Risky business: Is US supporting anti-Chinese militants in Syria?


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
With war hawks in US, Turkey, Qatar and Saudi arming and funding anti-Chinese militants in Syria that are planning more attacks on Chinese embassies and interests abroad, coupled with US gunboat diplomacy in the South China Sea, this dangerous “deterring the dragon” combination risks turning into a “provoking the dragon” scenario, and may escalate into a military conflict between two nuclear powers.

On August 30, a Uyghur suicide bomber attacked the Chinese embassy in Kyrgyzstan. According to Bishkek’s GKNB security service, the terrorist attack was ordered by the Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP/ETIM) in Syria, financed by the re-branded al Nusra Jabhat Fatah al-Sham (JFS), coordinated from Turkey, and carried out by a TIP member.

The bombing demonstrates that despite vigorous cooperation between China and Central Asian states, Syria-based Chinese Uyghur militant groups, embedded in Idlib governorate, continue to successfully conduct operations and channel funds and people in the Eurasia space.

It also reveals how Syria’s Idlib has replaced AfPak’s Tora Bora/FATA as headquarter for global jihadi groups.

When TIP was mainly based in Pakistan’s federally administered tribal areas (FATA), the Chinese were already concerned about its close ties with al-Qaeda and increasing Chinese “Turkistan-ization” of al-Qaeda. Indeed, TIP leader Abdul Haq al Turkistan was trained by al-Qaeda in FATA, and also appointed as a member of its majlis-e-shura or executive council in 2005.

He was later succeeded by Abdul Shakoor Turkistani, a Chinese Uyghur well known for his friendly terms with major Taliban groups in Waziristan.[1] A few weeks before the death of Osama bin Laden, al-Qaeda appointed him as new commander of its Pakistan forces and training camps.

After the Syrian war broke out, TIP militants in AfPak began moving to Syria to wage jihad, along with an increasing stream of Uyghur refugees from Xinjiang in 2014 and 2015, many of whom were desperate and exploited by jihadist recruiters in Turkey’s Istanbul and Kayseri to fight in Syria and Iraq. Now TIP and al-Qaeda have largely moved their major operations from AfPak to Syria.[2]

Syria’s Idlib as the new Afghan Tora Bora for global jihad

In April 2015 TIP, Al Nusra, Ahrar al Sham and various Free Syrian Army factions colluded to form the Army of Conquest (Jaish al-Fatah) and took over Idlib governorate, where Al Nusra, regardless of its cosmetic name change, is now attempting to establish an Islamic emirate.[3]

According to Charles Lister, formerly at Brookings Doha Center with close ties to the Syrian opposition, the Idlib offensive had been planned for eight months to capture and transform it into the opposition core area of control, and was coordinated by the U.S.-led operations room in southern Turkey which encouraged “vetted groups” to more closely cooperate with Islamists in frontline operations.[4] The US-led coalition also dramatically increased its level of assistance and provision of intelligence to the rebel opposition.

Several commanders of the Idlib operation also informed Lister that whereas previously these multinational operations rooms have demanded that recipients of military assistance cease direct coordination with groups like al-Nusra, the Idlib offensive was a game changer that actually prompted closer cooperation with the Conquest Army jihadi groups, due to pressures from Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

This could help explain why in the recent ceasefire agreement, Secretary Kerry called for the Russian and Syrian air force to not bomb Al Nusra positions in Idlib and Aleppo. Indeed in 2015, General Petraeus also called for supporting al-Qaeda as an asset both against ISIS and against the Syrian army.[5]

As such, this may perhaps lend credence to a September 26 article in the German newspaper Kölner Stadtanzeiger, wherein an al Nusra commander confirmed American anti-tank TOW “missiles were given directly to us” and not through the Free Syrian Army. Being closely linked to Nusra, TIP has also shown footages of using US-TOW missiles in its battles in Syria.[6]

The Nusra commander said initially US lumped Al Nusra with IS, but now “the Americans are on our side” and assisting with “use of satellites, missiles, reconnaissance work, thermal surveillance cameras” to help overthrow the secular Syrian government, echoing Lister’s article in 2015 regarding US-led operations room increasing assistance and provision of intelligence to the Conquest Army .[7]

With US and its allied support, TIP, Nusra and Ahrar al Sham in the Conquest Army have proven to be effective fighters against the Syrian army in various offensives in Homs, Hama and Aleppo. In May 2016, they captured Kahn Touman in southern Aleppo.

Later videos emerged of US/UK-funded White Helmet members with two captured young Syrian soldiers in Kahn Touman, and taunting “Assad, Russia, Iran and China, are they stronger than god?” The two soldiers were later executed by TIP militants.

With these type of evidence that US, Turkey, Saudis and Qataris are supporting and arming militants that will attack China and Russia, it likely forced the hand of Russia to enter the fray and support the Syrian government in October 2015, and now China in August 2016.

China beefs up its foreign security posture

In the face of western-inflamed Uyghur militancy now taking on a transnational nature, China is altering its foreign security posture and amending its non-interference policy. On August 14, China and Syria signed agreements to upgrade military ties, on the heels of the August 3 agreement for counter-terrorism cooperation between China, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan. China already has military agreements with Afghanistan on equipping and training Afghan security forces on counter-terrorism, especially enlisting Kabul and Islamabad’s help to combat TIP and other al-Qaeda affiliates in AfPak post-NATO ISAF operation.

Beijing also harbors suspicions that US intention in Syria is not one of counter-terrorism, reinforced by US military writings. In a February 2014 article in the US Naval Institute’s Proceeding magazine entitled ‘Deterring the Dragon’, the author, a retired naval commander, proposed sending special operation forces to arm China’s restive minorities in Xinjiang and Tibet at a time when China is reeling from an uptick of domestic terrorists attacks ((Beijing 2013, Kunming and Urumqi 2014).[8] The author also proposed laying offensive underwater mines along China’s coast to close China’s main ports and destroy its sea lines of communications.

Now with war hawks in US/Turkey/Qatar/Saudi arming and funding anti-Chinese militants in Syria that are planning more attacks on Chinese embassies and interests abroad, coupled with US gunboat diplomacy in the South China Sea, this dangerous “deterring the dragon” combination risks turning into a “provoking the dragon” scenario, and may escalate into a military conflict between two nuclear powers.



[1] Jacob Zenn, “Al Qaeda’s Uyghur jihadi: A Profile of the Turkistan Islamic Party’s Abdul Shakoor Turkistani”, Militant Leadership Monitor, Vol. 2, Issue 12, December 30, 2011,http://mlm.jamestown.org/single/?tx_ttnews[tt_news]=38823&tx_ttnews[backPid]=539#.V-as5DtllmB

[2] Eric Schmitt, “Al Qaeda Turns to Syria, With a Plan to Challenge ISIS”, New York Times, May 16, 2016, http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/16/w...syria-with-a-plan-to-challenge-isis.html?_r=0

[3] Vice News, “Inside the Battle: Al Nusra-Al Qaeda in Syria”, November 11, 2015,

[4] Charles Lister, “Why Assad is losing”, Brookings Institution, May 5, 2015,http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/16/w...syria-with-a-plan-to-challenge-isis.html?_r=0

[5] Shane Harris, Nancy C. Youssef, “Petraeus: Us Al Qaeda Fighters to Beat ISIS”, The Daily Beast, August 31, 2015, Petraeus: Use Al Qaeda Fighters to Beat ISIS ; Catherine Philp, “Petraeus: US must fund al-Qaeda”, The Times, September 3, 2015,Petraeus: US must fund al-Qaeda | The Times

[6] Caleb Weiss, “Turkistan Islamic Party claims using US-made anti-tank missile in northwest Syria”, The Long War Journal, December 23, 2015, Turkistan Islamic Party claims using US-made anti-tank missile in northwest Syria | The Long War Journal

[7] Jurgen Todenhöfer: Interview with Al-Nusra Commander “The Americans stand on our side”, English translation September 26, 2016, http://www.moonofalabama.org/2016/09/todenhöfer-interview-with-al-nusra-commander-the-americans-stand-on-our-side.html ; original German version: http://www.ksta.de/politik/interview-mit-al-nusra-kommandeur–die-amerikaner-stehen-auf-unserer-seite–24802176; Video of interview:

[8] Commander Victor L. Vescovo, US Navy Reserve (Retired), “Deterring the Dragon…From (Under) the Sea”, Proceedings Magazine, US Naval Institute, February 2014, Vol. 140./2/1,332,Deterring the Dragon . . . From (Under) the Sea | U.S. Naval Institute

Dr. Christina Lin is a Fellow at the Center for Transatlantic Relations at SAIS-Johns Hopkins University where she specializes in China-Middle East/Mediterranean relations, and a research consultant for Jane’s Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Intelligence Centre at IHS Jane’s.
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Reactions: Fox

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
Thought the usa had been funding terrorist groups in the western part of China for awhile now.

it's whatever at this point... :WWar3: is coming and the usa won't be around after.


Warrior for the Babies
Apr 21, 2013
Thought the usa had been funding terrorist groups in the western part of China for awhile now.

it's whatever at this point... :WWar3: is coming and the usa won't be around after.

If America goes down, we'll take China and the rest of the world with us. We'll kill every living thing on this planet if we have to.

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013

If America goes down, we'll take China and the rest of the world with us. We'll kill every living thing on this planet if we have to.

I use to think that same thing years ago...

until I realized the usa was being set up to be demoed.:skip:

Russia, China, and some other countries will take hits.. but it won't be the end of the world. Just the end of the world as we've known it

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
I use to think that same thing years ago...

until I realized the usa was being set up to be demoed.:skip:

Russia, China, and some other countries will take hits.. but it won't be the end of the world. Just the end of the world as we've known it
You seriously believe this? How do you see it going down?

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
You seriously believe this? How do you see it going down?

Of course I seriously believe it. Pretty obvious it's coming... Hell the avg person in the future is gonna ask the same thing that was said for WW1/WW2. "How the fukk did they not see it coming? All of the pieces were right there!" Right now we're in the build up phase.

How I see it poppin off? I've been thinking economic contraction/collapse with war not long after.

The usa will get hit hard and fast. A variety of internet and infrastructure attacks focused on taking down the electrical grid. That would cause nationwide blackouts that wouldn't be fixed for weeks/months/years. Don't know how many of you saw that American Blackout docu from a few years back. But shyt ain't coming back on after a week, and no nations are sending help. Would not want to be in a major city after a few days :wow:

Also a variety of other attacks by pre-positioned foreign special ops to take out even more infrastructure/vips.

Of course this is for all the marbles... so yea those things would get launched. Remember the missile of the coast of cali a few years back? I figure Russia and China park some silent subs of each of the coasts. Because let's face it.. the USA carrier battle groups are future reefs. They launch at all major military installions/ports/manufacturing/silos.

The usa probably wouldn't have enough time to launch anything from those places. So whatever american strike capability is out of the mainland, is all the usa would have to fight with. I figure america launches a token attack at Russia/China with what's left. Enough to do damage, not enough to put em down or hurt em long term.

After which I think a lull descends over the whole world. I can explain that further if you want. But you probably just want to know what I think about the usa?

But anyway Russia has been preparing hardcore since the 90s. Go read up on that massive underground bunker system that is the size of DC, that they built up in the 90s. China has probably been building over the last 16 years. 2020 is the earliest I see shyt poppin off... although some have said 2018 is a possibility.

tl:dr - Yea I'm serious, Yea WW3 is coming, The USA get's ggpo'ed.

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
Of course I seriously believe it. Pretty obvious it's coming... Hell the avg person in the future is gonna ask the same thing that was said for WW1/WW2. "How the fukk did they not see it coming? All of the pieces were right there!" Right now we're in the build up phase.

How I see it poppin off? I've been thinking economic contraction/collapse with war not long after.

The usa will get hit hard and fast. A variety of internet and infrastructure attacks focused on taking down the electrical grid. That would cause nationwide blackouts that wouldn't be fixed for weeks/months/years. Don't know how many of you saw that American Blackout docu from a few years back. But shyt ain't coming back on after a week, and no nations are sending help. Would not want to be in a major city after a few days :wow:

Also a variety of other attacks by pre-positioned foreign special ops to take out even more infrastructure/vips.

Of course this is for all the marbles... so yea those things would get launched. Remember the missile of the coast of cali a few years back? I figure Russia and China park some silent subs of each of the coasts. Because let's face it.. the USA carrier battle groups are future reefs. They launch at all major military installions/ports/manufacturing/silos.

The usa probably wouldn't have enough time to launch anything from those places. So whatever american strike capability is out of the mainland, is all the usa would have to fight with. I figure america launches a token attack at Russia/China with what's left. Enough to do damage, not enough to put em down or hurt em long term.

After which I think a lull descends over the whole world. I can explain that further if you want. But you probably just want to know what I think about the usa?

But anyway Russia has been preparing hardcore since the 90s. Go read up on that massive underground bunker system that is the size of DC, that they built up in the 90s. China has probably been building over the last 16 years. 2020 is the earliest I see shyt poppin off... although some have said 2018 is a possibility.

tl:dr - Yea I'm serious, Yea WW3 is coming, The USA get's ggpo'ed.
Oh, okay.


Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
Of course I seriously believe it. Pretty obvious it's coming... Hell the avg person in the future is gonna ask the same thing that was said for WW1/WW2. "How the fukk did they not see it coming? All of the pieces were right there!" Right now we're in the build up phase.

How I see it poppin off? I've been thinking economic contraction/collapse with war not long after.

The usa will get hit hard and fast. A variety of internet and infrastructure attacks focused on taking down the electrical grid. That would cause nationwide blackouts that wouldn't be fixed for weeks/months/years. Don't know how many of you saw that American Blackout docu from a few years back. But shyt ain't coming back on after a week, and no nations are sending help. Would not want to be in a major city after a few days :wow:

Also a variety of other attacks by pre-positioned foreign special ops to take out even more infrastructure/vips.

Of course this is for all the marbles... so yea those things would get launched. Remember the missile of the coast of cali a few years back? I figure Russia and China park some silent subs of each of the coasts. Because let's face it.. the USA carrier battle groups are future reefs. They launch at all major military installions/ports/manufacturing/silos.

The usa probably wouldn't have enough time to launch anything from those places. So whatever american strike capability is out of the mainland, is all the usa would have to fight with. I figure america launches a token attack at Russia/China with what's left. Enough to do damage, not enough to put em down or hurt em long term.

After which I think a lull descends over the whole world. I can explain that further if you want. But you probably just want to know what I think about the usa?

But anyway Russia has been preparing hardcore since the 90s. Go read up on that massive underground bunker system that is the size of DC, that they built up in the 90s. China has probably been building over the last 16 years. 2020 is the earliest I see shyt poppin off... although some have said 2018 is a possibility.

tl:dr - Yea I'm serious, Yea WW3 is coming, The USA get's ggpo'ed.

LOL at you thinking China will work with Russia so close. China is all out interested in a land grab they will not be so closly allied with Russia breh. Then you have to remember Russia/China is all connected which they will be affected by Pakistan/India war/ the Pacific countries/Israel Saudi Iran/ Japan/Korea I mean America is in the perfect position breh

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
LOL at you thinking China will work with Russia so close. China is all out interested in a land grab they will not be so closly allied with Russia breh. Then you have to remember Russia/China is all connected which they will be affected by Pakistan/India war/ the Pacific countries/Israel Saudi Iran/ Japan/Korea I mean America is in the perfect position breh

Of course Russia and China will work closely to take down the usa. Hell that's what their doing right now. Once the usa is out of the picture, well.. then alliances will break. But Russia and China already know that the other nation is a predator nation. I figure Russia loses some of it's eastern land, but gains some of western europe.. so :yeshrug:

Once the usa is gone, all of the places you listed will descend into external/internal wars. The entire world will descend into war. This is the end of the world as you know it. The complete destruction of the world order that has lasted for the past 400-600yrs.

Perfect position? America hasn't been in a perfect position for a long time..

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
Your scenario is unrealistic. I think you're underestimating America and its second strike capability. For what you described above to happen, it would likely require a full on take-over of out government and military. You'd also have to severely cripple NAOC which isn't happening.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
not sure why op is posting a fake interview again but okay...

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
Your scenario is unrealistic. I think you're underestimating America and its second strike capability. For what you described above to happen, it would likely require a full on take-over of out government and military. You'd also have to severely cripple NAOC which isn't happening.

I don't think I'm underestimating the USA at all. And I already accounted for the second strike capability, which is the shyt that ain't in the mainland.

None of this requires a takeover of the usa govt/military :dahell:
Hell the usa has already been sold out and down the river. So a takeover wouldn't matter.

NAOC=National Airborne Operations Center?
That shyt isn't important once the main strike capability is taken care of. Like I said.. it would be expected by Russia/China for the usa to get off a token attack, with what bombs it has left outside of the usa.

we're just gonna go around in circles. But I've been where you all are. I use to think that same shyt about the usa being invincible, unfukkable with, etc, etc... But all the signs are there :yeshrug:

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
I don't think the US is invincible. I just don't believe it would be so easy to destroy us. :manny: