Space is the Place
We last covered Southern University at New Orleans which received an average score of 6.3.
See the updated leaderboard here
We turn back to Columbia, South Carolina, where we previously covered Allen University, to look at the last school in South Carolina in the series, Benedict College. Benedict is a medium sized liberal arts college with almost two thousand students making it one of the top 10 largest private HBCUs. It was founded in 1870 for the American Baptist Home Mission Society by Bathsheba Benedict, the widow of a Rhode Island businessman and abolitionist. She donated $13,000 to purchase an old plantation in Columbia to serve as the school campus. This was part of an earlier series of plans created by northern Baptists during the Civil War to provide missionaries and education to newly freed slaves in the South if the Union prevailed in the conflict.
Originally the Benedict Institute, like many HBCUs, it originally concentrated on theology, basic skills, and training teachers. In 1894 it became a liberal arts college and changed its name to Benedict College.
Founded: 1870
City, State: Columbia, SC
Type: 4-year, Private not-for-profit (Baptist affiliated)
Nickname: Tigers
Enrollment and percent Black enrollment: 1,908 (1,895 undergraduate), 95% Black
Part-time student percentage: 1%
First Generation Student Percentage: 41%
Percentage of students from households under $30k/over $100k: 71% / 2%
Out of State Percentage: 62%, (Top States: Georgia, Washington D.C., California, New Jersey, Florida)
Student-to-Faculty Ratio: 18:1
Admissions Acceptance Rate: 68%
4-Yr / 6-Yr / 8-Yr Graduation rates: 15% / 28% / 29%
Transfer out rate: 3%
Male/Female percentages (Female:Male Ratio): 43% male/ 57% female (1.3:1 ratio)
Tuition: $17k
Median Federal Debt After Graduation: $35k
Median Parent PLUS Loans After Graduation: $27k
Median Earning 10-Years after 10 years from freshman year: $32k
Median Earnings for specific majors after 3 years after graduation:
Criminal Justice: $39k, Biology: $35k, Education:$31k
Top Majors by Degrees:
Business Administration, Psychology, Public Health, Criminal Justice, Visual Arts, Electrical Engineering
Endowment: ~$25M
Alumni Engagement: N/A
Athletic Conference: SIAC (NCAA Div II)
Mascot: Tigers
Notable Alumni:
Leroy Walker - first Black president of the US Olympic Committee
Joyce dikkerson - former Richland County (Columbia metro) council chair https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8e/Joyce_dikkerson.jpg/171px-Joyce_dikkerson.jpg
Mike Colter - actor best known for Luke Cage (only attended one year, transffered to U. of SC to study theater)
Chino Smith - one of the top hitters in Negro League history
Gordon Blaine Hancock - nationally syndicated columnist in over 100 Black newspapers in the 1930s and 1940s
Main Campus:
Charles W. Johnson Stadium
Marching Tigers "Band of Distinction"
"Sweet Sensation" Dancers
Miss Benedict College
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@invalid @MostReal @Originalman @#1 pick @Ziggiy @SupaVillain @Tug life @Idaeo @get these nets @MostReal @Bryan Danielson @Rollie Forbes @Sonic Boom of the South @staticshock @Charlie Hustle @BigAggieLean. @Optimus Prime @How Sway? @DropTopDoc @Anerdyblackguy @EndDomination