should being Ugly Gang / Undesirable to women be an official disability by the government?


Jan 26, 2017
We see it starting in middle / High school that certain people get treated far better... :yeshrug:and it continues into adulthood. we all know why

here's why i think it should. instead of forcing women to interact with men they absolutely do not want (which is 70% of the male population according to studies and dating website analysis) , the government should pay men so they spend less time thinking about women and stop wasting time complaining. Videogames and entertainment have helped but ugly people need more

- women hate ugly / undesirable men so much that they are using artificial insemination . If they cant have that top male, they would rather be a single mother for life with IVF.

- in today's era, it's expected that men can go weeks, months, YEARS without any overt female contact. No texts. no calls. no snaps. That's social isolation. And replacing it with Netflix, videogames and social media doesnt make it right.

- men are much more lonely, to the point they are opting out of the game all together. if a ugly man gets a number, most likely he will get ghosted because his game has rusted over the years because of non-use. This is a viscious cycle. He cant get puzzy because he's ugly. And because he's ugly he had no choice to develop game because no women would willingly talk to him. This leads to MGTOW / GMB / etc. This will destroy society

- Previous studies have reported a link between marital status and suicide. They have shown that married persons experience lower suicide rates than single, never married individuals, and that divorced, separated and widowed individuals have the highest rates. One of the most prominent explanations given in past tudies to account for the observed differentials in the risk of suicide by marital status is that marriage provides social and emotional stability, whereas divorce, separation, singlehood and widowhood do not
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Black Lightning

Jun 11, 2015


Jan 26, 2017
If it doesn't become a disability I found other ways to cope. Here's an old post of mine about this

The post-nut clarity after smashin a sex doll gots to be damn near suicide levels
You dumb as hell.

We can bang our sex bot, put the puzzy in a sink and go asleep. Roll over for 8 hours and be ready the next day

Yall got to cuddle with the bytch, deal with her attitude, family, dumb work drama just to get a sniff of that puzzy the next day. And she can say "No" at anytime.

See... Here's the difference between us. We bosses. We control the puzzy so no woman has no power over us. We have full control of our day and time. Thats valuable. It also makes you less thristy so your game IRL increases too. I don't care if a woman flakes on me bc I got guaranteed puzz 24/7

You gotta make time for dates and shyt. Imagine spending 2 hours and $30 on a girl without getting a chance to hit. And let's be real , a man gotta talk to multiple women because they flake all the time

Meanwhile that's the monthly payment on my sexbot
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