know what they have for Black people.

The Message

Lex with tv sets the minimum
Jun 19, 2012
Can you quickly summarize relentless for me? Like can it push me to be more motivated? I also work out and wanna know if it can push me there since I see he trained kobe and Jordan
yeah breh. its heavy on motivation. but motivation aint shyt and he talks about that in the book.

grover says theres three types of brehs who approach a situation, whether it's sports, their career, their business, getting women, writing a novel...any endeavor that you want to succeed in.

he says theres a cooler, a closer, and a cleaner.

lets take the gym for example.

the cooler wants to get an amazing physique, but maybe they go to the gym once or twice a week, & eat pretty decently. in the end, their body is above average but they arent really satisfied with the results. and they need to be motivated to even think about hitting the gym.

the closer is in really good shape--better than most, eats right, heavily in the gym. is dedicated to getting that amazing physique, but still enjoys their cheat meals, beer, and late friday nights out. they probably have a trainer who still has to get on them about certain things. they know theirs a higher level and theyre missing out on a few things to get there.

but the cleaner....its beyond dedicated and disciplined. its obsession. they dont need a trainer, they dont need motivation. you put a goal in front of them and its not just met, its shattered. and once its shattered, theyre onto the next goal. its christmas morning? still hitting the gym. freezing rain outside? theyre still outside running their two miles. global pandemic and the gyms are closed? still working out--twice a day. the cleaner is obsessed and enjoys the pain of sacrifice because they know 99.9% of people wont pay the price to be on the elite level where they consistently reside on.


All Star
Oct 21, 2015
yeah breh. its heavy on motivation. but motivation aint shyt and he talks about that in the book.

grover says theres three types of brehs who approach a situation, whether it's sports, their career, their business, getting women, writing a novel...any endeavor that you want to succeed in.

he says theres a cooler, a closer, and a cleaner.

lets take the gym for example.

the cooler wants to get an amazing physique, but maybe they go to the gym once or twice a week, & eat pretty decently. in the end, their body is above average but they arent really satisfied with the results. and they need to be motivated to even think about hitting the gym.

the closer is in really good shape--better than most, eats right, heavily in the gym. is dedicated to getting that amazing physique, but still enjoys their cheat meals, beer, and late friday nights out. they probably have a trainer who still has to get on them about certain things. they know theirs a higher level and theyre missing out on a few things to get there.

but the cleaner....its beyond dedicated and disciplined. its obsession. they dont need a trainer, they dont need motivation. you put a goal in front of them and its not just met, its shattered. and once its shattered, theyre onto the next goal. its christmas morning? still hitting the gym. freezing rain outside? theyre still outside running their two miles. global pandemic and the gyms are closed? still working out--twice a day. the cleaner is obsessed and enjoys the pain of sacrifice because they know 99.9% of people wont pay the price to be on the elite level where they consistently reside on.
Hmm great explanation fam. Does it help the reader wanna do more?


I am STEM.
Nov 25, 2016
I've been trying to cultivate a business mind. Reading up on venture capital, investing, negotiation, etc. This worst thing you can do during a quarantine is spend the time unwisely