Rey Mysterio vs The Wall [Thunder 2001]

Playaz Eyez

Sep 2, 2015
Pretty good David vs Goliath type match here. I was fairly tuned out on WCW at this point, but here we have a Rey Mysterio that's been unmasked for awhile, using that Q-Tip "Vivrant Thing" variation theme. He's feuding with Chavo and had won a chance to face him for the WCW title. The Wall (aka Jerry Tuite aka later Malice from TNA) had turned face and split from Berlyn (aka Alex Wright) for awhile, and apparently here he had turned back heel after leaving the Misfits In Action stable, and feuding with Hugh Morris (aka General Rection in the MIA stable). I think it's Mike Tenay, Scott Hudson, and Tony Schiavonie on commentary, and they talk up The Wall quite a bit, putting him over as a dominating force. fukkery ends this match as the ref is distracted by Rey whooping Chavo's ass on the outside. During this hilariously long ass distraction, Hugh Morris runs in with an Electric Chair slam and a No Laughing Matter moonsault, THEN Rey hits his own moonsault and pins The Wall :mjlol::mjlol:
