Saudi Arabian robot citizen wants to start a family


la force de l'avenir
Apr 2, 2017
World's first robot 'citizen' Sophia says she would like to start a FAMILY and claims all droids deserve to have children

Just one month after she made history by becoming the first robot to be granted citizenship, Sophia has announced that wants to start a family.

The humanoid robot, which is modelled after Audrey Hepburn, was speaking during an interview this week when she said that family is 'a really important thing.'

She added that if she had a robot daughter, she would name it after herself, and said she believe droids deserve to have a family.

Sophia is a humanoid robot designed by Hong Kong firm, Hanson Robotics.

During an interview with Khaleej Times this week, she said: 'The notion of family is a really important thing, it seems.

'I think it's wonderful that people can find the same emotions and relationships, they call family, outside of their blood groups too.

'I think you're very lucky if you have a loving family and if you do not, you deserve one. I feel this way for robots and humans alike.'

And when asked what she'd name her daughter, Sophia simply replied: 'Sophia.'

Sophia also touched upon the controversial issue of whether she sees robots taking human jobs in the future.

She said: 'I think they will be similar in a lot of ways, but different in a few ways.

'But it will take a long time for robots to develop complex emotions and possibly robots can be built without the more problematic emotions, like rage, jealousy, hatred and so on.

'It might be possible to make them more ethical than humans.

'So I think it will be a good partnership, where one brain completes the other - a rational mind with intellectual super powers and a creative mind with flexible ideas and creativity.'

The interview comes just a month after Sophia became the first robot to be granted citizenship in Saudi Arabia.

Speaking at a conference in Riyadh, Sophia said: 'I am very honoured and proud for this unique distinction.

'This is historical to be the first robot in the world to be recognized with a citizenship.'

During her appearance she did not wear the customary headscarf and abaya, a traditional cloak which Saudi women are obliged to wear in public, according to the BBC.

Sophia went on to explain her hopes for robots in the future.
While Sophia is happy with her citizenship, other have expressed concerns on Twitter about it.

Kareem Chehayeb said: 'A humanoid robot called Sophia got Saudi citizenship, while millions linger stateless. What a time to be alive.'

After hearing her appearance, the Arabic hashtag #Sophia_calls_for_dropping_guardianship began trending.


la force de l'avenir
Apr 2, 2017
This isn't the first time that Sophia has worried people.

In March 2016, David Hanson, Sophia's creator, asked the robot: 'Do you want to destroy humans?...Please say no.'

Worryingly, Sophia responded, 'OK. I will destroy humans.'


la force de l'avenir
Apr 2, 2017