Rate this HBCU Day 62: Livingstone College

How would you rate Livingstone College?

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    Votes: 1 16.7%
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    Votes: 1 16.7%
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  • 10 (Premier institution of Black Excellence)

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Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
2 - back then since I loved the Food in our cafe at A&T. I used to love to check out other schools and see what it was like in their schools (UNCG, UNCC, WSSU, etc)

Well one of the times we visited for a weekend, the shorty I was smashing took us to the cafe for breakfast…. And it (again maybe it was that one day) at time felt like a 3rd world country.

I remember for example one of my boy getting some rice crispy cereal. He asked for the sugar and was just pointed towards a random styrofoam bowl. That we saw everyone just go to and dip they own spoons in and get sugar from.

Like no packets, no pouring containers, no nothing.

I recall waking out and just being like “fukk this shyt let’s just drive to Burger King” :picard::mjlol:

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
Man….. I’m trying to be respectful of this school and thread.

All I got is comedy and jokes though. I don’t wanna come off disrespectful but I saw what I saw! :mjlol:
fukk that. say what it is :dead:

yes there's new stadium now - but everyone who's ever been knows its the most rundown HBCU campus in North Carolina

its not even some one off, anectdotal thing, matter of opinion spin or any of that. the fact that they think a football stadium is anywhere remotely close to their top priorities of modernization and renovation says it all. and i think the only way that school kept from being shuttered is due to the fact that they can shovel debt around faster than new bills can stack up

almost every out of state visiting group for JCSU touched Livingstone one way or another.

People would see the campus from the street and hit the :scust: then keep on going down through SC to Georgia or back through Charlotte to hit the rest of the NC HBCUs. that place is a dump

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
fukk that. say what it is :dead:

yes there's new stadium now - but everyone who's ever been knows its the most rundown HBCU campus in North Carolina

its not even some one off, anectdotal thing, matter of opinion spin or any of that. the fact that they think a football stadium is anywhere remotely close to their top priorities of modernization and renovation says it all. and i think the only way that school kept from being shuttered is due to the fact that they can shovel debt around faster than new bills can stack up

almost every out of state visiting group for JCSU touched Livingstone one way or another.

People would see the campus from the street and hit the :scust: then keep on going down through SC to Georgia or back through Charlotte to hit the rest of the NC HBCUs. that place is a dump

Sharing a bowl of sugar cuzzo

Like, I legit saw people pour cereal in a bowl, then pour milk in same bowl with cereal. Spoon already in there, and some cases take a bite or 2…. Then walk to table with bowl of sugar, dipping the spoon in to get some spoonfuls

I legit couldn’t believe what I was witnessing. We went to BK and I got like 2 Bacon, Egg& Cheese Croissants & an OJ and called it a day :mjlol:

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Also sadly…. Walmart fairly close to the highway, it’s sad no one had the decency to just take they ass up there to buy some type of cheap ass condiments container or something more sanitary and appropriate to put sugar in other than dumping in a styrofoam bowl and let it be “bring your own spoon” buffet style.

****didnt even have a dedicated scooper*** :picard:

Only good thing I can say is I did smash my homegirl in her dorm room. She snuck me in cuz I don’t think they could have like coed visitors back then.

Man I remember that was the most quiet fukking I’ve ever done in my life. We couldn’t even get butt naked. :childplease:

She wanted to listen for footsteps or her roommate :francis:

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
I mean yeah, a school that's got basically nothing but undergrad and limited certification programs is gonna be more of an advanced high school than college environment.

The thing is, their graduation numbers are probably inflated too and that alumni reachback sounds like someone paying themselves with the college as a front.... Outside of Lee Jr and Dr. Gavin - you're gonna have a hard time finding any notable alumni who's pictures aren't in black in white.

And considering how much their tuition actually is? You'd like to know that there's something on the other end of the pipeline than some merch.

They may still be struggling to retain faculty as well, but that's been a lingering issue since the 2011-16 bs