#ShoutYourStatus: A social media movement to destigmatize people with STDs

Feb 7, 2015
You sound defensive. 2 people who were arguing with me already admitted that they have or had an std. This isn't about empathy at all. I've read posts in here that empathize. The people who were arguing with me were not showing empathy, they were either being defensive or making excuses. Like you, which is why I'm now assuming you have an std as well. Which is no one's fault but your own

Have fun with your stds.
Bye now

There is nothing defensive about my first post in this thread. I gave a rational well thought out opinion about why this is a good thing for everyone especially those that don't have STIs, you on the other hand straight up tried to say that "You can't get STD's if you don't have sex" which is false. You got called out for it and resorted to posting gifs like the above and accusing people of having STD's. Erasing the stigma about STD's and STD testing would absolutely help the STD epidemic in this country. Of course someone like myself would have a vested interest in this because I'm clean.

Not that it matters because A. This is a message board and no one knows who I am, and B. I just don't understand how someone would be so ignorant about this subject. If anything you should be all for it, because it would help you protect yourself even more if your potential sexual partners were not only up front about their status, but got regularly tested to ensure that they don't catch anything. Like I said before you sound like a white republican(short sighted, ignorant, and close minded about the opinion of others especially when they're trying to give you some useful knowledge)

If you actually want to have a conversation and not include dumb opinions that you attempt pass off as fact feel free to write back. If you just want to accuse me of having STD's because I want people to be upfront about their status and get regular tested due to that increasing my chances of never catching anything then keep it moving. Start using logic before you type anything going forward.

I Honestly hope you aren't sleeping around in the first place since you absolutely lack the knowledge about STI's and the many different ways you can get them.

Thanks in advance.